"I think Feng Yixiu is a man who can be made. Since he is already a member of the crowd, he may be able to use it again in the future, let’s say I evolve Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox doesn't have to use his heart either." Hu Jiu'er pondered for a while, then said in thought.

"But he swallowed the Primal Chaos Demon beads! No one can replace the effect of his heart..." Thousand Illusion Mirage lowered his head to defend.

"Shut up! The emperor has his own plan. In this world, besides Feng Yixiu's heart, there is a heart effect that might be better!" Hu Jiuer said sternly.

Thousands of fantasy mirages meditated for a while, and exclaimed: "His Royal Highness is talking about the heart of Shura?"

"Yes, it is the heart of Shura, as long as I Integrating the heart of Shura, not only can you become the king of evil, you can not only control evil, but also can successfully evolve into Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. Isn't it one move, two gains?" Hu Jiuer said with a sneer.

In fact, she wants to kill two birds with one stone more than just killing two birds with one stone. The most important thing is to prevent Feng Yixiu from gaining the heart of Shura, so that he can only become a god. A member of the congregation.

If this is the case, then he can always stay by his side...

"His Royal Highness is really deep plans and distant thoughts, this is killing two birds with one stone The plan is perfect, but I heard that Shura's bloody battle is extremely dangerous.

"if one doesn't enter the tiger's cave, how will one catch a tiger cub, if you want to gain something, you must sacrifice, although my spiritual power is suppressed, but we beast The most powerful physical power of the clan will not be affected too much, and I am still quite sure of getting the heart of Shura." Hu Jiu'er said with full confidence.

"It seems that the subordinates have been worrying too much. His Royal Highness divine might have the world, and gaining a heart of Shura is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain." Qianhuan Mirage flattered.

"It's just that the Asura Tower registration is over now, I am afraid it will not be easy to get in now..." Hu Jiu'er said somewhat worriedly.

Thousands of fantasy mirages suggested: "These trivial things are covered by their subordinates. I dare to call the thousand fantasy mirages the second with the false and true method. No one dares to call the first. When the subordinates time comes, of course there is a way for you to enter the Asura Tower!"

"It is so good..." Hu Jiuer nodded, then said: "You go down first! I have something to do. I will do it later. I will come to find you."


Thousands of fantasy mirages immediately changed to the appearance of the body, and the body gradually became transparent, and eventually tended to disappear status.

His best skill is to create phantoms, which can change the surrounding environment and naturally also change his own color, so he can blend into everything naturally without being discovered.

This is also the reason why he got into the city of sin with no difficulty. He entered the city of sin directly through the gate. As long as he wanted to go, very few people could stop him.

Hu Jiu'er alone returned to the room, and felt relieved when he saw Feng Yixiu hadn't waked up.

She gently walked to Feng Yixiu's side, watching his long eyelashes twinkling, said with a slight smile: "Since you can't hold your heart, then I will hold it first Your people, I will be waiting for you in the Primal Chaos Demon Hall."

Feng Yixiu is now trying to get the Heart of Asura only to get rid of the shackles of the Spirit Master of Blood, but as long as he obtains the Soul of Asura. Xin, Feng Yixiu can only join the Heavenly Swordsman, when the time comes, he invites him to join the Primal Chaos Demon Hall, and he has no reason to refuse.

Hu Jiu'er looked at Feng Yixiu for a long time, then slowly moved his gaze to a sachet pinned to Feng Yixiu's waist. The pattern on it was Fei Yuhua.

Normally this sachet would be blocked by the jacket, but now it is exposed to Hu Jiu'er's sight.

"Feiyuhua? Yuer?" Hu Jiu'er immediately thought of something, said with a sneer: "This should be a gift from your sweetheart!"

while speaking, Hu Jiu'er was about to reach out to touch Feng Yixiu's waist, but the moment he touched the sachet, he felt a hot and holy force bounce him away.

"This...this is the power of Azure Dragon Sacred Pearl!" Hu Jiu'er looked at his burned palm in surprise and exclaimed.

She has always been curious that Feng Yixiu can keep her sane, even if she doesn’t kill and drink blood, she can basically keep her sane. She originally thought that his perseverance was different from ordinary people’s sake, but now it seems that it’s not that simple , I'm afraid this Azure Dragon holy pearl played a big role.

"A person actually owns Primal Chaos Demon beads and Azure Dragon holy beads, you brat really possesses great magical power..." Hu Jiuer whispered whispered.

It is hard for her to imagine that the holy orbs and magical orbs would appear in one person. It is incredible for ordinary people to have one. Feng Yixiu should have two, which is incredible!

This made her more curious about Feng Yixiu. Is Feng Yixiu really an ordinary student as he said?

Hu Jiuer looked at the scarlet jade flower on the sachet and felt more angry. Finally, enduring the pain of the palm of his hand, he took the sachet from Feng Yixiu's waist and removed it. Forcibly put it into the storage ring.

The reason why she took this sachet is that she does not want Feng Yixiu to see things and think about people. On the other hand, she also hopes that Feng Yixiu can speed up her enchantment and strive to become a real blood Spirit Master as soon as possible.

The most important point is that she does not want Feng Yixiu to really fall in love with herself now. If this is the case, she will have no reason not to eat his heart. Even if you don't do it yourself, it is hard to guarantee that a loyal subordinate such as Qianhuan Mirage will not attack Feng Yixiu and take his heart off and give it to himself.

Before she obtained the heart of Shura and successfully evolved into Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, she absolutely couldn’t let Feng Yixiu touch her sincerely, otherwise she would harm him...

Before leaving, a drop of crystal tears slowly slipped from her face, Hu Jiuer gently kissed Feng Yixiu's forehead, and said softly: "Don't blame me, I just love you too much..."

Feng Yixiu in his sleep was completely unaware of what was happening outside, but after the Azure Dragon holy pearl had left him for a certain distance, an uncontrollable chaotic Devil Qi quickly began to invade Feng Yixiu's body.

In the past, Chaotic Devil Qi did not affect his mind under the dual suppression of the Holy Light of the First Spirit King’s Holy Light and Azure Dragon Holy Pearl, but now that he has lost the Azure Dragon Holy Pearl, the First Holy The holy light left by the Spirit King has been left alone and Feng Yixiu has fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

A trace of purple demonic energy began to leak out without Feng Yixiu's control, and Feng Yixiu was about to be wrapped up. In his sleep, Feng Yixiu seemed to be trapped in the endless Sea of ​​Bitterness. , A feeling of drowning made him feel extremely suffocated.

The evil thoughts in his heart are madly impacting him. Just as he was about to be unable to hold on, a black gate appeared in front of him. It was Gates of Hell!

Feng Yixiu moved towards that door slowly like a wicked person, like a walking corpse. But the speed is very slow, Feng Yixiu's only trace of reason is suppressing his actions, and he can't enter the Gates of Hell anyway!

He would rather fall into a coma than enter the Gates of Hell. Just when he was about to faint, Gates of Hell automatically opened a small gap, and a familiar voice was heard. come out.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, come in."

Although this voice Feng Yixiu has not been heard for a long time, Feng Yixiu is I can never forget this voice, because the owner of this voice is my father!

The only trace of my own sanity was overwhelmed by this shock, and the whole person began to move towards Gates of Hell quickly, and took the initiative to push away the gates of Hell that had been dusty for a long time......


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