"Meet the Pluto!" Law Enforcer #2 immediately knelt to the ground, not daring to look at Pluto.

Pluto slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the person in front of him, and then closed his eyes again: "Bellock, do you still know that you are back? I thought you were in the sin Are you happily forgetting your identity?"

While speaking, the three rays of light behind Pluto are released, and the entire Pluto temple is shining like daylight.

The horrible and gloomy spiritual pressure suddenly spread, and suddenly an oppression force that makes people have one's hair stand on end struck, and the second Law Enforcer and the others were scared into cold sweat, all over their bodies. Unstoppable trembling.

Since they joined the sin capital, they have indeed rarely returned to the gates of the underworld. After all, they are used to life on the ground, and then let them endure all black, no daylight underground days, and no one can stand it anymore.

"Your Majesty calmed down. His servants never forgot my mission. It's just that the king of evil is too rigorous schemes and deep foresight. I never found his weak spot or gained his trust. Therefore, I have never had the face to come back to see Your Majesty." Bellok kept kowtow, and the weight of his strength could be heard outside the hall.

Bellock is the name of Law Enforcer No. 2, and he was also one of the envoys of the gate of the underworld. He was sent to the city of sin to find a chance to seize the city of sin.

But the King of Sin is not an easy one, he has never been given this opportunity, so he has never come back...

hearing this, the dark fire behind the Lord It dimmed a little, and the oppression force also decreased a little, and saw that he slowly opened his eyes, which turned out to be a pair of dark green pupils.

"putting it that way, have you found a way to capture the sin capital now?" Pluto said with interest.

Actually, Pluto has stayed enough for this place. He is not willing to stay underground and become the emperor of the Underground World. Instead, he wants to step by step to occupy a larger territory. Even the entire Dansha Empire!

The City of Sin is his 1st Step to achieve his goals. As long as he occupy the City of Sin, the situation of the Gate of the Underworld will be greatly improved.

This is also the reason why he took the risk and sent the powerful man to the evil city, the purpose is to one day successfully occupy the evil city!

Belock felt that the oppression force was reduced, and then replied: "Yes, now the capital of sin has been replaced with a new king, and I have completely gained the trust of this new king."

"In other words, the Old Guy, the Lord of Sin, is finally dead?" Pluto looked excited, said solemnly, "Then who is the new king of the Sin City now?"

Although the strength of the evil king is not as good as him, but the victory lies in his tolerance, and has not caught the opponent's weak spot for so many years.

"The evil king is indeed dead, and the new king is just a Battle Spirit king who is less than twenty years old, but he has got the Millennium Scepter." Bellok said.

"What! A Battle Spirit king who is less than twenty years old has become the new king of the sin capital?" Pluto suddenly bounced from the throne, with an excited smile on his mouth: "Look. Coming to the capital of sin is really exhausted... It's ridiculous that a hairless brat can become the new king! It seems that God is helping the deity!"

"But the new one is not the most threatening now Wang, but a devil beast beside him, it is Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox." Bellok said somewhat worriedly.

Actually, he is not very worried about Feng Yixiu. What frightens him most is the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox next to Feng Yixiu, which is not just in name only, but also in reality Sovereign Class devil beast!

"Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox? That is the legendary Sovereign-level devil beast. It usually haunts China, so how come you come to the capital of sin! Are you kidding me?" The Lord looked on Deep and frowned.

He doesn’t know much about China’s devil beasts, but he also knows a little about the devil beasts of the cream of the crop.

Among them, Four Great Vicious Beasts and Ten Great Demon will not say much, most of them are dead, sealed seals, and the Nine-tailed Fox family can now be said to be the devil beast of China. One of the strongest races in China!

"The minister is absolutely right, but I saw her evolve from Nine-Tailed Monster Fox to Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, and she is also preparing to become the queen of the sin capital." Bellok is very Seriously.

hearing this, the Underlord suddenly moved towards Void Claws, as if a pair of invisible hands lifted Bellok from the air.

"Bellock, did you fail to rebel? You asked me to go to the capital of sin to fight with a Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. Is your brain broken or my brain broken?" Pluto looked on. Sternly.

Bellock hung in midair, his body was squeezed and deformed by the terrifying force. He also did not expect Master Hades to be so afraid of Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox.

The Pluto in his impression has always been fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. Even if the emperor of the Dansha Empire comes, he has to be a tough man, but he actually recognizes it in front of Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. ……

"Your Majesty ……Your Majesty put me down first, I have a treasure for you! I will surely let you back down..." Bellock kept struggling with a very expression on his face. pain of.

Pluto suddenly stopped and put his hands behind his back, coldly said: "What treasure? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, you will never want to get out of this great hall!"

"Yes! The minister will certainly give you a satisfactory answer!"

After saying that, Belos flipped his palm, and a scarlet scepter appeared in his hand. It was the scarlet scepter of the evil king.

At the moment when Hades saw the Scarlet Scepter, he eyes shined, excitedly said: "The Scarlet Scepter? How can you have the Scepter of the King of Sin?"

" I got this from sufferer untold hardships. It is estimated that Feng Yixiu, the new king, would not like the scarlet scepter when he got the Thousand-Year Scepter, so he abandoned it and I picked it up." Locke offered the Scarlet Scepter with both hands.

The Hades took the Scarlet Scepter in Bellok’s hand and said with a big smile: "I heard that this Scarlet Scepter is the exclusive treasure of the King of Sin, and it can be protected from the Rule suppression of the City of Sin. In this way, we don’t have to be restrained when we enter the capital of sin..."

"Yes, as long as tomorrow I have to grant the scepter by the Elder Council myself, I will deceive the millennium scepter from Feng Yixiu first. Come here, and then seal it with the sealing array, your Scarlet Scepter can protect you from the rules of the Sin City!" Belok firmly said.

"This plan is fine, but even if it is not suppressed by spiritual power, if you want to beat the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, I am afraid..." Pluto said here, his words stopped.

Unspoken implication Obviously, even if he is not suppressed by spiritual power, he still has some difficulty in defeating Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox.

Perhaps I realized that it was a bit embarrassing. Pluto didn't say what he said in the middle, and there was a hint of blush on his pale face.

After Belloc heard this, he fell into contemplation again, and then opened the mouth and said: "Now that kid Feng Yixiu trusts me 100%, the crowning ceremony must drink the king wine, we You can do tricks on this!"

"You mean poisoning?" Pluto is frowned.


"But general poisons have no effect on Sovereign-level devil beasts, especially Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, which has the ability to detoxify. "Pluto somewhat worriedly said.

"Ordinary poison may be useless, but our Netherworld River water is not an ordinary poison. It can make poisoned people lose their spiritual power in a short time, and it is also colorless and tasteless. For them But the best way!" Belloc said solemnly.

Pluto is very satisfied with nodded, said solemnly: "Then do what you say! The capital of sin, I will definitely win!"

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