Feng Yixiu watched the disappearance of one by one of the people around him, and seemed to be teleported to the Tower of Shura by a mysterious force.

After a while, Feng Yixiu only felt the darkness before his eyes, and the whole person disappeared in place.

However, in a dark corner within a certain range of blood light, a bloody corpse stood quietly beside two people.

"His Royal Highness, why did you choose such an ugly person to be transformed?" Thousand Fantasy Mirage glanced at the corpse, showing a very disgusting expression.

Thousands of fantasy mirages have an unparalleled ability to transform, he can make Hu Jiu'er into any appearance, this kind of change is not only a change in appearance, but a complete copy of a person, of course It also includes the seal of Shura.

However, at the prerequisite, this person no longer exists, and Hu Jiu'er may completely replace him and use her identity to enter the Asura Tower.

The person Hu Jiuer chose was an extremely ugly-looking person with terrifying scars on his face, which was very penetrating.

Hu Jiuer frowned: "If this is not the case, I am afraid I will not fool Feng Yixiu. Only in this way can I truly hide my identity."

Only choose one and my original identity. The safest choice is the person whose appearance is different as heaven and earth.

"But this is too wrong for you..." Thousand Fantasy Mirage said distressedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, the blood light will dissipate if you don't do it!" Hu Jiu'er looked at the increasingly bleak blood moon brilliance, frowned.

Even if the Thousand Fantasy Mirage started to help Hu Jiu'er transform his appearance, in just a short while, Hu Jiu'er became an extremely ugly woman from a majestic posture.

Her seal of Shura is carved on the arm of the right hand. When the seal of Shura is completely formed, a bloody rays of light will be emitted from the whole body of Hu Jiu'er, which disappears in a moment. In place.


The bloody brilliance finally disappeared completely, and all the applicants around the Asura Tower were transferred to the First Layer of Asura Tower.

The King of Sin slowly landed from the air, said solemnly: "I hope I will not be disappointed this time..."

Qiang Wei said with a smile: "This time applicants The quality is the best one, and there must be someone who can successfully win the heart of Shura!"

Nodded, approved by the king of evil, suddenly asked: "You really hope Feng Yixiu can successfully win the heart of Shura, right? "

"Doesn't the king want him to get the heart of Shura?" Qiangwei asked with some doubts.

"The relationship between Feng Yixiu and Hua Xia Country is not simple. It would be a good thing if he can become the king of the Asura Capital, but..." The Evil Capital suddenly hesitated for a moment.

"But what?" Qiangwei said nervously.

"This time the Shura blood battle is much crueler than I thought...Feng Yixiu has been offered a reward by the Demon Slayer Order, and it is estimated that he will become a public enemy of the whole people!" The King of Sin said with a serious face.

hearing this, Qiangwei also looks nervous, and she also knows what situation Feng Yixiu will face.

All outsiders in the Asura Tower can’t interfere. Even if she wants to help, she has no choice but to pray that Feng Yixiu will be lucky.


I don't know how long it took before Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes.

The line of sight has not been completely restored, I can only see that all around is a scarlet, and even the sky is blood red.

The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood, like the roar of a devil beast hiding all around, Feng Yixiu immediately became nervous all over.

Feng Yixiu just wanted to move his body, but found that his body was imprisoned by a bloody Formation, completely impossible to move even a little bit.

I immediately looked up at all around and found that everyone was surrounded by a bloody imprisonment. There was no way to move freely, even speaking.

For five minutes, Feng Yixiu watched more and more people being transmitted in from around him, and hundreds of thousands were transmitted to the First Layer of the Asura Tower.

Feng Yixiu is not idle either, and immediately observes the terrain and environment here. As expected, the Asura Tower has a universe inside, and it doesn't look huge on the outside, but the scope inside is surprisingly large, at least at first glance, there is no end in sight.

Here is like a primitive forest full of dangers. A dazzling blood moon hangs in the sky, and the earth shines more clearly even at night.

all around In the darkness where you can't see your head, there are all kinds of weird eyes flashing with rays of light, like huge lanterns.

Thinking of hearing the roar of the devil beast, Feng Yixiu knew that these huge lanterns were the fierce light from the eyes of the giant Great Demon beasts!

They seem to be afraid of some special existence and dare not approach, but Feng Yixiu has no doubt about their danger.

It seems that within the Asura Tower is not only the competition between people, but also the huge pressure brought by the devil beast.

Five minutes later, the blood-colored Transmission Array completely disappeared, and a strange laughter continued to echo throughout the entire Asura Tower.

"Welcome to the road of Shura, I am your guide, I will explain to you the rules of this Shura blood battle."

Suddenly, a mass of red liquid It quickly began to condense into a group, forming the appearance of a huge skull. The words just now came from the mouth of this skull.

Feng Yixiu looked at the weird skull with solemn expression, and did not dare to miss any important information.

Because the rules here are crucial to whether you can survive, not only do you have to survive safely, you also need to get the final heart of Shura.

"This Shura blood battle adopts the death elimination system! Each layer will fix the death of 1,000 people. When every 1,000 people die, all the remaining people can be promoted to the next level of the Asura Tower. "The bloody skull's voice is constantly echoing.

"If everyone hides? If no one has died, wouldn't they have been doing it all the time?" an uncle with eyes asked.

"jié jié jié... If you are all hidden, then the final elimination system must be implemented. Everyone will have a blood spot at the beginning. Killing others will take all the blood spots. The maximum time that the first floor can last is two days. If the number of deaths is not enough after two days, all blood spots that are ranked at the bottom will be directly obliterated!"

The cold laughter of the Scarlet Skull It made everyone shudder, and some people sweated nervously before the game started.

Feng Yixiu kept all the rules firmly in the heart and began to analyze them in detail.

This rule is simply forcing people to kill. If you don't kill and avoid them, you may be obliterated by unfathomable mystery!

So if you want to advance by relying on stubbornness, it is almost impossible to accomplish. Only having enough blood points and keeping one's own survival is the top priority.

It is worthy of a bloody battle of Shura. These rules have completely aroused the desire to kill in people's hearts. Before the game started, Feng Yixiu felt the murderous aura all around.

There are only two results of killing and being killed. If you want to stand here, you must have sufficient deterrence.

Feeling the unkind gazes around, Feng Yixiu is ready to kill the chicken to warn the monkey. If anyone doesn’t open their eyes, he doesn’t mind sending them to see Hades.

The Scarlet Skull opened the mouth and said: "At the 99th floor of the Asura Tower, there will be 1,000 people left, and 900 people will be eliminated at that time, and the remaining 100 people can freely choose whether to enter or not. The 100th layer captures the heart of Shura. Anyone who passes 99 Layers will become the Thousand-man Commander of the City of Sin. He will be worshipped by the City of Sin for life, admired by thousands of people, and have the opportunity to become a Law Enforcer. "

tone barely fell, many people have a green light in their eyes, some people are dismissive in their eyes, and some people are showing longing gazes.

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