"Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox!"

Feng Yixiu could not help but exclaimed, didn't expect that he would witness the birth of a Sovereign-level devil beast with his own eyes .

Feng Yixiu has only heard of such terrifying existence, and has never really seen such existence.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon on the Asura Tower attracted the attention of the people of the Sin City. Many people stopped what they were doing and moved towards Asura Tower to watch.

Although I don’t know what happened, everyone had a foreboding that a major event would happen.

The huge power formed by the nine-color light beam swept across the entire sin capital. The sin capital, which had always been in the dark state, is illuminated at this moment. Even the scarlet blood clouds in the sky are mapped into Beautiful colorful clouds.

The Scarlet Castle.

The King of Sin looked at the projection in the Asura Tower with a sly smile. Although he could not see everything that happened in the Asura illusion, he saw Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er coming out. Everything that happened after the Shura illusion.

Of course, including Feng Yixiu's release of the Asura King phantom, and the picture of Fox Jiuer about to evolve into Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox.

When Qiangwei saw Feng Yixiu successfully pass the Shura illusion, she naturally showed an excited smile, and she couldn't hide happiness in her eyes.

"Qianwei, you seem to be very happy that Feng Yixiu successfully passed the Asura trial?" The King of Sin tapped the armrest of the seat lightly with his fingers, saying with a sneer.

"The subordinates are happy for the king. In the future, Feng Yixiu and the others will inherit your Legacy. I will surely make the city of sin more prosperous in the future." Qiangwei immediately bowed and said .

"hmph...I think you are not happy for me, but happy for Feng Yixiu, are you? Don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking..." The King of Sin smiled lightly. The indifferent murderous aura was slowly released.

All the Law Enforcers in the entire hall dared not say a word for a while, and the atmosphere became very weird and suppressed.

"My lord, Feng Yixiu succeeded in gaining the heart of Shura. Isn't this what you want to see most? How do I think you are not happy?" Qiangwei said in a puzzled way.

"If this kid really gets the heart of Shura, I am of course happy, but it's a pity that this kid gets the heart of Asura King!" The eyes of the evil king stared at Feng Yixiu in the projection, gnashing teeth said.

"Asura King's heart? What is that?" Qiangwei's heart was shocked, frowned.

The King of Sin did not answer, but stood up slowly, faint smiled: "Hahaha... Lord Pluto, I don’t know if you are really confused, and let Asura King gave such a hairless brat to his heart, don’t you give me another big gift? Then I will laugh at it unceremoniously..."

Qiangwei listens to the unfathomable mystery of the King of Sin , For a while, I was at a loss, but there was already a bad premonition in my heart.

Looking at the silhouette of the King of Sin suddenly disappeared beside him, and then appeared a hundred meters away, Qiangwei quickly asked: "My lord, where are you going?"

"The new Asura King is born, of course this king wants to congratulate it..."

After that, the gate of the castle opened slowly, and the King of Sin was instant. He went out of the door, but disappeared into everyone's sight for a moment.

Qiangwei recalled the expression of the evil king just now, and her heart was secretly sighed. Once the evil king appeared with that faint smile, it was the time when he moved to kill!

The king of evil wants to kill Feng Yixiu?

"All Law Enforcers will come with me!" Qiangwei gave an order and ran after the brunt.

The other Law Enforcers were all at a loss, but no one violated the meaning of Dare Qiangwei, and they all followed.

Cheng Xiaotian immediately caught up with Qiangwei and wondered: "Big sister, what happened? Why are you so nervous?"

"The King of Sin is going to kill Feng Yixiu ......" Qiangwei explained solemnly.

Hearing this, Cheng Xiaotian's face was unbelievable: "What? How could it be, isn't Feng Yixiu the next heir? Why did the King of Sin kill him?"

" I don't know, but based on what I know about the King of Sin, his expression just now clearly has a murderous heart." Qiangwei said seriously.

Cheng Xiaotian pondered carefully, and nodded said: "The performance of the king just now is a bit strange. I have never seen him such a lost self-control, so it seems It is indeed a bit unusual."

"If the King of Sin really wants to kill Feng Yixiu, who are you going to help?" Qiangwei asked suddenly.

"This..." Cheng Xiaotian also pondered for a long time, this question is not easy to answer.

One may be his future king, and the other may be his current king. Which side to help is really a century-old problem.

"No matter who you are going to help, I have decided to help Feng Yixiu. If you choose to help the King of Sin, then we are the enemy!" Qiangwei was preparing to gather demonic weapon while speaking.

"I will help Brother Feng!" Cheng Xiaotian is very affirmed.

"That's good..." Qiangwei was nodded, her eyes slowly tilted behind her: "Which side are you going to stand on?"

All Law Enforcers are in trouble for a while , One by one looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qiangwei also knows that it is unrealistic to let all Law Enforcers stand on Feng Yixiu’s side. They can only compromise: "This is a battle for the throne. I allow you not to intervene, but if you stand Wrong team, you will bear the consequences in the future!"

Hearing this, many Law Enforcers stopped their steps, instead of continuing to follow Qiangwei and moving towards the Asura Tower, they chose to stop. Wait and see.

According to the tradition of the Sin City, those who have passed the Asura Tower trial will surely become the new king, and the old king will personally crown the new king. There has never been such a special thing. Case.

They are also uncertain whether Feng Yixiu will become the new king, or the king of evil will kill Feng Yixiu and continue to be the king.

It's better to be a bystander. Although there may be no merit, at least there will be no fatal mistakes.

There were only three of the nine Law Enforcers at a time, and all six chose to wait and see. Only Qiangwei and Cheng Xiaotian, and the second Law Enforcer chose to follow Qiangwei.


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