hearing this, Thousand Illusion Mirage’s whole person is no longer good, just like a frightened kitten, with all its scales erected, hiding at lightning speed. Behind a giant ancient wood, the eyes were full of horror.

Looking at the approach of Feng Yixiu step by step, Qianhuan Mirage trembled: "You...what do you want to do?"

Feng Yixiu showed a row of white teeth , Laughed and said: "Of course it is to take your crystal core! What if you let you run out of the capital of sin, what do you do to me? Instead of fearing in the future, it is better to kill the threat in the cradle now! Anyway, the wood Avatar is transformed It’s also finished, and you are useless..."

"You...you are an abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal! I'm a ghost and will not let you go!" Thousands of fantasy mirages keep on It revolves around the huge ancient wood, just like Feng Yixiu is peek-a-boo.

"hehe..." Shura's gate suddenly opened, and hundreds of thousands of heroic spirits behind him looked at the thousand fantasy mirages indifferently, Feng Yixiu coldly said, "Do you think I am afraid of ghosts? ??"

"gu lu..."

Thousands of fantasy mirages looked at the tens of thousands of ghosts exuding Ghost Fire, and couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath.

I saw him slowly looking towards the direction of Hu Jiu'er, said solemnly: "His Royal Highness...Do you really want me to give the devil beast crystal nucleus to this kid?"

Hu Jiu'er never spoke, just silently nodded.

The crystal nucleus is even more important to the devil beast than the heart. If you lose it, you can say that there is no chance of survival.

hearing this, Thousand Illusion Mirage hardly had any hesitation, his palm turned into dragon claw, closed his eyes and pierced his brows!

The center of his eyebrows is where the crystal nucleus of his devil beast is located, and his action is to take out the crystal nucleus with his own hands and give it to Hu Jiu'er.

Just when he thought he was bound to die, he felt that his arm was bound by two powerful forces...

One of them was the first of Hu Jiu'er. One foxtail, and the other one was Feng Yixiu's hand unexpectedly!

Feng Yixiu looked at the thousands of fantasy mirages with amazement, and said indifferently: "sorry...I really look down on your Dragon Crystal core, you should keep it."


Thousands of fantasy mirages heart startled, as if they understand something, said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

Hu Jiu'er walked over slowly and said softly : "A mirage...I'm so to you, aren't you angry?"

"His Royal Highness joked...not to mention the devil beast nucleus, even if my life is yours! "Thousands of fantasy mirages knelt to the ground loudly said.

hearing this, Hu Jiuer is heart trembled, and then he personally helped the Thousand Fantasy Mirage up, and said softly: "Then I will let you never hurt Feng Yixiu, can you do it?"


Thousands of fantasy mirages and evil fiercely stared at Feng Yixiu. Although he was not reconciled, he still sternly said: "Yes!"

In this way, Hu Jiuer was relieved. , Commanded: "Tomorrow’s coronation ceremony will have a big battle, I need your help, no matter what happens, I want you to protect Feng Yixiu’s thoroughness."

"If you are in the capital of sin Among them, he can't even beat me, I think I will protect him..." Feng Yixiu disdainfully said.

hearing this, Thousand Illusion Mirage sternly said: "I just didn't care about your highness's face. If you believe or not, if your highness is not here, I can beat you to tears!"

"Hehe..." Feng Yixiu immediately rolled up his sleeves, with a fierce expression on his face, "It seems that you are dissatisfied? Do you want to stop making gestures?"

"Come on, whoever counsels is the grandson!" Thousand Fantasy Mirage also not to be outdone, rolling up his sleeves and wrestling with Feng Yixiu head-to-head.

peng~ peng~!!

Just as the two of them had a strong medicinal smell, Hu Jiuer gave them a big chestnut.

The two who were just ready to fight, both touched the big bag on their heads with aggrieved expressions, and moved their heads quickly after eye contact. No one was convinced...

Hu Jiu'er looked helplessly and said: "You all give me some relief, and leave more energy to deal with those Pluto masters tomorrow?"

"Oh oh..." Feng Yixiu and Qianhuan The mirage died out immediately, with a grieved expression on his face.

"Tomorrow, let two wooden Avatars go to the coronation ceremony instead of us, and we will hide them so as to remain unchanged in response to changes." Hu Jiuer said solemnly.

After a while, Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er, who were transformed into two wooden Avatars, returned to the Scarlet Castle. No one doubted their authenticity at all.

This time they did not return to the tenth castle, but moved to the Shura castle where the king can live.


In the early morning of the next day, although there was still a blood moon in the sky, the brightness was much brighter than at night.

Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu’er’s Avatar simply don’t need to sleep, they just quietly wait for the crowning ceremony to come.

"dong dong dong......"

A rhythmic knock on the door finally sounded, and then there was a female voice: "The king... you should get up and be crowned The ceremony is ready."

Feng Yixiu slowly stood up, then opened the door, and the people in front of him were red makeup and green ants.

These two people are also the nominal slaves of Feng Yixiu, and they came from Castle No. 10 to Shura Castle to take care of the life of the king and queen.

"The king...Great Elder asked me to wake you up, and let you hurry to the scene of the coronation ceremony." Red makeup said with a slight smile.

"Where is the venue for the coronation ceremony?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"Of course it is in the Palace of Sin. I heard that this Palace is newly built!" Green Ant said with a big smile.

"Oh? This is really cheap for me..." Feng Yixiu softly said with a smile.

It is estimated that the King of Sin did not expect that he would die suddenly. As a result, the palace that had been built with a lot of resources was equivalent to Feng Yixiu.

"The king should hurry up...Everyone is already waiting for you in the Palace of Sin, and even the citizens of Sin City will come to watch..." Hong Zhuang urged.

"The citizens of the city of sin are here? That's really a big battle..." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle said.

It seems that this man at the gate of the underworld wants to kill himself in front of everyone in the city, in order to establish his own kingship.

"My lord, this is a robe specially made for you and the queen. I will dress for you." Red makeup while speaking will enter the door.


The Hu Jiu'er, who had been silent just now, gave a light cough, and Feng Yixiu was shocked immediately.

"Give me all the royal robes... Let's do it ourselves." Feng Yixiu took the two royal robes and closed the door.

Although it is the Avatar of the Demon Fairy Thorn, Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er are still controlled by them. Except that the body is not two people, the mind can be said to be no different.

Hu Jiu'er put his own coronation suit on his body and compared it, frowned: "This is too exposed...isn’t it too good?"

This is a one-shoulder sling dress inlaid with many gold diamonds, as well as a very long Golden Feather cloak with golden feathers inlaid on it, which is extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

However, slender legs will be exposed, as well as a large piece of snow on the chest and a deep career line.

Feng Yixiu laughed and said: "Anyway, it's just an Avatar. If you miss some, you will miss some. What are you afraid of..."

"No way, it seems that I can only do things like the countryside..." Fox Jiuer sighed helplessly, and took off his coat naturally.

Feng Yixiu immediately turned around, frowned: "There is a dressing room over there, should you go there to change it?"

"Anyway, it's just an Avatar. What are you afraid of? Isn't that what you said..." Hu Jiuer walked slowly behind Feng Yixiu and said softly.

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