At this time, Feng Yixiu's mind was in confusion, and every word of Pluto was fiercely inserted into his heart like a sharp sword.

The Eye of Truth can see through the human heart. Pluto can easily see Feng Yixiu’s weaknesses and constantly tempts him to choose Shura’s heart.

If you give up the heart of Shura, maybe you will never be able to return to China forever. I am afraid I will never see Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao again in this life...

Feng Yixiu's mind kept flashing through Shen Ruyu's pale face before he parted with him, and the brilliant smiles of Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia at the end of the day. When he thought of never seeing them again, his heart seemed to be Myriad Arrows. Piercing Heart is generally painful!

But at the other end is the soul of Hu Jiu'er. He has no doubt about Pluto's methods. As long as the soul of Hu Jiu'er really falls into the endless abyss, I am afraid that Hu Jiu'er will really die!

"Why are you still hesitating? Hu Jiuer is just a demon fox. She just wants to eat your heart and complete her evolution. You are just a pawn of her, instead of letting She eats you, it is better for you to start first!"

"Don't say...Don't say..." Feng Yixiu firmly covered his ears, but the voice of Pluto seemed to be Able to cross all obstacles and hit his heart!

The millennium scales are still drifting slowly, and the side moved towards the soul of Hu Jiu'er is declining, but a trace of reason has not made the soul of Hu Jiu'er completely fall into the abyss.

"Don’t hesitate! You know that Hu Jiu'er is facing the same trial as you. If she strikes first, you will die first!"

Pluto The voice is like a magic sound, constantly impacting Feng Yixiu's most fragile defense, and it will completely overwhelm Feng Yixiu's last line of defense.

The thousand-year-old scale that had just maintained a trace of balance began to move towards the soul of Hu Jiu'er slowly approaching, and the soul carried on it was steadily sliding down. It is estimated that it will not take a moment to completely fall into the abyss.

At the moment when Hu Jiu’er’s soul was about to fall, Feng Yixiu seemed to see Hu Jiu’er’s soul moved towards being moved towards smiling to himself...

The smile is So warm, and unlimited trust in him!

Feng Yixiu fiercely gave himself a slap in the face, and his mind finally recovered a trace and soberness and calm.

Why am I hesitating? Do you still need to think about this kind of thing?

"Go to the heart of Shura of TM! If the so-called right way needs to be exchanged for Evil Thought, then I would rather step into the demonic path and never look back!"

With a thorn With the roar of breaking the sky, the soul of Hu Jiu'er began to slowly rise into the air, but the heart of Shura fell into the endless abyss!


Only heard the sound of glass shattering, the entire Shura illusion began to shatter quickly, and the picture before him returned to its original appearance again.

Where is the shadow of the abyss and the heart of Shura, the thousand-year-old scales made of gold on the surface of the lake are still as calm as water.

On one side is still the white feather of truth, and on the other side is a beating heart!

Where did the heart come from? Feng Yixiu subconsciously touched the position of his heart, but found that it was already empty!

It turns out that what I just saw was just an illusion, or just a test method used to measure my soul, but that method is too realistic!

At this time, the millennium scales have always maintained a state of balance, and they are not biased to any side.

Feng Yixiu looked at all this, and his heart was as calm as water. No matter what the result was, he would not regret his choice!

If you come again, Feng Yixiu will still choose to give up the so-called Shura Heart!

Pluto is still floating in the sky above the thousand-year-old scale. Although Feng Yixiu can't see his face, he can feel the solemn atmosphere...

"hahaha...Feng Yixiu It’s a good sentence to fall forever on the demonic path and never look back! You brat is really not disappointed. After more than three hundred years, I finally found someone who can inherit the heart of Pluto!"

After a long period of silence , Pluto suddenly let out an excited laugh, making Feng Yixiu confused.

"Heart of Hades?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, asked.

"The so-called heart of Pluto can also be called the heart of Asura King. Only those who truly understand the Asura Path can be qualified to inherit. I have been waiting for more than 300 years, but I have never found a suitable one. But I didn’t expect to find the candidate today!” Pluto’s voice seemed a little excited.

Feng Yixiu is still at a loss. He still doesn't understand what is going on, but it seems that the huge crocodile god beside him didn't do anything to himself, it should be considered a good thing...


"Asura Path? Isn't it Dao of Slaughter? I obviously gave up the heart of killing firmness. I shouldn't be qualified to be Asura. Why did I get the heart of Asura King instead?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"Although Asura Path is Dao of Slaughter, it is also one of the good ways. It is only misunderstood by the world. The general Asura is indeed bloodthirsty and cruel, but the Asura King is different. The heart is right, and it is the Asura King!" Hades said solemnly.

"Sura...the kingly way!" Feng Yixiu muttered to himself.

Feng Yixiu suddenly remembered what the first Saint Spirit King had said to him, and suddenly realized it in his heart.

It turns out that the first generation Saint Spirit King did not deceive himself...

When I was making a choice just now, didn’t I just pick up the butcher knife?

Perhaps Feng Yixiu didn't have any feelings at the time, but only when he really experienced it did he know how difficult it is to put down the butcher knife in this simple sentence!

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