A few black chains flew out of the dark crack abruptly, forcibly dragging the evil eye spider back into the dark crack.

The Endless Colosseum returned to calm again, and the audience did not react a little, and their faces were full of astonishment.

The blood point settlement on the public display screen began to beat continuously, and the final data was minus 30,000 blood points!

Then the minus 30,000 blood points changed continuously, and Niu Hao’s original blood point data also changed continuously. When the 30,000 blood points were returned to zero, Niu Hao’s blood point data also became a negative number. .

The Evil Eye Sky Spider's winning streak has reached a new level, reaching an astonishing 301 winning streak.

Although these data have nothing to do with the Evil Eyed Sky Spider, it is a bolt from the blue for Niu Hao. This is deadly...

" ......"

When everyone saw Niu Hao's final blood spot settled, they were all sucked in a cold breath.

The more than 20,000 blood points accumulated over seven or eight years of hard work, even though they were deducted at one time, they became negative, which makes people a little embarrassed...

" Hey...it's a pity, Niu Hao is still a manufacturable, but luck is not good." The black magic envoy shook the head, but there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

There is no ups and downs in Niu Tau Palace Lord’s expression. He glanced at Niu Hao’s blood point data indifferently, and said indifferently: "Follow the rules..."

The warden could not help but frown. He wrinkled tightly and hurriedly said: "Palace Lord Lord, Niu Hao is also a rare talent. He is the most promising person to stand out from the endless Colosseum. Isn't it a shame to obliterate this."

"en? Are your ruthless rules that day is a trifling matter? is it possible that you want the deity to do it yourself?"

Niu Tau Palace Lord's face suddenly became gloomy, right hand palm ink purple His lightning was exploding, and a huge black wolf fang club entwined with dazzling lightning appeared in his hand.

I saw both of his hands tightly holding the black wolf fang club, lightly moved towards the ground with a pestle, the whole endless Colosseum trembled, and the domineering power of the world was undoubtedly revealed.

"The subordinates know their mistakes...I also ask the Lord Palace Lord to atone for their sins." The warden immediately lowered his head, and even though he was reluctant, he did not dare to continue to violate the wishes of the Bull Head Palace Lord, and immediately turned around. , loudly said: "! Niu Hao negative blood spots, in accordance with the rules of days of fierce public, local obliterate" Yanba, on the walls all around the Colosseum endless re stuck in a black of The chain accurately bound Niu Hao's only remaining leg, and little by little moved it towards the blood-colored molten pool and dragged it.

Niu Hao has been terrified, his hands are firmly on the ground, his fingers have been worn out and it is useless, he is still approaching the blood-colored lava pool at a constant speed, leaving a series of blood-colored marks on the path.

When I was not completely close to the blood-colored molten pool, a huge blood claw came out from the molten pool, grabbed Niu Hao suddenly, and easily broke the chains in an instant. Off.

The huge blood claws disappeared in a flash, and the speed was so fast that everyone present could not fully see clearly, and the blood-colored molten pool returned to calm again.

Feng Yixiu was shocked when he saw this huge blood claw. The water in this gluttonous Underground City is really deep!

Although the huge blood claw did not reveal its body just now, the breath that it exudes at that moment is completely inferior to the Bull Head Palace Lord. There is no doubt that it is a demon.

The black wolf fang club in the hands of the Bull Head Palace Lord slowly dissipated. Said solemnly: "The warden, the gods have always been strict and strict. I don't want to hear such unruly words from you again, otherwise You know the consequences very well..."

"Yes... your subordinates must remember." The warden was so scared that cold sweat broke out, nodded like garlic.

"I think you are tired too, go down and reflect on it...I will leave it to me for the time being." The black magic envoy glared at the warden and said indifferently.

hearing this, the warden's eyes gradually turned cold, but watching the Bull Head Palace Lord did not say anything, he turned and left the endless Colosseum.

Actually, the warden and the black magic envoy are both high level deacons. They are supposed to be of the same level, and the black magic envoy is not qualified to scream at him.

However, the black magic envoy has won the trust of the Bull Head Palace Lord by virtue of himself, and has always ignored other high level deacons.

"Lord Palace Lord, don't scan your Yaxing, don't forget that there is a genius!" The black magic envoy whispered softly.

The complexion of Bull Head Palace Lord gradually eased, and his gaze slowly settled on Feng Yixiu's body, indifferently said: "Hmm... the black magic envoy is right, so hurry up and start the next one. Fighting beasts, I want to see what the abilities of this woman with the true dragon Battle Spirit really is..."

The black magician nodded with a smile: "Presumably I won't disappoint Lord Palace Lord, prison The chief is not here, I'll go to communicate with the prison envoy."

After that, the black magic envoy slowly stood up, walked to the prison envoy in an elegant lotus step, and whispered: " Little ghost, the trick of murder a person with a borrowed knife is very good..."

The face of the ghost-faced woman hiding under the ghost's face turned white after a single brush, and the heart began to accelerate suddenly, for a long time. Did not suffocate a word.

She thought she was hiding perfectly, even the warden did not see the weak spot, but she was spotted by the dark envoy, she was panicked for a while, she was a little not knowing what to do .

"You don't need to be nervous, I don't mean to expose you." The dark envoy stabilized the ghost face prison envoy with a single sentence, and whispered: "I just asked you to do me a small favor..."

"The black demon made your lord be polite, no matter what you order, your subordinates will definitely do it." The ghost face woman lowered her head in response.

“In fact, it’s not a major event. The trick you just used on Niu Hao, I’ll let you use it again on Li Xiufeng!” The black magic envoy said with a smile, but his tone was very impressive. Feeling terrified.

"No...no problem, wrap it on me." The ghost-faced woman dared to say nothing, and agreed without thinking about it.

If the black magic envoy tells the warden or the Bull Head Palace Lord this secret, I am afraid that he will die very miserably.

Because they are all people who cannot tolerate sand in their eyes, they only have the iron law of the fierce crowd in their hearts, and they will definitely behead themselves to the public...

The dark magician smiled and patted the ghost face On the shoulder of the prison envoy, loudly said: "Now you can let the next player play!"

Feng Yixiu glanced at the public display and walked out from the center cage slowly, not too much. pressure.

When he saw the devil beast of Ranked 1st on the Natural Disasters list, he could say that there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to sleep.

The power of the Evil Eyed Sky Spider is beyond doubt, but he is a level worse than Destroying the Jielong. It may take some effort to deal with it, but there will never be too much pressure.

The ghost face prison envoy originally didn't want to assassinate Feng Yixiu, but the black demon was forced to persecute Feng Yixiu, so he could only perform the same trick again, and directly matched Feng Yixiu to the devil beast of Ranked 1st.

She has absorbed the experience of Niu Hao just now, and she is ready to do it in one step...

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