"Great Elder, a wise man submits to circumstances, I advise you to obediently cooperate with us, otherwise it won't be worth losing your life." Bellok said with a cold face a smile.

"You...you traitor!" Great Elder angrily roared.

"Don’t make a mistake, I’ve always been a member of the gates of the underworld. How can I betray you?" Bellok right hand slowly condensed the demonic weapon, indifferently said: "If you don’t look at it You still have some use, do you think we will be wasting our tongue with you?"

After that, Belloc’s demonic weapon slowly condensed into shape. His demonic weapon is a scarlet dagger.

I saw him simply slash it sharply, and a line of blood appeared between Fourth Elder's neck on the side, and the scarlet blood dyed blushed Bellok's face.

"Stop it! I promise you that!" Great Elder looked at the people beside him, and after falling down one by one, he finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The corner of the Hades's mouth was slightly raised, and the three netherworld ghost fires disappeared instantly, as if they had never appeared before.

"That's right...Anyway, no matter who is the king of the capital of sin, you are not the Great Elder. So just want to start..." Belloc said with a slight smile .

"What do you want me to do?" Great Elder shattered all the ice crystals on his body, coldly said.

Bellock flipped his palm, and a bottle of colorless and odorless liquid appeared in his hand. It was the unique Netherworld River water in the gate of Hades.

"As long as you add this bottle of water to the king's wine to be used on the coronation ceremony tomorrow, and then take the Millennium Scepter from Feng Yixiu's hand on the grounds of re-coronation and kingship." Bellok gave the Netherworld River water in his hand to Great Elder.

After the Great Elder took over the Netherworld River water, frowned: "This should be the Netherworld River water..."

"It is indeed the Great Elder. It is indeed experienced and knowledgeable. It is the Netherworld River water. No one can detoxify except the gate of the underworld." Belloc said with a slight smile.

The Great Elder's hand holding the water of the Netherworld River was trembling uncontrollably. As the Great Elder of the Elder Palace, he was very loyal to all evil. Let him murder the new king and come to him. It's very difficult to say.

Berlock saw Great Elder hesitating, said with a slight smile: "I heard that Great Elder has a granddaughter who is like a flower like a jade... That beautiful, tsk tsk tsk..."

"You..." Great Elder was anxious immediately, helplessly sighed, and finally compromised, "Okay! As long as you let my granddaughter go, I will do what you ask me to do!"

"That's right!" Bellok smiled brightly, and then lightly patted Great Elder's shoulder, "Tomorrow I will always follow you, don't want to play any tricks, otherwise you should know..."

"Tomorrow's guard will be arranged by you." Great Elder gloomy face, helplessly said.

"Yes, it seems that you are a person who is aware of current affairs. The deity guarantees that you will still be the Great Elder of the capital of sin after the event." Pluto said indifferently with a face.

"Many thanks...Master Hades..." Great Elder bowed.

Suddenly, the city of sin has undergone subtle changes, and the Elder Palace has been completely controlled by the people of the gate of the underworld.

And all the people in the gates of the underworld in the top ten Law Enforcers also defected overnight, a total of four people.


A hidden mountain range in the capital of sin.

Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er did not go back after leaving the conference hall of Scarlet Castle, but came to this Desolate Land.

This mountain range deserted, and there is no silhouette here late at night.

"A Feng, why did you bring me to this ghost place?" Hu Jiu'er glanced at all around, besides being barren, it was barren.

"What are you talking about? Of course it's doing business!" Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Doing business?" Hu Jiu'er looked at Feng Yixiu with a vigilant face, then hugged her chest, and said softly, "I'm not ready yet..."

"It doesn't matter if you are not ready, it's enough for me to be ready!" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

"Ah?! You are so overbearing..." Hu Jiu'er turned blushing inexplicably, and turned around very shyly, "But I like it so much."

" What's the mess, I'm just going to absorb the demon card, is there anything overbearing?" Feng Yixiu rubbed his nose in confusion.

hearing this, Hu Jiu'er's face has become even more red, and it is almost bleeding!

I saw her turning back abruptly, fiercely stepped on Feng Yixiu's instep, and sternly said: "Can you speak well next time!"

Feng Yixiu's painful cold sweat, don't look at Hu Jiu'er's exquisite figure, but the strength is really not comparable to him.

Although he tried to withdraw his feet hard, he found that simply could not be shaken, he could only beg for mercy: "Jiu'er, I was wrong...I would never dare anymore!"


Hu Jiu'er just let Feng Yixiu go, and slammed his foot off Feng Yixiu's instep.

"So what you are talking about is to absorb the demon card, breakthrough Level 6 Battle Spirit King?" Hu Jiuer still said something angrily.

"Otherwise? Isn't this considered a business? What was the business you just thought?" Feng Yixiu said aggrieved.

Hu Jiu'er stroked the nine tails behind him a little awkwardly, said solemnly: "I am the same as you think..."

"Oh..." Feng Yixiu raised his eyebrows and said softly: "The Scarlet Castle has many eyes and ears, and the situation is not stable now. Let's not go back now. This will facilitate our actions tomorrow."

Hu Jiu'er is also serious. When I got up, nodded said: "I am afraid there will be a big battle tomorrow. It is a good thing to be able to increase your strength more, but do you think you can absorb any demon cards?"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu summon has published two magical Spirit Treasure books, the first to be opened is the second magical Spirit Treasure books.

Just opened the magic Spirit Treasure Tome, the Thorn Fairy sprang out of the Magic Spirit Treasure Tome on her own, and sat lazily on the Throne of Thorns.

Even in the face of the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox with powerful oppression force, he still looks like he hasn't woken up, as if he doesn't care about everything.

Hu Jiuer glanced at Demon Fairy Thorn, and said seriously: "You are quite a character in Battle Spirit, has she always been like this?"

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