"You...you traitor! If you hadn't betrayed Lord Hades, he wouldn't be together with Trifling King Dushi perish, you still have the face to come back!" Anubis angrily roared.

When the Heavenly Swordsmen fought against the Gate of Hades, King Dushi was originally suppressed by Fiercely by Hades. It was because Luohu, one of the Asuras, betrayed and captured Hades’s lover. Come to intimidate Pluto.

In the final battle, the Lord Pluto could only be tied up with his hands and feet, and was eventually severely injured by King Dushi. Pluto’s wife could not bear to drag Pluto and could only commit suicide. Then the angry Pluto, regardless of the serious injury, singlehanded into the base camp of the celestial beings and killed King Dushi with his own hands, but was outnumbered, and finally died on the battlefield.

However, Luo Hu who betrayed the Hades was nowhere to be seen, but he did not expect that the King of Sin was actually Luo Hu of the year!

Not only did he live well, but he also succeeded in becoming the king of evil in the city of evil, and he has lived for hundreds of years by relying on the power of the evil crowd...

"Tell you the truth! Back then, I had already joined the Heavenly Swordsman, and got the help of Lord Monarch. The top secret entered the Asura King capital, killed the second Asura of the year, and took his body possession. Become the King of Sin!" The smile on the corner of the King of Sin's mouth gradually began to impudent, as if to vent the dissatisfaction in the tree's heart for a hundred years.

The capital of sin back then was not called the capital of sin, but the city of Asura King. Since Rahu possessed the Asura at the time, he became the king of sin and changed the name of Asura King to the city of sin. All.

"So there has never been a so-called king of evil, until now are you alone?" Anubis' eyes gradually became angry.

"So what? When my body gradually ages, Asura will choose the heart of Asura, and I can sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, and give the new Asura body possession, use their bodies to continue my rule!" The evil king coldly said.

"But you usually do this kind of thing in secret, right? You are so fanatical this time, which shows...you are scared!" Anubis' body began to corrode rapidly, and now Only half of the body is left, and the other half has become withered bones...

Anubis’ words seem to have hit the King of Sin’s weakness, but they are still angrily roared: "I’m afraid of a hairless brat. Don’t be kidding..."

"hmph! If you are not afraid, why do you want to break into the Asura Tower? You can secretly take Feng Yixiu body possession, but you did not do so, which means you are really afraid Now!" Anubis laughed, only half of his face was smiling very strangely.

The king of evil browses tightly knit, but no longer refutes it, but instead increases the intensity of the attack, quickly engulfing Anubis's body.

"hahaha...you are afraid of Feng Yixiu who gets the heart of the Asura King, and you are even more afraid of the Fox Jiuer who evolves into Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox!"

Tens of thousands of wraiths Completely engulf Anubis completely, but Anubis’s penetrating words are still echoing...

"Luohu...I and Master Hades will be waiting in the underworld. You, I believe it won't take too long..."

The wraith is all gone, Anubis has completely disappeared, leaving only a bunch of ash-gray powders to prove that he once existed.

Feng Yixiu stared at the pile of ashes, flipped over his palm, and a beautiful square box appeared in his hand.

I saw both of his hands holding the box, walking up to the pile of white ashes with a solemn face, holding up the white ashes with both hands, and putting them in the white box a little bit.

Anubis is his respected elder. Even if he is dead, he should be buried honorably, rather than dissipating with the wind...

The King of Sin looks at Feng Yixiu's actions His face was getting colder and colder, and he waved his hand gently to blow away the last bit of ashes in Feng Yixiu's hand.

Feng Yixiu was shocked, first took a deep breath, then closed the wooden box beside him and put it in the storage ring.

"Senior said, let you go to the underworld to accompany him..." Feng Yixiu never looked directly at the King of Sin, as if he didn't take him seriously.

"hmph! What a big tone, I want to let you know who is the king here!" A blood-colored scepter appeared in the hands of the evil king, and he hit the ground heavily, but But there is no response.

