"It's good for you to have this heart, but Feng Yixiu is the one who killed Longyun. His innate talent may still be above you, absolutely not to act recklessly." Bull Head Palace Lord said solemnly.

"What the master said is extremely..." Feng Yixiu said in a low voice.

While speaking, a silver-white streamer moved towards this side quickly, and finally stopped by the car of Niutou Palace Lord.

After the silver-white streamer stopped, Feng Yixiu could see the person coming, a beautiful woman with a snake tail.

Every scale on the snake tail exudes a silver-white brilliance. She first glanced at Feng Yixiu, and then moved towards the Bull Head Palace Lord and bowed.

"Palace Lord, where have you been? The Elder Council has been waiting for your abbot conference..." The beautiful woman's voice was like a jade bead landing, very sweet.

"Aiya! This endless Colosseum is so enjoyable to see, it almost missed the major event." The Bull Head Palace Lord patted his forehead violently, and then moved towards Feng Yixiu and said: "This is also mine. Eldest disciple, her name is Sylvia, she is an immortal devil beast."

"Senior Sister is good!" Feng Yixiu politely greeted the snake-tailed woman, and the other party also nodded with a smile responded.

"There are still some important things to do for the teacher. I will ask Wei Ya to take you to the mansion first. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time." Bull Head Palace Lord said solemnly.

"The master, go busy first, I won't bother you." Feng Yixiu nodded, said with a slight smile.

The car of the Bullhead Palace Lord quickly moved towards the gluttonous palace below, leaving only the beautiful woman in silver-white dress.

Sylvia looked at Feng Yixiu for a while, and wondered: "Are you a human?"

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback, and said softly: "I am a human being worthy of this Surprised?"

"Junior Sister, don’t get me wrong. The master has always had a standard for accepting disciples, that is, never accepting humans, but since you can make the master break this rule, you must be a Genius." Sivir slowly circled Feng Yixiu.

Sylvia has a pair of extremely gorgeous silver light six wings, exquisite appearance and perfect and without blemish figure, and a white gauze set off her very noble.

"A genius is not dare to be a genius. I am just a Battle Spirit king. From now on I have to be taken care of by Senior Sister." Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile very politely.

Sylvia lightly said with a smile: "Don’t say anything else, just because you have a super-limit real dragon Battle Spirit, you are the word genius, Junior Sister, don’t be humble. "

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, said solemnly: "Senior Sister is not bad...If I guess it is right, you should be an immortal devil beast, right? That's also a station. One of the Illusory Beast species at the top of the devil beast pyramid, if it evolves into a Sovereign devil beast in the future, I am afraid it will not be worse than the master!"

"he he he......" Sylvia's laughter sounded like There was a clear spring, "Junior Sister is really good at talking. How can I dare to compare with the master, don't make fun of me."

"hahaha...I'm all speak frankly, where is it? Make fun of you." Feng Yixiu said with a big smile.

"The master just asked me to take you to the mansion. You must have just entered the Hall of Gourmet Demon not long ago?" Sylvia said curiously.

"Frankly, in fact, today is the first time I have come to Gourmet Demon Temple. I haven't recognized this place clearly yet..." Feng Yixiu responded truthfully.

"What? The first time you came to the Gourmet Demon Temple, you became the dísciple of the Palace Lord. Then your luck is really good. I don’t know how many people have been in the Gourmet Demon Temple for a few years without a chance to meet Master Palace Lord said a word." Sylvia said in surprise.

"Listening to Senior Sister putting it that way, my luck is really good. If I hadn't entered the Endless Colosseum, I would not have become a priest so soon." Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile.

"You...you are already a priest? Are you sure you are the first day to come to Gourmet Demon Temple?" Silvia showed a look of astonishment on her face.

"Well, the first day I came to Gourmet Demon Temple, I was sent to the Endless Colosseum, and then I stayed there for a month. To be precise, today is indeed my first day. One day came to the Demon Temple of Gourmet." Feng Yixiu nodded.

"Oh my God! You got a million blood points in the first show, what have you done in the endless Colosseum?" Sylvia frowned and said in a trembling voice.

"Actually, I didn’t do much. I just played two beasts. Then I slaughtered the devil beasts of the disaster list and the natural disaster list, and then got nearly 3 million blood points. "Feng Yixiu scratched somewhat sorryly, and said with a smile in a serendipitous manner.

hearing this, Sylvia seemed to be petrified, and she came back to his senses in the same place for a long time.

"I understand why the master made an exception to accept you as a disciple..." Sylvia smiled bitterly, and continued: "I'm not afraid of Junior Sister jokes, I also stay in Gourmet Demon Temple. It’s been almost five years, but only a few days ago accumulated 1 million blood points. Compared with Junior Sister, you are really far behind."

"Hey...I am just good luck. , I’m afraid it won’t be that simple in the future to get blood points." Feng Yixiu waved his hand indifferently, and then asked: "By the way, what Elder Council did you just ask the master to go to? What is so urgent... …"

"I also not quite clear. This is the secret of the Gourmet Demon Temple. Only people with the High Priest level and above have the opportunity to participate. I just vaguely heard them say they want to train the Demon Dragon Legion or something. I don't know exactly what it is." Sylvia shook the head and whispered softly.

"Dragon Legion?"

Feng Yixiu muttered to himself, and immediately turned his mind.

Could it be that the Demon Temple of Gourmet will use those true Dragon Crystal cores so soon, if this is the case, my plan will also speed up.

If this magic dragon Legion is trained, it will be a very terrifying force. Even if the Battle Spirit alliance can contend, it will suffer heavy casualties.

"If Junior Sister is not disgusted, there is an empty mansion next to my mansion, or you will live next door to me in the future, so that there will be a caregiver in the future." Sylvia suggested with a smile. road.

"If Senior Sister doesn't dislike it, that would be great." Feng Yixiu did not refuse either.

Although his rank and status are extraordinary now, his realm is still a little bit worse. If there is an immortal devil beast to protect, his future actions will be much more convenient.

even more how I just came to the Hall of Gourmet Demon. It can be said that I am unfamiliar with the place of life. You can’t ask the Palace Lord if you have any questions...

Even if the Palace Lord is not annoying, he doesn't have so much time to ask all the time. If he asks too much, it is easy to cause suspicion.

Although this Sylvia is a devil beast, she seems to be kind, and as the chief eldest disciple of the Bull Head Palace Lord, her status is quite high. It would be great to be guided by her. .

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