"Boom boom boom..."

Every step you take, the whole earth will vibrate slightly.

If you look at it from a distance, you may see a strange picture of a big mountain undulating up and down, because Feng Yixiu is too small for this big mountain.

Feng Yixiu succeeded in shouldering this slightly smaller mountain for the first time, and said with excitement: "It seems that it is not as difficult as I thought..."

Feng Qianjue nodded with a smile, and then solemnly said: "Remember not to let go in the middle, otherwise there will be no chance to challenge Hei Yaoxing."

"Okay...no problem!" Feng Yixiu is full of confidence.

As time goes by, Feng Yixiu's forward speed becomes slower and slower. He could take a step in the first ten seconds, but after two hours, one minute can take a step. It is quite difficult.

Feng Yixiu's clothes have been soaked in sweat, and blood blisters have formed on his feet, but he still did not choose to give up, but moved towards the goal step by step.

If the last meteorite sword practice was a breakthrough between life and death, then this trip to the mountain is a process of competing with myself. During this period, Feng Yixiu not only thought of giving up once, but when he thought of the look that Shen Ruyu was looking forward to, and the smiling faces of Han Xiao and the end of Eastern Summer and the others, he once again took a breakthrough step.

After three days and nights, Feng Yixiu finally came to the lake and put down the mountains behind him steadily.

Feng Yixiu looked at the mountain that he had carried on his back, and a strong sense of accomplishment emerged in his heart. Although he did not feel it during this period, his strength was already a breakthrough again. Steps.

After a short break, Feng Yixiu couldn't wait to come to Heiyao Meteorite in spite of the intense aches and pains all over his body, with strong confidence in his eyes.

" Zhangang Style·Broken Extreme!"

Feng Yixiu held the sword in both hands, and the muscles on his arms bulged instantly, but it was obviously not as terrifying as Feng Qianjue.

He exhausted all the power in his body, and a simple but powerful sword slashed on the Hei Yao meteorite.


The huge rebound force ejected Feng Yixiu to a distance of more than ten meters, and the whole person sat on the ground.

He only felt that his entire arm was completely numb, but he could only vaguely see an unremarkable sword mark on the Hei Yao meteorite.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu was like a bolt from the blue, with disappointment written in his eyes, and the fighting spirit in his eyes completely lost their brilliance.

"Damn it! I have been so desperate, why didn't I succeed!"

Feng Yixiu only feels that all his hard work in the past three days and three nights has been wasted, and his heart has changed. I got a little frustrated.

The fire in my heart went out, the muscle aches accumulated over the past three days, and the severe pain of the feet that had been worn out came all the way.

"Do you only have this ability? If you give up like this, you should go out as soon as possible!"

Just when Feng Yixiu wanted to give up, Feng Qianjue suddenly Appeared beside Feng Yixiu, looking at Feng Yixiu with disappointment.

Feng Yixiu slowly lifts the head, looking at father’s disappointed eyes, lowered his head again, and said in a low voice: "Father, this is too difficult, I can’t do it..."

"Child, you have to remember that your greatest enemy is not the black star in front of you, but yourself! No one in this world can stop you from moving forward, except yourself!" Feng Qianjue Feng Yixiu helped him up from the ground and helped him patted the dust behind him.

"Can I really do it?" Feng Yixiu looked at father's sincere eyes, cowardly.

"If it were you before, you wouldn’t be able to leave a sword mark on Hei Yaoxing, but haven’t you done it now?" Feng Qianjue looked at that with a solemn expression. Sword marks, said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu stared blankly at the sword mark. He tried it once before, but he failed to even leave the sword mark, but now he left a sword mark. Hasn't it been improved!

As long as you stick to it, the sword mark will deepen little by little until you can completely cut the entire Hei Yaoxing into two parts.

Feng Yixiu's eyes rekindled the fire of hope, and moved towards father said: "Many thanks to the teachings of father, I will never let you down again!"

"Since Figured it out, then continue to move the mountain..." Feng Qianjue moved towards Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indicating that he can leave.

But when Feng Yixiu turned around, he reminded: "Remember that the Time Flow Speed ​​here is one-tenth of the outside. You have to calculate the time yourself. When you enter the next floor, don’t forget to go out in advance."

Feng Yixiu nodded said: "Many thanks father, remind me, if it weren’t for you, I would have forgotten that I was still in the demonic weapon space. ."

The whole-hearted training during this period made him forget his own situation. He still has to pay attention to the point where Shura blood battle enters the next level.

Fortunately, the speed of the entire Shura blood battle has slowed down. The amazing strengths of Feng Yixiu and A Chou before have made everyone feel like a snake.

At this time, the alliance between the Gate of Hades and the Seven Deadly Sins and the Flower of Evil makes all unorganized people even more afraid. Almost everyone has adopted a strategy of hiding themselves, unless they have absolute certainty, they will never reveal their whereabouts.

Except for the first few floors of the Asura Tower, there has never been a situation of entering the next level in advance, but most of them are eliminated from the last.

Feng Yixiu has more than 800 points of blood. It can be said that there is no risk of elimination for a long time, so he puts all his energy on training.

Feng Yixiu will wake up in advance before entering a new Asura Tower layer, and then find a hidden place to re-enter the demonic weapon space.

The three alliances still spare no effort to find the traces of Feng Yixiu, but Feng Yixiu's appearance has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, let alone them, even Shen Ruyu and Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao couldn't recognize Feng Yixiu's current appearance in a short time, let alone find it.

As time goes on, they all relax. As the pressure on Asura Tower is increasing, they also start to work hard for the smooth promotion in the future.

Although this temporary alliance still exists in name, it has already had its own ghosts, and each evil organization has once again returned to the situation of fighting on its own.


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