"How could there be any miracle, even if the two Young Masters of the Long Family are still alive, they would not dare to speak so much. I think she is just a clown." Brows frowned coldly, and said softly.

"hahaha...maybe it is really an illusion of the deity! It is indeed impossible to think about it." The Bull Head Palace Lord said heartily with a big smile.

"Palace Lord, let's take a good look at the fighting beasts... lest one inadvertently, that clown will be eaten by the devil beasts instantly!" The black magic envoy said solemnly.

"It seems that you have some prejudices against that human woman? Could it be that there is some contradiction between you..." Bull Head Palace Lord heard a little bit of resentment from the words of the black magic envoy.

"No...no, I just can't understand that someone is too arrogant." The dark magician was a little embarrassed and laughed, and the front of the conversation turned, his slender finger pointed downward: "Palace Lord, please Look, ten dark cracks appear at the same time, it's really spectacular!"

Niu Tau Palace Lord did not continue to question, but instead set his sights on the Colosseum under the stage, which is very experienced and knowledgeable. He was also taken aback by the situation in the audience.

At this time, the Endless Colosseum is completely a scene of the end of the world, and dark cracks of different colors are randomly distributed in every corner of the Colosseum.

Various element storms are tearing at each other, and the roars of different devil beasts can be heard faintly colliding with each other. The roar of fuse together makes people horrified.

Feng Yixiu stood calmly in the center of the endless Colosseum, his eyes closed, and despite all around rising winds, scudding clouds, he never moved even a step.

The violent various thunders exploded beside him, the original white thunder of white, the Azure Dragon holy thunder of blue golden, and the overbearing golden thunder of Can golden!

Three different kinds of thunder are perfectly balanced on him, forming a three-color glazed thunder that constantly changes rays of light.

I saw that the lightning on Feng Yixiu's hands was more prosperous, gradually condensing and forming, and a domineering azure long spear appeared in everyone's sight.

The Azure Dragon holy gun has lost its previous appearance after being transformed, but its formidable power and imposing manner have not changed at all.


The largest of all the dark cracks expands the fastest, a dull roar sounded, the devil beast, Ranked 1st on the calamity list, the mountain giant The first one rushed out.

The mountain giants are all made up of rocks, and their height is already more than 30 meters. Every time they run, the earth will tremble.

Feng Yixiu's eyes opened slowly, Liuli Lei flashed across his eyes, and the Thunder Mode and Strength of Dragon were instantly activated!

He first glanced at the mountain giant with system, and remembered all his data in his mind, especially where its weaknesses were silently remembered.

To deal with this kind of Earth Element devil beast, the most difficult thing is to find the location of its devil beast crystal nucleus, because it simply has no heart, it just relies on the devil beast crystal nucleus to provide power.

But the location of each mountain giant Human Demon beast crystal nucleus is different. The general Battle Spirit Master will have a very headache when dealing with it, because as long as it does not crush his devil beast crystal nucleus , It will be able to recover infinitely, by virtue of this, it will be able to consume the Battle Spirit Master alive!

"This guy is really cunning. He even hid the devil beast crystal nucleus on the sole of his foot. No wonder he has won so many consecutive victories..." Feng Yixiu sneered, secretly sighed in his heart.

"But if you run into me, you are unlucky, I will make you die a little bit easier!" Feng Yixiu's eyes suddenly became extremely serious, and the Azure Dragon holy gun lightning in his hand was released.


Feng Yixiu's speed is so fast, he disappears in place almost instantly, and only a series of glazed lightning afterimages can be seen.

These days of cultivation allowed him to master the real usage of Azure Dragon Holy Gun, able to perfectly integrate several kinds of thunder, and burst out a more terrifying explosive thunder than ever before.

However, he was not in a hurry to launch an attack. Instead, he was constantly wandering around the mountain giant. He could only see a series of lightning running around constantly, without any regularity at all.

The mountain giant has plenty of power, but the speed is slow. There is no chance that Feng Yixiu, who can catch the speed of breakthrough sound, can only continue to wield a huge fist indiscriminately.

Niutou Palace Lord said solemnly: "It's amazing speed, it should have surpassed the speed of sound... This human woman is really not simple."

The dark demon gradually lowered her face , Indifferently said: "Fast speed is useless, I think she is just wasting spiritual power. Don’t take advantage of the ten devil beasts before all of them come out, quickly solve a few weaker devil beasts, and even go back. To provoke the strongest mountain giant, even Battle Spirit does not have summon, it is really hopeless..."

Suddenly, the flashing lightning stopped abruptly, and the Azure Dragon holy gun in his hand was wrapped in it. A layer of glaze-colored thunder clothing is like a gorgeous streamer coating.

I saw the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and the seemingly unremarkable punch towards the waist of the mountain giant, but it was this attack that looked like an worm shaking the tree, and unexpectedly caused the amazing mountain giant to collapse. , Fell on all sides.

"It's now!"

"The eight styles against chaos, breaking the clear sky!"

Feng Yixiu outrageously fired a gun, and this shot hit it with precision The most central position on the sole of the mountain giant's foot.

A glazed dazzling beam of light gushes out from the tip of the gun, and effortlessly penetrates the rocky foot of the mountain giant with a clear cracking sound.

This is the sound of the devil beast crystal nucleus shattering. The mountain giant's eyes with golden rays of light gradually extinguished, and then the entire mountain giant exploded suddenly and turned into a handful. Yellow sand.

But this is not over yet, after breaking through the devil beast crystal nucleus of the mountain giant, the clear sky barely weakened at all, and it burst out in a straight line again.

"xiū xiū xiū 咻!!!"

The glaze-colored thunder beam has penetrated four strong demon beasts in a straight line that rushed towards here, all hitting the mark. !

A smooth penetrating wound appeared on the front of the four devil beasts, and the breath gradually became weak...

"bang bang bang bang!!!!"

Not yet waiting for the four devil beasts to completely fall down, and four more thunderstorms resounding through Heaven and Earth, the audience facing the devil beast did not see any abnormality.

However, the audience directly behind these devil beasts can see clearly. The backs of these four devil beasts are almost all blown up. The destructive power generated by the terrifying thunderstorm is too terrifying. !

Now the black magic envoy knows that Feng Yixiu is not just running away, but is looking for the best angle of attack...

But even if she wants to break her head It is also unclear how Feng Yixiu can know the key points of each devil beast so accurately.

Five powerful devil beasts on the calamity list were solved with only one move, including the Mountain Giants of Ranked 1st!

All this is just like dreaming, it’s just amazing...

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