"hmph...you're lucky this time, but you won't have such good luck next time!" The Marquis of Blood and Feng Yixiu passed by, and said inwardly.


Cheng Xiaotian suddenly jumped out and yelled, scared the Marquis of Blood and ran away scramblingly, completely disregarding his image of the Imperial Family NS.

"hahaha...Look at this old man, he's so embarrassed, but also the noble Imperial Family, I bah!" Cheng Xiaotian said with a big smile, clutching his stomach.

Feng Yixiu said very politely: "Many thanks, everyone helps."

Cheng Xiaotian walked up to the shoulder of patted Feng Yixiu, frowned: "Brother, you said that you are so out of the ordinary. I’m not happy if you do! Now you are not only one of the Law Enforcers, but you may also become the king of evil in the future. If you develop in the future, don’t forget me, brother..."

"Yes, yes Ah... The King of Sin values ​​you so much, maybe you will become the King of the City of Sin, when the time comes, don't forget us." The other Law Enforcers agreed with a smile.

Strength is respected in the city of sin. The strength that Feng Yixiu has just shown has convinced everyone, and the previous prejudices have completely disappeared.

Qianwei suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Tomorrow the Asura Tower will be open, you prepare for it today, I hope you can create miracles."

Feng Yixiu said with some doubts: "Have you all entered the Asura Tower? Didn't anyone succeed in seizing the Asura Heart?"

"The Asura Tower is not as simple as you think. Different from the courage and perseverance of ordinary people, I just gave up after entering the 99th floor of the Asura Tower..." Qiangwei said seriously.

"Since we have reached 99 Layers, why not just take 100 layers to capture the heart of Shura?" Feng Yixiu didn't understand.

"This is not clear for a while now. When the time comes, you will understand it after you enter. There is an absolutely dark world. You just have to remember one thing and never trust anyone. Even your brothers and sisters can't completely believe it." Qiang Wei reminded with a serious face.

"Brothers and sisters can't believe it, who else can I believe?" Feng Yixiu couldn't help but browse frowned.

"You can only believe in yourself, because that is a world that eats people without spitting out bones, and everyone's humanity will continue to be wiped out over time." Qiangwei said seriously.

"Thank you for your reminder, I remember..." Feng Yixiu nodded, the two said as they walked out of the crime arena.

Along the way, Qiangwei told Feng Yixiu about her experience of entering the Asura Tower. Although a long time has passed, she still has a fresh memory, and she will be awakened by countless dreams...

The Castle of the Blood Marquis.

"Father, you are finally back, how is it? Is Feng Yixiu that kid died miserably?" When the Blood Young Master saw the Marquis of Blood came back, he immediately greeted him with excitement.

Blood Marquis's complexion is low, and looking at the bloody Young Master's smiling face is even more angry.

If it weren't for this kid to make trouble outside, eldest son would not provoke Feng Yixiu, let alone life and death battle!

It can be said that Xue Ran's death is directly related to the burning of his younger son.

"Father, why did you come back alone, why didn't the big brother come back with you?" Bloodburn looked at father's back and found no one to follow, he asked with some confusion.


When the blood marquis heard the youngest son mentioned eldest son, he finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and slapped the blood-burning face with a violent slap.

The heavy force directly burned the blood to fly away, and all of a sudden, I felt a fiery pain on my face, and a trace of red blood overflowed from the corner of my mouth.

"Father, why are you hitting me again..." The blood burned and touched his hot face with a grievance, and said in a trembled voice.

"Your big brother... is dead..." The Marquis of Blood said with a solemn expression.

Bloodburned eyes widened round, and exclaimed: "Big brother...dead?"

"He was killed by Feng Yixiu and cut in the waist...die Without a whole corpse !" The Marquis of Blood clenched his fists, his eyes widened with anger.

"Big brother...failed?" The blood burned shook the head, with a crazy look: "Impossible...it must be Feng Yixiu who cheated, it must be like this!"


Blood Marquis shook the head, indifferently said: "Feng Yixiu is brilliant in swordsmanship, I have only seen in my life, your big brother is inferior to humans."

"You didn't mean this kid in swordsmanship. Don't know anything about it? How could it be possible to win the big brother, absolutely impossible." Bloody shook his head desperately.

"The depth of this kid's city is terrifying, even the king of evil can't see it, how can I see it?" Blood Marquis frowned.

Bloodburn knelt and crawled to the feet of the Marquis of Blood, crying: "father, the big brother died to avenge me, I must avenge the big brother!"

The Marquis of Blood chuckled slightly, and said separately: "It's not just the Lord of Sin who is standing by him now, even if all the Law Enforcers are also standing by him, what can we do with him?"

"Although we can't help him now, it doesn't mean we can't help him forever!" After a moment of bloody contemplation, said solemnly.

The Marquis of Blood burned the blood kneeling at his feet to help him up, and said softly: "You mean to wait for him to settle accounts after he leaves the capital of sin?"

"Yes, although we can't help him in the capital of sin, but in the capital of sin, we kill him like an ant!" The blood burned fiercely.

"This is true, but if this kid really gains the heart of Shura and becomes the king of the sin capital, I guess we can't help him..." The Marquis of Blood said with a solemn expression. .

Bloodburn dragged his chin to ponder for a long time, and suddenly said: "Father, then we will let him not come out of the Asura Tower! Within the Asura Tower, the Lord of Sin and Law Enforcer can't protect him! "

hearing this, the blood marquis eyes shined, said with a slight smile: "This is a good idea. As far as I know, most of the people who participated in the Shura Blood War are from our Dansha Empire. , As long as we issue the demon killing order, this kid will definitely die!"

The so-called demon killing order means that the Imperial Family of the Dansha Empire has special rights. As long as we kill the wanted person in the demon killing order, Regardless of the status of the killer, he will be given a great reward!

This is a fatal temptation for every extrajudicial fanatic of the Dansha Empire. After all, no one wants to live in fear and lick blood every day.

However, the Demon Slaying Order can not be issued indiscriminately. Only the Imperial Family of the Dansha Empire has the opportunity to release it. The emperor can issue the Demon Slaying Order unconditionally.

Baron and Viscount do not have such privileges. Only titles above count have this privilege, and the higher the level, the more times they can be used.

Count can only be used once in a lifetime, while the Marquis can use it twice, the Duke can use it three times, and the Prince can only use it ten times!

The Blood Marquis has used the Demon Slaying Order once before, so there is only one chance to use the Demon Slaying Order for the last time.

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