Under the entire land of the Flower of Evil, thousands of black coffins were buried. Each black coffin contained a living person whose limbs had been severed. It was basically a small black coffin. There are ten living people in the coffin.

They huddled together in a small space, some of them have become completely deformed, wriggling slowly like maggots.

Fortunately, the pictures that Feng Yixiu sees by Thunder and lightning are all colorless, otherwise he is really afraid that he will vomit on the spot.

Some of the severed limbs in these black coffins are begging bitterly, and they use their only movable necks to drive their heads to knock on the coffin in an attempt to end their lives.

Others are frantically gnawing on the flesh and blood of other people, trying to prolong their lives, which is simply a scene of hell.

Feng Yixiu also observed that every black coffin is entangled with dense roots. The gas-like resentment and Spiritual Qi are all sucked by these tree roots, and these tree roots are blood. Part of the cherry tree.

I am afraid that Feng Yixiu never thought that under the blood cherry tree with such a beautiful appearance, it turned out to be such a hellish scene. Seeing this, Feng Yixiu could not help but clenched his fist tightly.

"Little demon, send me down!" Feng Yixiu said with a heavy face.

The flower of thorns broke the ground again, and Feng Yixiu endured the risk of hypoxia and went further down one hundred meters.

The closer this is to the black coffins, the clearer the screams and wailing sounds. Even Feng Yixiu is accustomed to killings and cannot help being heart trembled.

If there is hell in this world, I’m afraid it’s only this...

The land here is almost dyed into scarlet by the rich blood, all around is painful His wailing sound kept circling in his ears.

Feng Yixiu slowly approached a black coffin, and finally heard a clear voice.

"Please, let me die..."

"It hurts...I really hurt..."

"dong dong dong......"

There are many sounds of hitting the black coffin with their heads everywhere, as well as these many wailing sounds of death.

They seem to be aware of Feng Yixiu's arrival, and they seem to have become more excited than they were just now, and their percussion sounds are getting louder and louder.

Feng Yixiu was silent for a moment, and then approached one of the black coffins, coldly said: "How can I help you?"

"Young Master, you can take all the blood cherry The roots of the tree are cut off, and we will die as we wish."

A very soft female voice came, sounding very weak, as if suffering from inhuman pain.

"Die as you wish... Death has become an extravagant hope, how ironic..." Feng Yixiu shook the head helplessly, and then asked: "Your voice does not sound like a blood Spirit Master, you Why did you come to the Asura Tower?"

The woman's voice sounded very young, and the spiritual power fluctuation was not like a blood Spirit Master. It was difficult for him to associate it with a heinous person.

"The concubine is indeed not a blood Spirit Master, but my master is a blood Spirit Master. In order to gain an advantage in the Asura Tower, he asked three slaves to sign up for the Asura Blood Battle. We regarded it as a blood spot at our fingertips, but we didn't expect to be caught in advance by the members of the Flower of Evil..." A weak voice came from the black coffin.

"Then I will save you now..." Feng Yixiu prepared to split the black coffin with a sword.

"Young Master, please slow down!"

However, a woman’s voice came from inside the clarinet and continued: "It’s useless...our life force has been exhausted, if It’s not that the blood cherry tree is sustaining our lives. We may have died long ago. Even if you save me, I will instantly become a corpse."

hearing this, Feng Yixiu slowly put down his hands. Primal Chaos Demon sword, frowned: "Then you can only die?"

"I implore the Young Master to show mercy and grant us a death!"

The sound of knocking on the wooden board seems to be moving towards Feng Yixiu and kowtow.

A stone caused a thousand waves of waves, and then almost all the black coffins began to violently strike the black coffin, and the words spoken in the mouth were exactly similar.

"Well...I promise you."

After a moment of silence, Feng Yixiu began to swing his sword at the roots of the blood cherry tree, slashing the black coffin completely. Off.

After the blood cherry tree lost its nutrients, it began to slowly lose its brilliance and gradually became withered, but the speed was not fast, and it might not completely wither for a while.

There were thousands of black coffins, Feng Yixiu went to the ground far away from the Flower of Evil Camp to change his breath twice before they were completely finished.

Lost the shackles of the blood cherry tree, the people in the black coffin gradually lost their life force, and the wailing gradually subsided.

There are probably more than 10,000 people in these thousands of black coffins, that is, more than 10,000 blood spots. It can be seen that Qidie has been running for the first place.

The resentment and blood surrounding the crazy smokers of Primal Chaos Demon sword, Feng Yixiu's spiritual power is also growing at an unimaginable speed.

These people who have been tortured for several months have produced resentment power, which is the best nutrient of the Primal Chaos Demon sword. It is even more terrifying than the improvement brought by blood!

Feng Yixiu now somewhat understands why the flower of evil does this. It seems that it is not only to hide its strength, but also to absorb these resentments to cultivate the blood cherry tree.

The violent resentment and blood-crazy baptism with the Primal Chaos Demon sword, this resentment power should be the most difficult to absorb, but what Feng Yixiu absorbs is very simple.

Even these wraiths are actively moving towards Feng Yixiu, willing to be absorbed by Feng Yixiu, because for them, Feng Yixiu can be said to have saved them and ended their boundless pain.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, and a dazzling blood light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a blood-colored area slowly spread with Feng Yixiu as the center.

There are countless wraiths wailing in the entire Scarlet Realm, as if they are in the Nine Nether Hell's eerie and terrifying.

Behind Feng Yixiu appeared a pale red illusory shadow, which was very similar to the cultivation illusion behind the evil king.

But if you look closely, you can see that the scarlet phantom behind Feng Yixiu seems to have a faint Purple Qi surround...

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