"dong dong dong ……"

Feng Yixiu was awakened by a rapid knock on the door, and Feng Yixiu sat up with sleepy eyes.

Feng Yixiu immediately looked towards the bed next to him when he got up. Looking at the empty bed, Feng Yixiu couldn't help looking a little lost.

How he hoped that when he got up, Hu Jiu'er had returned quietly, but it was obviously his own wishful thinking.

Feng Yixiu opened the door after finishing his mood a little, and saw the red makeup and green ants standing outside.

"Brother, aren't you still in the ring today? It's time to get up..." Hong Zhuang smiled.

Feng Yixiu realized that the agreed time was approaching, so he hurriedly washed briefly, and moved towards the agreed ring with a piece of bread in his mouth.

Sin Arena, this is the largest arena in the entire sin capital. Normally there are full seats, but today it is full of people.

Because the evil king who sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail normally came to the arena of evil, although it is not clear who the two sides of this ring battle are, it still does not affect the city of evil People's enthusiasm.

The entire sin is a circular arena, very similar to the ancient Colosseum arena, presenting a regular circle, like a huge bowl.

Before the game started, all around the audience began to discuss chirp chirp twitter twitter, which shows that they are very curious about this game.

"Do you know who the two sides of this ring battle are? You can even start the King of Sin to watch the battle!"

"hehe...I heard that one of the parties seems to be Dansha The small sword king of the empire, he is one of the eight sages of the Dansha Empire. Blade Technique is invincible!"

"No wonder, it turns out to be the Imperial Family of the Dansha Empire! No wonder the King of Evil! I have to give three portions of thin noodles, but who is the other party?"

"This is not quite clear. I heard that he is a newcomer who has just come to the capital of sin, but he is obviously not affected by sin. Wang is optimistic. I heard that the rules of the game only allow the use of demonic weapon. This is obviously in favor of the knife king!"

"Ah? What's the point of this game? A rookie dare to compete with the knife king! Blade Technique? Isn't this courting death?"


Everyone talked with each other, and almost no one was optimistic about a newcomer.

A great contrast to the audience is the VIP seat. The highest position in the VIP seat is naturally the King of Sin, and below him is the Marquis of Blood.

Qiangwei stood beside the King of Sin with indifferent expression, and the knife king also stood behind the Marquis of Blood with a relaxed expression, and did not seem to take this game seriously.

The King of Sin glanced at the clock, frowned: "This kid is so big that so many of us wait for him."

The King of Swords echoed: " I think he is scared. I guess he is now trying to figure out how to escape..."

The King of Sin is still looking indifferent with his eyes closed, and he doesn't seem to care much about their remarks.

Qiangwei is browsing tightly knit, coldly said: "Isn't this time yet? What are you in a hurry?"

"We are not in a hurry, anyway, it's just me moving Regarding the finger, the moment he arrived is one more time to live, and I can understand it." The Sword Sovereign said with an arrogant expression on his face holding his Onizuka Sword.

"hmph...I hope your Blade Technique is as powerful as you brag." Qiang Wei said with a sneer.

The King of Sin heard Qiangwei talking to Feng Yixiu many times, browsing slightly wrinkle, and finally opened his eyes, staring at Qiangwei with cold eyes.

Qianwei immediately lowered her head, not daring to speak more, but her eyes still looked sharply at the Marquis of Blood and the Emperor of Knife.

"The King of Sin, I heard that the rules of the Guilty Arena are Life and Death Battle! Now that we have come to the precious treasure, I think we must follow the rules of the Sin City!" Blood Marquis said with a slight smile.

The rules of the Guilty Arena are indeed like this. There is no victory or defeat here. Some only have life and death. Only those who survive are worthy of victory.

"Oh? Then according to what you mean, this ring battle will be changed to Life and Death Battle?" The King of Sin smiled slightly and asked with interest.

"hehe...do whatever you like!" The Blood Marquis grinned and laughed, then slowly got up and whispered in the ears of the evil king: "If the evil king agrees, I can make the Dansha Empire and the evil Add 5-Layer to the transaction of the capital!"

The King of Sin is nodded, indifferently said: "Since the Marquis of Blood is so sincere, it's up to you!"

"many Thanks, the King of Sin!" The Blood Marquis gave a scheming smile.

In the future, if his eldest son has more of Shura's heart and succeeds in inheriting the throne of the King of Sin, he still has the final say in this city of sin. No matter how much he promised, he would just enter his own pocket, and he would definitely not lose.

In fact, he still has a little concern. Scarlet Rose is the second battle strength of the City of Sin. He still has some scruples about her, but in the Life and Death Battle on the ring, even if she wants to stop In the presence of the King of Sin, she was helpless.

Although the Marquis of Blood does not know why Scarlet Rose maintains Feng Yixiu in this way, killing Feng Yixiu in the ring will not only save the worry, but also avenge his little son!

Feng Yixiu must fall here today!

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