Feng Yixiu also got serious when he saw this, quickly condensing the Primal Chaos Demon sword in his hand, standing back to back with the Demon Fairy of Thorn, watching the movement of all around with a vigilant face.

It’s just that what they are observing is all in front of them. They don’t know that the Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King is hanging upside down in the cave. The eight sharp spider claws embedded in the rock wall are as simple as cutting tofu, hanging upside down and walking in the cave. As if walking on the ground.

Unconsciously, Ten Thousand Poison Spider Sovereign came silently to the position directly above Feng Yixiu and Demon Fairy Thorn.

The Ten Thousand Poison Spider King is completely different from the normal spider devil beast. The size is not too huge, but what is strange is that her upper body is the same as normal humans, while the lower body is It has the body of a spider.

If you don't look at the lower body, if the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor judges it according to human aesthetics, it can be said to be a cold queen without a doubt.

A light purple armor reveals her exquisite figure, her fair skin has a faint spider web tattoo, and she wears a gorgeous crown on top of her head, and her unruly face is full of empress style.


A huge purple spider web spit out from the abdomen of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor, like a strong bow shot out of a crossbow, with the sound of breaking the wind moved towards directly below it, a full length of more than ten meters Range!

Until the spider web reached the detection range of Feng Yixiu’s thunderbolt’s eye, Feng Yixiu suddenly lifted the head, loudly said: "On top!"

The Thorn Fairy reacted very quickly. Immediately released a web of thorns with no weak range to greet the past.

However, the Demon of Thorns is below, and her strength is always at a loss. Moreover, the venom on the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Web is strongly corrosive, but the Web of Thorns cannot resist it for a while.

The Net of Wandu and the Net of Thorns rushed towards Feng Yixiu. Seeing that Feng Yixiu couldn’t hide, he could only draw his sword impressively. A light purple moon sword qi was angry from the bottom up. Hacked past.

Feng Yixiu thought that the ten thousand poisonous spider web simply could not resist, but he did not expect that he had completely underestimated the tenacious degree of the ten thousand poisonous spider web.

The Web of Ten Thousand Poisons actually resisted for a while before it was cut in half. The sword qi formidable power of promotion was greatly reduced, which was not enough to threaten Ten Thousand Poison Spider King.

I saw Ten Thousand Toxic Spider Sword waving his eight sharp legs like a sword, and a series of sword light flashes, with no difficulty, resisted Feng Yixiu's full moon sword qi.

The Demon Fairy Thorn can only be in a hurry. I have to say that the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King is indeed very restrained for her. Most of her Battle Spirit skills must be attached to the Thorn Seed, but the other party is not at all Give him a chance to plant thorn seeds.

If you can use Ten Thousand Poison Spider King, the demon card, your own thorn seed will certainly not be afraid of poison, but in the demon space, you cannot use the demon card you are conquering.

" Sword-drawing style·Cross Slash empty!"

Feng Yixiu's two lightning-fast sword-drawings are so fast that you can't even clearly even the single-drawing of the sword. Can see a series of afterimages.

The two round moon sword qi formed a cross-shaped slash to attack the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King. This is a move developed by Feng Yixiu after he is very proficient in the sword-drawing style.

The two hard front paws of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor are tightly guarding her in front of her, and her wisdom is also extremely high, even with tenacious spider silk entwined between her two front paws. Above, the other claws are firmly fixed on the rock wall.

dang dang!

Two crisp sounds of gold and stone sounded, since the violent impact has produced a dazzling fire star.

The spider silk of Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor is not only tenacious, but also has this strong elasticity, since it moved the full moon sword qi to his side.

bang bang!

Suddenly the strikes of the two criss-crossing moon sword qi fiercely were beside the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King, leaving two extremely deep sword marks, countless The rubble fell like snow.

Dust flew throughout the cave for a while, and the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor quickly moved on the top of the cave while Feng Yixiu's vision was blocked.

When the sight of restored to sobriety and calmness, Feng Yixiu looked towards the top of his head again, the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor had completely disappeared...

"Damn... Even let her run, this Purple Gold demon's fighting wisdom is too high!" Feng Yixiu said with a depressed expression.

"Purple Gold Demon already possesses the wisdom close to human..." The Thorn Fairy communicated with Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu looked at all around the various caves extending in all directions. They were also very big and frowned: "This Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King’s demon space is too complicated, and I don’t know where she went. The cave is gone..."

"If you want to conquer the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King, you can only fight at close range, otherwise you can't help her with just the sword qi." Demon Thorn Fairy reminded.

"I also know that sword qi alone can't help him, but she moves too fast, and people simply don't give me a chance to fight melee." Feng Yixiu shook the head helplessly.

It seems that the more advanced the demon, the more difficult it will be to conquer. It stands to reason that Feng Yixiu at this stage should absorb platinum demon, while the Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King is Peak in the ancient times. Purple Gold Demon!

The more wise the devil is, the more freedom it is, and the less likely it is to be conquered by the Battle Spirit Master.

This Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider Sovereign obviously wants to consume Feng Yixiu’s time. After all, there is a time limit to conquer the demon card. As long as the time passes, Feng Yixiu has to exit the demon space. .

If Feng Yixiu fails this time, he will not be able to enter the Ten Thousand Venom Spider King’s demon card for one month!

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