"By the way...Why did you come here suddenly?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

Before Qiangwei spoke, Cheng Xiaotian said first: "Sister Qiangwei is afraid that the king of evil will take action against you, so he launched all Law Enforcers to help the new king."

"I'm sorry, not only did we fail to help, but on the contrary, it dragged you back..." Qiangwei blamed herself very much.

Feng Yixiu said nonchalantly: "Don't say this, you can have this heart, I am already very touched, am I not good now?"

"That's thanks to Miss Jiu'er's help. By the way... Miss Jiu'er is gone? Why did she suddenly appear next to you?" Qiangwei said curiously.

When I first met Hu Jiu'er, she was just a beautiful and unusual little girl behind Feng Yixiu. She thought it was just one of Feng Yixiu's slaves.

But just now, she saw with her own eyes how Hu Jiu'er killed the King of Sin in seconds, and she felt a little more Heart of Fear in her heart.

"This is a long story, in short, she is her own now..." Feng Yixiu moved towards Hu Jiu'er laughed.

"hmph...Whoever is with you, it's not ashamed!" Hu Jiu'er turned around with a proud face, but chuckled secretly.

"It is so good. The king can have such powerhouse help, and I must be able to become stronger and stronger in the future." Qiangwei is really happy for Feng Yixiu.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, he really does not want to be the so-called king of evil.

Although he doesn't like the place of King of Sin very much, he still wants to return to the Huaxia Raging Scale Academy, so he can't stay in this place forever.

Feng Yixiu's eyes subconsciously glanced at Hu Jiu'er beside him, and unexpectedly shouted: "Hu Jiu'er !"

Hu Jiu'er turned his head subconsciously Then, Feng Yixiu unexpectedly placed the Millennium Wand in her hand.

Although Hu Jiu'er's shoulders sank obviously, the final result was still caught!

"hahaha...I know Jiuer can do it!" Feng Yixiu said with a look of excitement.

Since Anubis can hold the Thousand-Year Scepter, Hu Jiuer, as the successor of the Heart of the Dead, is naturally qualified to hold the Scepter, and she has also passed the test of Asura's Heart.

Hu Jiu'er looked at the scepter with golden rays of light in his hand with a cute face, and it took a long time to react.

This is a routine by Feng Yixiu!

"A Feng, dare to do me a trick, you are courting death is not!" Hu Jiuer knocked Feng Yixiu on the head unceremoniously.

A big bag appeared on Feng Yixiu's head immediately, and he was aggrieved: "I don't care, now the Millennium Scepter is in your hands, you are responsible for it!"


"Take your head! Obviously you forced it to me, okay, you can get it back soon..." Hu Jiuer pushed it back into Feng Yixiu's hands.

"Anubis senior gave you his heart of the dead! Do you have the heart to make his old man feel chilled under Jiuquan?" Feng Yixiu returned the Millennium Scepter again Fox Jiuer.

"Ming Senior Wang also gave you his heart after seeing Asura King! Are you not afraid that his old man will be chilled under Jiuquan?" The scepter in his hand was handed back to Feng Yixiu.


The two went back and forth, and they shied away for more than a dozen rounds, but they still couldn't convince anyone.

Qianwei and Cheng Xiaotian and the others watched the two push a sacred relic like a shoe, their faces are full of black lines.

What is this all about!

Sacred relics such as the Millennium Scepter will inevitably cause tens of thousands of people to fight when they appear, and even sacrifice their lives to fight for it, but they did not expect to be pushed back and forth by Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er. let.

It seems that the sacred relic in hand is no longer a coveted sacred relic, but a shit-chucking stick!

Seeing the two of them arguing endlessly, Qiangwei opened the mouth and said: “I think it’s not a way for them to push off like this. In fact, I have a good idea.”

“What Idea?" The two said in unison.

"Since both of them have the ability to hold the Millennium Scepter, I don't think it is as good as you two. After the kings are worshipped separately, wouldn't it be better if you can hold the capital of sin together?" Qiangwei suggested.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er both looked at each other in blank dismay, in fact, they both have their own selfish calculations in their hearts.

Hu Jiu'er actually wants Feng Yixiu to inherit the King of Sin, so that he may not return to China.

In this way, they are no longer the identity of the enemy, and Hu Jiu'er has a reason to stay with him.

Feng Yixiu's selfish calculations are actually very simple. She also wants Hu Jiu'er to escape from the identity of the crowd. He also has time to return to Huaxia Raging Scale Academy as soon as possible.


Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er agreed almost at the same time.

Although it is not perfect, it is the best solution at present. At least the two are on the united front now.

Seeing that the two agreed so simply, Qiangwei was a bit stunned for a moment, and then very excitedly said: "There are kings and queens in all evils. Compared to the future, it will be as solid as the Dansha Empire. The Imperial Family and the Gate of Hades must give in three points too!"

"It's good...but I always feel that something is wrong, and I always feel like I have suffered a loss..." Feng Yixiu nodded, Muttered to himself.

"I'm the one who suffers, okay! You get cheap and sell well!" Hu Jiu'er said angrily.

"The relationship between you two is really good..." Qiangwei said with a slight smile.

"Where is it? Didn't you see that we were arguing?" Hu Jiuer protested.

"pu chi..." Qiangwei snickered, and then seriously said: "Since the matter is settled, let's go back quickly! I will try my best to report to the Elder Council and arrange the coronation ceremony for you. "

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