" Pulling the sword, cutting the air!"

Feng Yixiu made a decisive decision, and a large-scale full moon sword qi spread instantly, spreading all the mummies around. They are cut off.

"Huh...Fortunately, the defensive power of these mummies is not strong, otherwise it would be really troublesome..." Feng Yixiu slowly retracted his sword, somewhat thankful.

This is just one of the thousands of tombs in the pyramid, guarded by hundreds of mummified soldiers.

If all the mummies are resurrected, Feng Yixiu, no matter how strong it is, will die because of the exhaustion of spiritual power and be consumed alive...

When the time comes, I am afraid it will become this One of thousands of black coffins!

Feng Yixiu quickly moved towards the exit direction when he solved all the mummies in the tomb.

But just as he walked to a mummy that had been cut off, a mummy that was only half left suddenly moved!

A withered arm slammed Feng Yixiu's ankle, surprisingly powerful!

At the same time, Feng Yixiu also felt the spiritual power in his body passing quickly, and subconsciously cut off the arm of the mummy who was holding his ankle with a sword.

But the dry palm still grabbed Feng Yixiu's ankle tightly. Feng Yixiu had to squat down and use his hands to break the palm apart.

As soon as he squatted down, he saw a scene that made his scalp numb, and the hundreds of mummified soldiers who had just been cut off by him started to move again.

They lost their feet, they slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu with both hands, and they kept getting closer, with a low growl that made their backs cool.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but fought a cold battle, exhausted his whole body strength to break the arm that grabbed his ankle, and then fiercely threw it out.

"Fuck you!" Feng Yixiu ran away without saying a word.

These mummies are simply immortal. It is estimated that even if they are broken into pieces, they will not have any effect.

Fortunately, the crawling speed of these mummies is not very fast, Feng Yixiu quickly got rid of the pursuit of these mummies.

As soon as Feng Yixiu came out of this tomb, he came to a long and narrow corridor, and he was greeted by an army of mummies who made him feel desperate!

Regardless of the front and the rear, there is an army of mummies that make the scalp numb, and their eyes are exuding frightening green rays of light. The moved towards Feng Yixiu step by step approached slowly !

"gu lu......"

Seeing such a picture, even Feng Yixiu experienced and knowledgeable was shocked!

Feng Yixiu promptly summon summon the thorny fairy and the colorful jade python, he also knows that he must do it quickly.

"Xiaobailou, you are ahead!" Feng Yixiu ordered immediately.

At the moment when Xiaobailou came out of summon, he was also taken aback by the picture in front of him. If he had a choice, he probably wanted to hide in the magic Spirit Treasure!

The helpless Xiaobailou immediately turned into a flash of lightning, and an amazing lightning burst out all over his body. The powerful tail forcibly opened a way for Feng Yixiu.

"So these mummies are afraid of thunder and lightning, this is easy to handle." Feng Yixiu immediately turned on the violent thunder mode, and followed Xiaobailou's speed forward.

Whenever Feng Yixiu solves the mummies in front of him, there is no way that these mummies are undying creatures, and they will move towards Feng Yixiu after a short recovery.

"Little demon, come and break the queen for us!"

The thorn fairy is nodded. Whenever a mummy falls to the ground, two thorn vines will break out of the ground and remove the mummy. The position of the neck is firmly fixed on the ground.

One person and two blood spirits cooperated tacitly, and soon came to the end of the long and narrow corridor, at the end of which was an ancient staircase.

Feng Yixiu immediately stepped up the stairs without even thinking about it, and rushed to the second layer of the pyramid with lightning speed.

These First Layer mummies seem to have some special restrictions, and they did not follow Feng Yixiu to the Second Layer pyramid.

"Huh... really scared me to death." Feng Yixiu wiped a cold sweat from his face. After the whole person relaxed, Feng Yixiu felt the inexplicable pain in the position of the ankle being held.

Feng Yixiu gently opened his trouser legs, but saw an azure black bruise.

"Damn! That ghost thing is too powerful!" Feng Yixiu cursed with a pained complexion.

Feng Yixiu moved towards the front without waiting to fully recover his physical strength, another corridor that revealed a weird aura.

Feng Yixiu cautiously walked a few steps forward, and did not find the mummy soldier of Second Layer, then he mustered up the courage and ran ahead quickly.

It is still Xiaobailou leading the front, and Feng Yixiu behind the Hall of the Thorn Fairy is in a slightly safer middle position.

He must make sure that he can't get hurt anymore, otherwise, even if he reaches the highest level, he probably won't be able to save Ahou girl.

As he relaxed his vigilance, a low sound of horses hooves suddenly hit, and two skeletal war horses appeared almost simultaneously at both ends of the long and narrow corridor.

The skeletal war horse is full of gray Death Aura, and riding on the horse are two dark shadows in gold armor.

The reason why it is said to be a black shadow, because there seems to be no entity under this golden armor, only to see bursts of death Spiritual Qi breath constantly gushing out.

da da da ……

The two skeleton warhorses moved towards the middle almost at the same time, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

The Thorn Demon Fairy immediately reacted, and the big net formed by the two thorn vines formed a solid barrier.


The two Skeleton Knights didn’t mean to slow down at all. Instead, they got faster and faster. They saw that they raised their big swords high, and with just a single knife they gave the thorny nets in front of them. Cut in half!

The thorns and vines that were just alive soon withered and became dry and fragile. The skeleton Knight broke through this barrier with little effort.

What a terrifying power...

"Little demon, you should step back first!" Feng Yixiu immediately judged the strength of the opponent and took the lead in moving towards the skeleton Knight in front of him and rushed over.

The big knife in the Skeleton Knight's hand was raised high again, as if Mount Tai pressed the top, moved towards Feng Yixiu and cut it over.

Feng Yixiu holds the sword in both hands, all the light purple Dragon Marks on his body emit dazzling rays of light, and the demonic energy overflowing from the Primal Chaos Demon sword is instantly restrained.

"Steel-cutting, breaking the pole!"

The explosive growth of the muscles of both arms, this sword has brought Feng Yixiu's terrifying power to the extreme!

Feng Yixiu slowly retracted the knife, the skeleton warhorse behind him and the Knight on it instantly shattered and scattered to the ground.

Xiao Bailou and Thorn Demon Ji hurriedly followed Feng Yixiu's steps over the past, but after they had passed, the bone scum on the ground behind them began to gather again.

But it was back to what it was just now. Feng Yixiu seemed to have anticipated all this. He didn't look back at the abnormal noise behind him, but ran forward at the fastest speed!

"Sure enough, it is immortal..." Feng Yixiu muttered to himself, and then said: "Xiaobailou and Xiaoyao, you keep up!"

Two for a time Only the skeletal war horse was chasing after Feng Yixiu, not giving Feng Yixiu a chance to breathe.

Feeling the two death blade glows approaching behind him, Feng Yixiu took a sudden step and finally stepped onto the stairs leading to the Third Layer!


Two skeletal war horses seem to hit an invisible Formation, and both turned into flying ash and disappeared.

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