Feng Yixiu silently nodded and asked: “I don’t know if this gluttonous Demon Venerable is still alive.”

“Of course it’s still alive, but it’s still sealed State, but I heard that it won’t be long before the breakthrough will be sealed.” Sylvia said solemnly.


Feng Yixiu's expression became a bit solemn, and he responded subconsciously.

The gluttonous Demon Venerable is about to lift the seal. It is estimated that when the time comes, there will be a bloody storm...

"Let's go in now." Sylvia reminded in a low voice.

Feng Yixiu came back to his senses and immediately moved towards the inside of Tianxuetang. This day, the inside of Xiaoxiu was a place of charm and beauty.

There are more than one floor in the Tianxue Hall, presenting a tower-like structure, and the number of people going up is obviously much smaller.

Each layer has a huge bulletin board with various dark missions posted on it. Almost all of the First Layer are C-Rank dark missions.

Feng Yixiu stayed in First Layer for a while, and found that the tasks here are quite simple, but the blood points that can be obtained are also very small.

He casually watched some C-Rank dark missions, and couldn't help but browse tightly knit, almost all of which were very bloody missions.

For example, there is a long-term task, which is to capture the ordinary person class as a blood bag. An ordinary person can exchange ten blood points, and there is no upper limit.

The so-called blood pack is to treat humans as animals that provide blood, and then constantly draw their blood. Feng Yixiu has seen this kind of activity before.

At the beginning, Feng Yixiu wiped out such an organization, but he did not expect that this was only the dark mission of the lowest among the crowd...

The other mission is to capture For the Battle Spirit Master's mission, as long as it is caught in the Hall of Gourmet Demon, it will be rewarded with a blood point. If it is converted into a blood Spirit Master, it will also be rewarded with a large blood point.

The amount of reward is related to the realm of the Battle Spirit Master. The rate of return is much higher than that of ordinary person, and it is naturally much more difficult...

In short, only Feng Yixiu couldn't think of it, there is absolutely no thing that the gods and people dare not do. It can be said that they do everything except personnel!

Feng Yixiu glanced around the taskbar, and his face became gloomy involuntarily.

How can I accomplish this kind of task? !

We can't really catch a few innocent ordinary persons in order to gain the trust of the crowd. Feng Yixiu really can't do such a thing.

It’s no wonder that Bai Yuan is bullied even if he gets into the Hall of Gourmet Demon. How can he do this kind of dark mission with no bottom line?

When Feng Yixiu was in a dilemma, the whispers on the side made Feng Yixiu react.

"Isn't this the genius who was accepted as a final disciple by the Palace Lord not long after he came here?"

"At least he is also a priest, how can we rob missions with low-level deacons like us? Huh?"

"It's just...I'm not ashamed!"


Listening to the whispers around, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but blush.

"Let's go up and take a look... These tasks are for the novice, but you can't hungry or choose food!" Sylvia whispered whispered in Feng Yixiu's ear.

"Isn’t this the first time I’m here... I’m just a little curious, I don’t want to do it." Feng Yixiu was a little embarrassed and laughed, and then left the bulletin board dingy and moved quickly. Go towards the second floor of Tianxue Hall.

Feng Yixiu walked towards the top and asked: "What level of tasks do ordinary priests complete?"

"The priest level is already considered a core member of the Tianxuezhong It is generally done to complete the above tasks of S-Rank. For our this level, other tasks can be said to be an utterly inadequate measure, which is also a waste of resources. Basically, they are not considered, so those The low-level deacon would have such a big opinion of you." Silvia explained patiently.

"How many blood points can I get from that S-Rank mission?" Feng Yixiu wanted to stay on the second floor for a while, but was forcibly pulled by Sivia to continue walking up.

"The tasks above S-Rank are on the fourth floor. Let’s stop robbing people’s jobs." Silvia whispered and immediately explained: "As for the S-Rank task, you can get The blood point range of SS-Rank is 10,000 to 100,000, and the blood point range of SS-Rank mission is 100,000 to 1 million, and so on......"

It didn’t take long for Feng Yixiu to arrive. When I arrived on the fourth floor, the number of people here was obviously much smaller than that on the first floor, and it was no longer so crowded.

The highest floor of the Tianxue Hall is the fourth floor. This is also a place where figures above the priest level often haunt, and the aura presented is completely different from the rest of the floors.

When Feng Yixiu and Sylvia appeared, they quickly attracted the attention of people at this level. I don't know if it was Feng Yixiu's illusion. The look in these people's eyes seemed a little hostile.

A white clothed man with luxurious clothes and snow fox fur hanging from his neck slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu, and walked towards Feng Yixiu, respectfully moved towards Sivia.

"Eldest Senior Sister, what brought you here?" The white clothed man respected Sylvia's attitude very much, but as if he hadn't seen Feng Yixiu, he ignored it at all.

"I have nothing to do today, and I specially brought Little Junior Sister to pick up the task." Silvia replied blankly.

"Oh! It turned out to be the new'big celebrity' from our Gourmet Demon Temple. I didn't see it at this time. It was really disrespectful..." The white clothed man glanced at Feng Yixiu and said mystifying. .

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, thinking that I didn’t seem to offend this person, why this person seems to be aiming at me.

"You are polite...I didn't recognize who you are." Feng Yixiu replied indifferently, indifferently said: "Sister Wei Ya, are you familiar with this person? "

"I'm not very familiar with it, I just haven't seen a few sides." Sylvia smiled slightly and said softly.

"Why does this person come here as an unfathomable mystery? Toad lusting after a swan's flesh? Then don't take a piss to take a picture of yourself!" Feng Yixiu said very indifferently.


The white clothed man was flushed with anger, and pointed at Feng Yixiu angrily, but couldn't say a word.

"A good dog does not stand in the way! I don't have so much time to waste!" Feng Yixiu furiously shouted, and the white clothed man was frightened by the powerful imposing manner and took a step back.

Feng Yixiu and Sylvia walked side by side. It was full of aura. Many people saw that they both automatically separated a path.

Sivir whispered in Feng Yixiu's ear: "This guy is one of the top ten consecrations of the Gourmet Demon Temple. He is an intermediate priest. She also has a younger sister who is responsible for receiving The black magician who leads the newcomer."

"Oh...it’s no wonder he is so hostile to me. It turned out to be the big brother of the black magician. Is it true that a family does not enter the house." Feng Yixiu nodded, whispered.

The white clothed man stared fiercely at Feng Yixiu's back, and cursed in his heart: "hmph...a trifling Battle Spirit King, I want to see what missions you can take, Young Master, I You will be ruined!"

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