Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said with a big smile: "This is never before. I think it is difficult for others to imitate..."

"Actually, I died a long time ago. It's just that my ability allows me to live as a dead person, so what stands in front of you is actually just a mummy." Anubis explained.

"Mummy? But I don't think you are different from living creatures..." A Chou asked with some doubts.

"That's because I have absorbed the breath of life from a living person, so that I can keep my body from decay." Anubis said.

"Do you use Death Domain to absorb the breath of life from others?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

Anubis nodded said: "Yes...this is my Innate Ability and the reason why I am called Death God, but you must not think that I have a god in my title. The words gave me a myth. It was just the ignorance of an ordinary person. In fact, I am far from being as strong as you think."

Feng Yixiu brows lightly raise, he found that the more powerful, the more powerful. Humility, perhaps the world they have seen at that level of existence is far from what he can imagine.

"Senior, don't be humble. If you are so humble, how can we younger generations live..." Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

Anubis smiled and shook the head, indifferently said: "In addition to my ability to obtain the curse of immortality, it is still a lot worse to fight against the powerhouse of the same level. Yes , for example, the two of your Huaxia."

"Immortality is such a good thing, you let him curse it? And what you said, our Huaxia also has such a powerful existence as you?" Feng Yixiu is even more confused.

"You don't understand...Actually, I am very longing for death. If it weren't for an unfinished mission, how could I live in this world." Anubis slowly said As he walked forward, he said: "Also, don't make a mistake. You Huaxia have always been the strongest existence in the ancient times. If it weren't for your Huaxia savior, I am afraid that the current world will be even more unbearable..."

hearing this, Feng Yixiu also fell into contemplation. Perhaps death is the unique belief of the Dansha Empire, which he does not understand and does not want to understand.

They may think that death is the real way to detachment, so their concept of death is so weak that they have a yearning for death...

But those They are all beliefs that existed in the ancient times. The gate of the underworld is no longer what it used to be, so this belief is almost lost.

As for Anubis Huaxia has always been the strongest existence, Feng Yixiu also silently remembered it in his heart. It seems that the original Saint Spirit King not only swept the snow, but also rescued the suffering in many places in the world.

Unfortunately, it is not as strong as it was in the Desolate Ancient Period. Nowadays, even a Saint Spirit King has never appeared in China throughout the entire China. Compared with the Desolate Ancient Period, it can be said to be as different as heaven and earth.

"Here...This is the passage to the 100th floor. When you are ready, go in."

Anubis pointed to a black one in front of him. Formation, this black Formation is like a bottomless pit, and the suffocating black demonic energy is constantly overflowing.

Feng Yixiu looked at the black hole-like Formation, and couldn't help becoming a little nervous. Feeling this horrible demonic energy that I had never felt before, the palms of his hands were involuntarily sweating.

"senior... won't you go in with me?" Feng Yixiu said nervously.

"I'm just a guide, I can only guide you here, and the only way you can go after that, I wish you good luck!"

Stop talking, Anu Biss was wrapped in a cloud of death, and when the death was gone, he was completely gone.

In the face of such a powerful demonic energy, A Chou also gave birth to a trace of fear and concern, and the body moved towards Feng Yixiu involuntarily leaned against.

"Don't be afraid...Stand behind me, I will protect you." Even if Feng Yixiu is afraid, he can only be brave next to a woman.

I finally stepped out of the 1st Step, as if stepping into a puddle of mud. The smelly and dark demonic energy was like clay, which made Feng Yixiu feel very uncomfortable.

There is not a trace of light in this passage leading to the 100th floor of Asura Tower, and Feng Yixiu can only discredit forward. I don't know if A Chou was scared or deliberately, his body was close to Feng Yixiu. Feeling the softness beside him, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but flushed.

Fortunately, it is completely dark here, otherwise it would definitely be another mockery if Ah Chou saw it.

I don’t know how long it took, Feng Yixiu finally saw a bright light, "A Chou girl, we are finally here!"

A Chou was also a little excited, and quickly Drag Feng Yixiu all the way and ran over.

"You slow down..."

I have to say that Ah Chou's power is terrifying, and even I can't bear such a violent drag.

As soon as I stepped out of the darkness, I felt a little soreness in my eyes, and then the world around me gradually became clear.

At this time, a pyramid made of gold comes into view. The mini pyramid made of gold exudes a dazzling golden light, exuding a holy and soft power.

However, Feng Yixiu felt the other Evil Power contained in this mini-pyramid, and was constantly fighting against this holy and dazzling golden light.

A Chou was attracted to the past by all around the ancient murals, which are very old and mysterious murals.

These murals are carved on the walls all around with a very rough technique, but they are very vivid. Feng Yixiu was attracted by just a glance.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, just one glance seems to be halfway in. What is portrayed here seems to be the scene of war in the ancient times.

The whole scene is very chaotic, but the ten peculiar-looking devil beasts that most attract Feng Yixiu's attention, each of them has the terrifying power of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

"Ten Great Hell Demon King..." A Chou suddenly read a series of words.

Feng Yixiu immediately walked over. The strange thing is that these characters were not written by the Dansha Empire, but by the Chinese characters.

"Yaksha King, King Wuguan, King Dushi, King Pingdeng, King Taishan..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but read these words.

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