After making up his mind, Vice Hall Master immediately moved towards Hall Master’s office and walked over, and immediately broke into the door that had been pushed open.

But as soon as I entered, I saw the Hall Master who is always known for being stable in Normally, looking at a pile of rice paper written close and numerous, his hands were shaking uncontrollably. In his eyes there is joy that cannot be hidden.

"so that's how it is that's how it is!" the white haired old man said loudly to himself.

"Hall Master, what surprised you so much?" Vice Hall Master stepped forward and got close to the white haired old man.

After a while, the expression of the Vice Hall Master and the expression of the white haired old man can be said to be exactly the same, and both are basically in a petrified state.

"This...this is too ingenious! The problem that has plagued the old man for so many years was solved with one of the most common Seven Stars Grass and Broken Mountain Magic Bamboo!" Vice Hall Master was also excited Nothing can be added.

What they are watching now is the Bounty Mission released by the Blood Spirit Hall Master. In fact, they have already researched most of them, but they are just short of the last step. The problem of attribute reconciliation is still unsolved.

The so-called layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway. The Blood Spirit Hall Master is a special-grade Spirit Master, and he has naturally studied the Bounty Mission he released.

Just now when I saw the spiritual research plan written by Feng Yixiu, it was like enlightenment, and my doubts for a long time were solved in an instant.

This is like solving a mathematical problem. Although it is always impossible to solve it, when you see the standard answer, you can immediately realize it...

Sylvia was still quite Nervous, but after seeing the reaction of the two, it was a lot easier.

These two people can be said to be the two most powerful Spirit Masters in the Blood Spirit Hall. Even they admire them. It seems that there is absolutely no problem with these three spiritual studies.

The white haired old man slowly came back to his senses from the shocked state, cautiously put the rice paper in his hand on the table, and said with a trembling voice: "Miss Sivia, these three spiritual research plans Who did it come from?"

"Everyone shouldn’t be counted as... This is written by a human little girl who has just entered the hall of gluttonous demon. It is also my Junior Sister, she said It's just a little dabbling about Dao of Spirit." Sylvia was a little confused when asked.

"What? A little girl wrote?" Vice Hall Master suddenly took off the optical instrument he was wearing on his eyes, excitedly said.

" can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!" The white haired old man also looked serious.

"I'm not talking nonsense! These all are I personally watched her writing. The three spiritual research plans were written in less than one hour..." Sylvia said.

" hour? You mean these three top-level research programs only cost one hour!" The Vice Hall Master was almost suspicious of life, and his words were a bit uncomfortable.

" seems that the old man is really old! Today's back waves are too fierce..." The white haired old man shook the head with a wry smile and laughed at himself.

"Hall Master Sun, now is not the time to talk about this. Junior Sister is now at stake. If you don't show up again, I'm afraid she won't survive today!" Sylvia said anxiously.

"What do you mean by this?" the white haired old man asked with some confusion.

He imagined that such geniuses must be offered up as a living Bodhisattva. How could they fall into any crisis?

"It's like this..." Sylvia said a long story short, simply telling what happened.


The more he listened, the more angry he became, and he snapped a crack in the desk in front of him with a palm.

"The guys in the worship hall are really getting more and more senseless. The people in the blood Spirit Hall dare to move! I think they are tired of their lives!" The male Hall Master Sun was also filled with righteous indignation.

"Uh...When did my Junior Sister become a member of your blood Spirit Hall?" Sylvia asked weakly.

"Hey...this is not a matter of time or night! Don't care about these details..." Hall Master Sun smiled and waved his hand, indifferently said.

"That's it! For such a spiritual genius, the Blood Spirit Hall is the most suitable place for her!" Vice Hall Master also constantly nodded echoing.

"It's up to you, anyway, you hurry up to save me Junior Sister! It's too late but it's too late!" Sylvia said anxiously.

"Wait a moment, I will deal with these two spiritual research plans first." The male Hall Master Sun immediately moved towards the outside and shouted: "Come on!"

Several Spirit Masters bowed their heads and walked in, and bowed and said: "What's the command of Hall Master?"

"go! Give these two spiritual research plans to Palace Lord and Vice Palace Lord Go!" Male Hall Master Sun said with a serious face.

"As you bid!"

Silently collected the two spiritual research plans, and a few people moved towards the gluttonous palace without stopping.

"Aiya! Hall Master Sun, you are too boring , let's go quickly!"

Sylvia looked at the other party's slow movements, feeling anxious in her heart She grabbed the wrist of Hall Master Sun suddenly, turned into a white streamer again, and disappeared instantly.


At this time, the Tianxuetang was even more lively.

Seeing the time passing by, Zhou Yuan's excitement was already a little unbearable.

In order to prevent Silvia from getting in the way again, she sent someone to the worship hall in advance to enshrine the chief chief to the town, and also invited the Great Elder of the Blood Blade Hall.

Although his younger sister, the Black Demon Envoy, is not very high, with his extraordinary social skills, it can be said that the crowd can eat well in the sky and make many big people.

When these big figures from all sides of the Gourmet Demon Temple learned of the news, they all hurried over.

So the current Tianxuetang can be said to be overcrowded, but in such a big scene, Feng Yixiu is still asleep, and it seems that he slept very sweetly.

"This guy is dying, why is she still sleeping?"

"I think she is pretending to be asleep. There are so many big people here, so scared. I’m so scared! What can I do if I don’t pretend to sleep?"

"That’s true...but this pretends to be too similar."

A lot of onlookers Everyone was talking in a low voice, the eyes looking towards Feng Yixiu were very complicated, and most of them were sympathetic.

Zhou Yuan glanced at the time, coldly said: "There are less than ten minutes, and when the time is up, this kid will die!"

The big worship coldly said:" It’s just a trifling newcomer. Why should I go with Great Elder? It’s superfluous..."

Great Elder also echoed: "This guy is still sleeping comfortably. It’s act recklessly. Old man. I don’t have to wait for ten minutes. Wouldn’t it be better to execute it on the spot..."

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