Seeing that Feng Yixiu finally woke up, Hu Jiuer quickly knelt down and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his clothes.

"Scared me to death... After so long, I thought you were going to fail." Hu Jiu'er said with a worried expression.

"It was true that I encountered some troubles and almost failed..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said softly.

"In short, it will be fine. Are you going to continue to absorb the next demon card? Or are you going to rest for a while?" Hu Jiuer asked.

There are two Ten Thousand Poison Spider Kings, and Feng Yixiu just absorbed the first Purple Gold Demon Card.

Feng Yixiu is now the King of Level 6 Battle Spirit. The highest level of the demon card that can be absorbed is the Purple Gold demon card, and the highest level of the demon card that can be used is the black gold demon card.

As long as Feng Yixiu absorbs the second Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King Demon Card, it is considered to have used up all the demon card slots that can be absorbed.

"Don't take a break... or in a spurt of energy!" Feng Yixiu turned the magic Spirit Treasure to a page, and put another magic card in it again.

A Purple Gold rays of light submerged into Feng Yixiu's eyebrows, and once again pulled it into the demon space of the Ten Thousand Venomous Spider King.

However, this time Feng Yixiu’s starting place is different from the last time. He is located in a large nest with an area of ​​almost hundreds of square meters. It is most likely to be the center nest.

When the Battle Spirit Master is conquering the demon, it will teleport to the vicinity of the demon’s location, and the maximum distance will not exceed 500 meters.

As soon as Feng Yixiu opened his eyes, he saw the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Sovereign in front of him, as if waiting for him...

"Oh... this The Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider King is more fierce than the one just now." A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yixiu's mouth, and immediately summon appeared the Demon Thorn Fairy.

Even if they are all ten thousand poisonous spider kings, not all ten thousand poisonous spider kings have the same character. Although there are common characteristics, each devil beast has its own character.

This is actually the same as Human Race. It shares the commonality of races while maintaining their own personalities.

At this time, Feng Yixiu is in front of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King. Obviously he is a more aggressive type. When he comes up, he has to fight Feng Yixiu with you...

I see The eight legs of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor bounce up like springs, and the eight sharp legs of the spider emit frightening rays of light. The huge body carries the sharp sword qi and quickly moved towards Feng Yixiu.

However, Feng Yixiu didn't care at all. He threw out a Purple Gold demon card at random, and he didn't even put his hand on the hilt of the Primal Chaos Demon sword, as if everything was under control. Among.

xiū xiū xiū ……

When the sharp spider legs were only less than half a meter away from Feng Yixiu, dozens of sturdy thorn vines suddenly grew on the ground.

The thorn vines at this time are no longer crimson, but light purple thorn vines with purple poison qi surrounding them.


The thorn vines accurately wrapped the eight spider legs of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King, and with a sudden pull, they were dragged from the sky to the ground. , The weight of strength splashed a lot of dust.

All the thorns and vines tightly lock each spider leg of the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King, pulling it like Dismemberment by Five Horses, making it stick to the ground and not send force.

The Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor struggled constantly, but he couldn't use his strength at all, and then released a highly poisonous venom, but he couldn't help it with the thorns and vines.

Not only did her poison not let the thorns and vines wither, but instead made them grow a bit and become more tenacious.

The demon card that Feng Yixiu has just thrown out is exactly the "Ten Thousand Poison Spider King-Ten Thousand Poisons", so the thorn vines will have poison attributes, and they will not be afraid of venoms of exactly the same nature. On the contrary, Ability to reverse absorption.

Thousand poisonous spider emperor saw that the venom he was most proud of had no effect, and for a while, he looked unlovable. It seemed that he had lost the thought of resistance, but fortunately he was no longer. Struggling.

Feng Yixiu walked slowly in front of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider Sovereign, and said softly: "You should sacrifice...I will not insult the Ten Thousand Poisonous Spider Sovereign."

hearing this, Ten Thousand Poison Spider Emperor’s thorough acknowledgement allegiance, the body began to blur, turning into one after another, the aura converged into a purple-golden light group.

After absorbing this group of purple golden light group, Feng Yixiu successfully increased a small realm and reached Level 6 Second Rank Battle Spirit realm.

However, in less than a day, Feng Yixiu not only broke through the Level 6 Battle Spirit King, but also increased a small realm. This rocket-like speed can only be achieved when absorbing the demon card. Feng Yixiu has a natural advantage as the Battle Spirit Master of the dual Battle Spirit.

A Purple Gold rays of light flew out from Feng Yixiu's eyebrows, facilitating the complete fusion of the magic card and the magic Spirit Treasure.

Feng Yixiu slowly opened his eyes, the light purple pupils had a deeper meaning, and gently picked up the magic Spirit Treasure in front of him.

Hu Jiu'er said with a slight smile: "This time you only spent one minute, it's pretty fast..."

"That's natural, Purple Gold Demon The card can't be absorbed for nothing..." Feng Yixiu responded naturally, and a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes after a while, "It's a pity that there is no demon resonance."

"Demon resonance How can it be so simple, this must be achieved if the absorbed demon card is 100% compatible with the Battle Spirit Master, do you think you have a good fit with the Ten Thousand Poison Spider King?" Hu Jiuer asked in return.

Feng Yixiu scratched his head, sneered: "It seems that there is no fit..."

He is the source of Thunder Attribute Martial Artist, and the poisonous spider emperor is poison attribute, and the race is the spider order, there is indeed no similarity to oneself at all.

Feng Yixiu recalled the resonance of other Human Demon spirits. Han Xiao currently has the most demonic resonance in their team. They are the gravity resonance of the giant floating island turtle and the clear water. Turtle, an Earth Attribute and a Water Attribute, all match Han Xiao's source Martial Artist attribute.

As a direct descendant of the Han Family, Han Xiao is estimated to have the bloodline of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King. It is not difficult to understand that he can resonate with the Turtle Clan demon.

And Shen Ruyu also resonated with the devil when absorbing the blue-eyed golden eagle. As a direct descendant of the Vermilion Bird Shen Family, she has a high degree of compatibility in attributes and races.

It seems that there is no demon resonance in the end of summer in the East for no reason. She has never absorbed the demon card of the tiger clan...

If you think about it, Feng Yixiu is the only one A devil card that the devil resonates with is the mad electric tyrannosaur, which is exactly the devil beast of the Thunder Attribute, the lesser dragon clan.

Thunder attribute is completely consistent, but if the lesser dragon family also fits this point, does it mean that their bloodline may have something to do with Dragon Clan...

Feng Yixiu I shook my head and said to myself: "It seems that I will try to absorb some Dragon Clan's monster cards in the future..."

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