Feng Yixiu took the locator and received it from his storage ring. Nowadays, the technology is very advanced. This storage ring is not a rare object, and it does not need to Too high prices can be obtained.

"After a month, I will find your location according to the locator, when the time comes, let's go back to the Academy together." Jialan Ziyu explained.

"Good teacher, see you in a month." Feng Yixiu said straightly.

Jialan Ziyu nodded, and then summon out of his own Battle Spirit, and used the flying demon card, quickly submerged into the depths of the jungle, disappeared in front of everyone.

"The Jialan teacher is too cruel, he is not afraid that we will be eaten by the high level devil beast..." Han Xiao whispered whispered.

"Big Brother Han, you don't say this, the teacher naturally has her reason to do this, and we can't rely on the teacher for everything." Shen Ruyu reminded.

"Let’s stop complaining! I thought that there was a teacher’s help. We must have no problem with our materials. Now it seems that we can only rely on ourselves. This month may not be enough. Let’s Let's hurry up!" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

"Big Brother Feng said that this time we need to obtain a lot of materials, the pressure is not small! Let's search now!" Shen Ruyu echoed.

Then the three of them started a carpet search in the first quarantine area. They didn’t start looking for the traces of devil beasts. After all, this thing of devil beasts appears and disappears unpredictably. All have their own concealed means. If it weren't for showing up on their own initiative, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find their tracks at all.

If it weren't for the unknown devil beast roar from time to time everywhere, they all doubted whether there was a devil beast in this wilderness.

"I found it! This should be the 20-year magic flame flower, there is a large area!" Feng Yixiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and said joyfully.

In a very unremarkable corner on the front right of Feng Yixiu, there are scattered magic flame flowers growing on the ground. This is one of Shen Ruyu's evolution materials, and it seems that there are a lot of them. There are more than a dozen plants.

Shen Ruyu hearing this was very excited and rushed over, hurriedly took out the spiritual object picture book, compared it very carefully, and happily said: "It's really the magic flame flower, it seems we are still lucky Not bad!"

Han Xiao smiled at the shoulder of patted Feng Yixiu, laughed and said, "I don’t know how your head grows! I have never attended this theory class, what spirit flowers and I know the grasses!"

"Big Brother Feng extraordinary natural talent, Big Brother Han, you can't envy you!" Shen Ruyu carefully picked the magic flame flowers while saying with a faint smile.

"Hey...that's what I said! If you don't have a theory class, you can get a full score by self-study. I can't be envious!" Han Xiao smiled and went to help Shen Ruyu.

Feng Yixiu is just a superficial laughed, and did not explain anything, these are naturally the credit of the system, he can not only see the information of devil beast and Battle Spirit, but also the information of all spiritual objects. Seeing it, and seeing it once, can remember it, as if it was engraved in the mind.

But when the three of them were chatting and happily picking the magic flame flower, they suddenly felt a vibration under their feet.

"Wait a minute! Do you feel the vibration?" Feng Yixiu suddenly stopped and asked.

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