Because the limit range of the formidable power of the sword just now is about 500 meters, as long as this distance is maintained, there will not be much danger.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but sneered when he saw this, and then sat down cross-legged, but the right hand was always placed on the hilt of the Primal Chaos Demon sword, always guarding against sudden attacks.

However, peace only lasted for half an hour. As time passed bit by bit, everyone became a little anxious.

The first to start the killing is still the Flower of Evil and the members of the Seven Deadly Sins. They must have come prepared this time, and both have a squad of nearly a hundred people.

Although the number of this team is incomparable with the number of Hades Gates, they are still some powerful elites, each of which is a powerhouse.

Feng Yixiu has been observing the power distribution of these people. The leader of the gate of the underworld should be the black-skinned man with a strong build. This person is very low-key or rather cautious.

When he attacked Feng Yixiu for the first time, he did not make a move, but he was always observing his every move, like a poisonous snake that is good at lurking, as long as Feng Yixiu is a little slack , Will rush up to kill himself with one blow.

Feng Yixiu listened very carefully to what the members of the gate of Hades called him. It seems to be called "Black Mamba", which is obviously not his real name, but it can explain something.

The name may be wrong, but the nickname will never be. The black mamba is one of the most ferocious poisonous snakes. It is known for its toxicity and speed. This man is also expected to have corresponding characteristics.

Feng Yixiu is most surprised by Eric's Seven Deadly Sins team. Their killing methods are extremely fierce and their killing speed is also the fastest.

But after killing people, there will be a team wearing a priest's uniform, holding a thick black book in one hand, and mutter incantations in one mouth, which is very contrary to the temperament of this Shura blood battle.

There is a white dove on their shoulders, quietly standing on the shoulders of these priests, releasing a holy brilliance.

However, the careful Feng Yixiu discovered that these priests seem to supersede these dead souls, but they are actually extracting the Soul Power of these people, and then transforming it into spiritual power, which continuously restores the warrior fighting ahead. spiritual power and injury.

Feng Yixiu is most ashamed of the way the Evil Flower team did. They did not choose to kill at this time, but chose to cut off the weak ones, and then put them in the ready In the coffin.

At first, Feng Yixiu didn't understand what their purpose was, but after thinking about it for a while, they understood why they did it.

Maybe they are paving the way for the future. They want to store these people as blood spots and kill them when they are needed.

Because at the 99th floor, it will be the biggest test. At that time, a hundred people will be left to enter the 100th floor of the Asura Tower to capture the heart of Asura.

Under normal circumstances, this 99th floor will be the cruelest blood fight, but if these people are left to the 99th floor and killed together, it will be avoided. Blood fight, 100% enter the 100th floor of Asura Tower.

In this case, their ranking on the blood point list will not be too high, on the contrary, they will not attract the attention of powerhouse, which invisibly reduces their risk of being besieged.

Feng Yixiu frowned as he looked at the black coffin dripping with blood. This inhuman method is too cruel...

I thought that these people would be stored in the coffin of all black, no daylight for several months, and because of the Asura Tower’s Repair wit, even if they want to die, it is not so easy.

What kind of despair would it be...

But when I was only halfway away from a thousand people, I only heard a loud sound.

Following the blood moon in the sky, the dazzling brilliance was once again released, and the bloody array confined everyone again.

All the people present at the scene all have exactly the same expression at a time, that is, a face of confusion and confusion.

At this time, they noticed that there was a huge pothole on the periphery of the battlefield. The power of the pothole was scorched, except for one woman standing in the most central position with a cold expression.

This woman has a very ugly appearance, and her hair is like a ball of withered grass, like a ghost climbing up from hell.

However, the nine orbs hovering continuously behind him are exquisite and unusual, and each of them exudes a dazzling brilliance.

This is the Life Source demonic weapon of Nine-Tailed Monster Fox. The name is "Nine-Tailed Spirit Bead". The formidable power is very scary.

Although the spiritual power of the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox is suppressed here, the strength of the fleshy body and the power of the demonic weapon are not suppressed.

Everyone looked at this ghost-like woman with horror, and couldn't help feeling fear in their hearts.

The two Captains of the Flower of Evil and the Seven Deadly Sins also browse tightly knit. Originally thought Feng Yixiu was outrageous enough, didn't expect there is a more outrageous existence here.

The Scarlet Skull appeared again, opening the mouth and said: "Congratulations, A Chou, for breaking the records of the Second Layer and Third Layer of the Asura Tower. Later everyone will collectively go to the Fourth Layer of the Asura Tower!"


As soon as this statement came out, everyone didn't know what happened, and they went straight past the Third Layer Asura Tower and directly entered the Fourth Layer Asura Tower!

Until the blood spot list reappeared everyone's sight, everyone knew what had happened.

At this time, Ranked 1st is no longer Feng Yixiu, but a woman named A Chou, and his blood spot has reached a terrifying 2082 points!

Of course, she is the well-deserved first place, and Feng Yixiu is the second place, but the third place is no longer the butterfly of the flower of evil, but Eric of the seven deadly sins.

The third place is "Black Mamba", the leader of the gate of Hades, and his real name is Amanda.

Now everyone has a big question mark in their hearts, where is this ugly woman sacred!

He doesn't seem to have any organization or team. He has such a terrifying battle strength just by fighting alone.

At this moment, everyone has two huge stones in their hearts, one is Feng Yixiu, and the other bigger is this mysterious woman named A Chou.


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