Although the scarlet scepter in his hand is not as good as the thousand-year scepter, it is also transformed by murderous aura, the capital of sin for hundreds of years. It can be said that the thousand-year scepter does not appear, and the scarlet scepter in his hand is just Is the strongest Magical Artifact!

"Don't be ashamed of the trifling pirated goods, let you see the power of the real Millennium Wand!" Feng Yixiu's hand appears out of thin air, a golden wand.

"The Thousand-Year Scepter, really is in your hand!"

The moment the King of Sin saw the Thousand-Year Scepter, his eyes showed a greedy desire, even if he was ready to grab it .


Before waiting for any action from the other party, Feng Yixiu’s millennium rod slammed the ground, and suddenly a golden array centered on Feng Yixiu, Cover the king of evil in it.

"What's the matter? My spiritual power is suppressed..."

For a time, the evil king felt that he was suppressed by the law, and his spiritual power was extremely suppressed. He hadn't felt this kind of feeling for a long time.

As the king of the sin city, he will not be suppressed by the law of the sin city, but now everything has changed, and the current rules will be set by Feng Yixiu!

The speed of the evil king became slow, his body obviously did not adapt to this state of being suppressed by spiritual power, and he almost staggered and fell to the ground.

"Is this the feeling of being unfettered? It's really good..." Feng Yixiu felt the rejuvenation of the suppressed power in his body for a long time, and his mood was greatly relaxed.

Now his spiritual power has not been suppressed, but has received a certain power bonus, and all the restrictions of the City of Sin will no longer have the slightest impact on him.

The face of the King of Sin began to turn a little green. He didn't expect Feng Yixiu to be recognized by the Thousand-Year Scepter so quickly. The legendary Saint Artifact is not all very arrogant?

How come we can make our arms point when we just got it?

It has completely surpassed the expectations of the King of Sin. Even the Scarlet Scepter in his hand at this moment, he has been running with it for several years before he can fully grasp it.

"Damn it! Don't think that you can defeat me with the Thousand-Year Scepter. You brat is just the realm of the King of Battle Spirit. Even if there is no power suppression, it is just the power of the King of Battle Spirit, but Even if this king's power is suppressed, it is not something you brat can deal with!" The evil king stood up abruptly, and the Shura phantom behind him issued an angry roar.

"Hey..." Feng Yixiu chuckled, and a phantom also appeared behind him, except that it was different from the Asura phantom full of murderous aura. The phantom behind Feng Yixiu had a phantom A solemn oppression!

The Asura Domain of the King of Sin simply cannot have any influence on Feng Yixiu, but the Asura King of Feng Yixiu can restrain each other!

The current King of Sin feels a huge oppression force. Facing the gaze of Asura King’s phantom, he is like a mouse seeing a cat, and he doesn’t dare to look at it at all...

Feng Yixiu's Asura King domain is just capable of restraining all killings and evil things, and the Asura Domain of the evil king is precisely restrained by Feng Yixiu's Asura King domain.

"Boy, you are only 10,000 wraiths. This king has collected more than 100,000 wraiths over the past three hundred years. You are absolutely impossible to be my opponent!" The King of Sin has been completely crazy. NS.

" Sura's Edict·Hyakki Yexing !"

Behind the King of Sin, a huge gate of Shura appeared, hundreds of thousands of wraiths madly gushing out, moved towards Feng Yixiu Attacked frantically.

Feng Yixiu is still unmoved in the slightest. I saw those crimson wraiths who came into contact with Feng Yixiu’s Asura King domain and immediately turned from crimson’s evil ghost wraith into light purple heroes. And the resentment seems to have completely dissipated.

Hundreds of thousands of wraith not only did not cause any harm to Feng Yixiu, but it was completely assimilated by Feng Yixiu's Asura King domain.

The King of Sin looked stupid. He didn't expect that the wraith he had gathered for hundreds of years was unexpectedly rebelled by Feng Yixiu!

Feng Yixiu said with a sneer: "such insignificant ability dare to display one's slight skill before an expert in front of me......"

"Asura King make·Hyakki Yexing!"

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