The black magic envoy returned the microphone to the host, and slowly returned to his seat. He wanted to ask the reason but was afraid.

Niutou Palace Lord suddenly opened the mouth and said: "This human woman is not simple... She still chooses one to ten, but this time the one to ten is not only not difficult, but also very big Reduced the difficulty."

"Lord Palace Lord? What do you mean by this? One pick ten can reduce the difficulty?" The black demon was confused and full of question marks.

"That’s why you don’t know much about the evil-eyed sky spider. The evil-eyed sky spider has a very strong sense of territory and is extremely arrogant. It will never cooperate with other devil beasts! "Niutou Palace Lord explained.

hearing this, the black magic envoy suddenly realized that his triumphant face turned green in an instant.

Damn... it was put on again!

"Lord Palace Lord, Li Xiufeng is so young, It shouldn't be such a wide range of knowledge, I must have never thought of this level, it may be a mistake..." Black Demon After calming down, said with a slight smile.

"Maybe... To be honest, I can't believe it. Just look at how he responds, and you should be able to see his true thoughts." The Bull Head Palace Lord was expressionless, his eyes kept open all the time. The Colosseum under the stage.

The host picked up the microphone again, opened the mouth and said: "This newcomer is really a dark horse. He chose skipping grades to challenge and is also a strong demon beast on the ten natural disaster list. Can a miracle be created! Let's wait and see!"

The operation of the prison staff has been completed while the host is speaking, and the name of the devil beast on the public big screen has changed again, from the Purple Gold box to the box Black gold box.

The visual effect of a neat row of black gold boxes is extremely shocking. From top to bottom, it is NO.1 to NO.10. The first one is the Evil Eye Sky Spider!

Feng Yixiu didn’t bother to look up at the big screen. Anyway, it’s enough to know that the strongest of these ten devil beasts is the evil eye spider. He doesn’t want to know what the other devil beasts are. Don’t need to know...


After everything was ready, space tearing began to appear in all directions of the Endless Colosseum, with various elements. The storm was raging frantically.

These ten dark cracks bring extremely shocking visual effects, which are not comparable to the previous calamity devil beast.

Feng Yixiu did not stand in the center of the endless Colosseum this time, but saw him suddenly start to volley, and even moved towards the largest dark crack in the sky rushed past.

For a while, everyone was stunned. It was the dark crack of the Evil Eyed Sky Spider. What on earth did he want to do?

I saw Feng Yixiu's speed reached the extreme, a few sudden steps in the air, like a thunder attacking.

What everyone didn't expect was that Feng Yixiu had bypassed the dark crack, came to the back of the dark crack, and began to slowly converge all his breath.

"This...what kind of operation is this? Isn't this just self-deception..."

"Could she be afraid of this? Isn't it arrogant just now?"

"But is it too late to hide now? Those devil beasts are not fools. Even if the evil eye spider can't see him, other devil beasts can also be seen..."

Everyone in the audience was puzzled. They were crazy before, but now they are hiding at the beginning of the game!

Everyone in the audience showed contemptuous eyes, but only the Black Demon and the Bull Head Palace Lord two facial expression graves.

"Master Palace Lord really guessed right...she really understands the habits of Evil Eyed Sky Spiders." The black magic envoy bitterly laughed and whispered softly.

Niu Tau Palace Lord slightly nodded, did not speak, but stared at everything that happened on the Colosseum.

This human woman is not only superior in strength, but also terrifying in her knowledge. She actually understands the habits and characteristics of the evil eye spider.

And can use this habit to fight, this ability to adapt to change is very terrifying...

At this moment, the more you look at the Palace Lord, the more frightened he is. He already feels Keep Feng Yixiu no matter what, even if it violates the rules of the endless Colosseum!

I saw that the Bull Head Palace Lord did not know when the black wolf fang club was condensed. This is his Life Source demonic weapon, possessing the terrifying destructive power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

If Feng Yixiu really encounters any life-threatening danger, he will immediately take action ...

Feng Yixiu’s current position is very tricky, because of the evil eye sky spider. The location is in the most central position, so except for the Evil Eyed Sky Spider, all other devil beasts can see Feng Yixiu as soon as they come out.

But this is exactly what Feng Yixiu hopes to see. He wants to attract other devil beasts to attack him. When the time comes, let the evil eye spider help him get rid of those devil beasts. get more!


The low roar came from the dark crack in front of Feng Yixiu, and being so close to the Evil Eyed Sky Spider is indeed a psychological quality test.

Feng Yixiu didn't move from start to finish, and held his breath, even though his heart rate slowed down.

Under the noisy environment, the Evil Eyed Sky Spider did not find Feng Yixiu behind it. Instead, it noticed several devil beasts around and issued a low growl of warning nature.

Those devil beasts seem to be a little afraid of the evil-eyed sky spiders. Although they saw Feng Yixiu, they didn't even dare to approach them for a while.

But other devil beasts did not come. It doesn't mean that the evil eye spider will not pass. I saw the jasper poisonous scorpion roaring like a demonstration moved towards Ranked 2nd.

Jasper Scorpion is the Ranked 2nd devil beast on the natural disaster list. Although it is not as powerful as the evil eye spider, it can't afford to lose face in front of so many devil beasts.


The jasper poisonous scorpion didn’t come close either, waving the jasper poison needle hanging high behind him, and the dark green venom stabbed a little bit from the seam. Of dripping.

I saw the evil-eyed sky spider shot without warning, its abdomen spit out a giant lava web, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards the jasper poisonous scorpion past.

The Evil Eye Sky Spider was taught by the Bull Head Palace Lord before. It was in a bad mood. Since this jasper poisonous scorpion dared to challenge itself, it was even more furious!

The Jasper Venomous Scorpion also did not expect that the Evil Eyed Sky Spider would actually make a move, and was caught off guard. The fiery net made the Jasper Venomous Scorpion impossible to move even a little bit.

But the most unlucky thing is the Ranked 4th lava giant beast beside the Jasper Poisonous Scorpion. It looks obediently and honestly, but it was caught by the giant spider web for no reason.

The tenacious degree of the spider silk with the thickness of the arm is simply astonishing. No matter how the jasper poison scorpion and the lava giant beast struggle, they simply cannot break free from the spider web.

The evil eye spider is not only amazing in size, but also terrifying in power. Two Disaster Grade devil beasts were dragged by it with no difficulty.

It is like a top fisherman, and he took the net back little by little. It seems to enjoy this kind of hunting very much, regardless of whether the prey is a human or a devil beast!

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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