"You must succeed in evolving elites , give the teacher a sigh of relief!" Nie Deyuan gritted his teeth.

"Teacher, don't worry! That kid is just a low-level Battle Spirit, and the most useless Thunder Element snake spirit. Simply no one can successfully evolve, let alone perfect evolve, wait a minute. After the evolution is complete, see how I humiliate him!" Pei Wencheng clenched his fists and believed himself.

"Oh? That kid's Battle Spirit turned out to be a waste Battle Spirit? No one has ever successfully evolved Thunder Element snake spirits. That kid actually boasted that he wanted to evolve perfectly. It's a bliss. !" Nie Deyuan smiled and shook the head, and continued: "You hurry up and go to the evolving warehouse!"

"We will definitely not live up to the teacher's expectations."

Xiong Xinhe Pei Wencheng and the others each entered their own evolutionary warehouse.

This evolution chamber is a small room for separate use, which contains advanced machines that are refined into spirit transformation liquid.

Feng Yixiu and the others have also entered their own evolution chambers. There is an LCD screen outside each evolution chamber, where the basic information of the Battle Spirit Master will be displayed, as well as the evolutionary success. Five-dimensional map.

The so-called five-dimensional maps are agility, physical strength, defense, physical attack, and magic attack, which represent the basic abilities of Battle Spirit.

At this moment, everyone’s Battle Spirits are just young spirits. There is no data displayed on the five-dimensional graph, but once it evolves successfully, the five-dimensional attribute graph will be displayed on it. Finally, based on the five-dimensional view of the above attribute, to determine how the evolution of quality, quality growing Battle Spirit is also divided into ordinary, elite, perfect three.

"Is this the inside of the Evolution Chamber? It's really advanced!" Feng Yixiu looked at the facilities in the Evolution Chamber, a little surprised.

All the facilities in this evolution chamber reveal a high-tech feeling. The biggest instrument in front of him is a machine specially refined into spirit transformation liquid.

Feng Yixiu took out a small note very carefully. This is a detailed record of the evolution method he specially prepared. The record above is the first evolution method on the system.

If there is no evolution method, there is no way to evolve smoothly by relying on the evolution material table alone. The two are indispensable. such a small piece of paper, he also gave Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao wrote a one, were brought into the evolution of their positions.

"First put the devil beast crystal nucleus in the No. 5 refining box, after forty-two minutes, put the white orchid in the No. 17 refining box, and then put the thunderstruck wood..."

Feng Yixiu meticulously followed the evolution method prepared before and began to extract the spirit transformation solution. The whole process is very precise and complicated.

The evolutionary refiner in front of him has 31 different refinery boxes, each of which has a different function. For example, the fifth refinery box uses electric current to melt the crystal nucleus, while the third refinery box But it’s the flame tempering crystal nucleus, and the refinement of the 17th refinery box is crushed...

If you put a refinery box incorrectly or make a mistake even for one minute, the final result will be It may be a failure!

"Ding Ding Ding..."

In the end, all the materials finally gathered in one place, slowly forming a tube of spirit transformation liquid exuding lightning.

Feng Yixiu cautiously that will feed tube purple spirit transformation was taken out, carefully looked for a while.

"The taste of the spirit transformation liquid is quite good, and it deserves to be the spirit transformation liquid of Perfect level." Feng Yixiu laughed.

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: (m.soxscc.org) The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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