That's why Feng Yixiu made such a request. He didn't force the other party, but wanted to find out what the other party was thinking.

If she is willing to give up the instructor position of the third Legion of the magic dragon Legion, and choose to accompany herself to complete a dispensable Bounty Mission, this will explain a lot of things...

Sylvia looked at Feng Yixiu's very serious expression, she couldn't help falling into a tangled emotion, and she didn't immediately agree.

There was not much communication along the way, the two quickly walked out of the Hidden Treasure Pavilion of the Gourmet Demon Temple, and immediately returned to their own residences.


Early the next morning.

Feng Yixiu followed the planned route to No. 89 Transmission Formation, cleverly avoiding all guards along the way.

In fact, he still has two days left. There are two reasons why he chose to leave today. One is that today is the magic dragon Legion. For elites above the level, the guards at each level will naturally become slightly weaker.

The second and most critical point is that the formation of the magic dragon Legion will inevitably consume a large amount of true Dragon Crystal cores. These precious true Dragon Crystal cores cannot be wasted!

Feng Yixiu went well. It can be said that he didn't meet a guard, but absolutely didn't expect that there were two guards before the 89th Transmission Formation.

In the past, Transmission Formation was not guarded by a dedicated person, but now it is guarded by the chief guard personally. Is it to defend yourself?

It shouldn't be, I can say that my disguise is almost perfect, there is no exposure at all, it should not be aimed at myself...

After Feng Yixiu took a deep breath, his hands behind his back, Moved towards No. 89 Transmission Formation with a relaxed face and walked over.

"Hello, Hall Master!"

When they saw Feng Yixiu from a distance, they immediately bowed and saluted, and their attitude was extremely respectful.

Feng Yixiu silently nodded, immediately holding the High Priest order and preparing to use Transmission Formation, but was stopped by the two guards.

"Master Hall Master, I'm sorry... Master Palace Lord has an order. In order to ensure your safety, you cannot go out temporarily." A guard bowed his head and said solemnly.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, the Bull Head Palace Lord never mentioned it to him at all.

This is obviously a private order of the Bull Head Palace Lord, and he deliberately avoided himself...

His first reaction was that he might be exposed, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that No, if this is the case, the two guards would not be so polite to themselves, it is estimated that they would have done it a long time ago.

Then there is only one possibility. The Bull Head Palace Lord wants to put himself under house arrest for the rest of his life in the gluttonous Underground City, so that he will never have a chance to go out!

"fuck off! Can you stop this seat too?"

Feng Yixiu was furious, and fiercely slapped the guard who was talking to the fan.

Another head guard said with a trembling body: "Even if you kill us, it's useless. Presumably your High Priest order has been sealed with the transmission authority, and you must be unable to get out... "

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu only felt his brain buzzing, so he immediately held the High Priest Order and experimented.

Sure enough, as the guard said, the High Priest in his hand made it impossible to simply correspond with the Transmission Formation, and the transmission authority was still blocked!

Feng Yixiu gradually realized the seriousness of the matter. This Bull Head Palace Lord does not seem to be so simple on the surface, but the city is extremely deep...

He has thought about everything. Unexpectedly, I never thought that my High Priest order would be banned from the transmission authority, which is the authority possessed by the high level deacon!


Feng Yixiu made a decisive decision and drew out his Primal Chaos Demon sword abruptly, and put it directly on the neck of a guard.

"You should be a high level deacon, right? Take me out, or be careful of your dog's life!" Feng Yixiu's eyes were extremely cold, and he made no secret of his murderous aura.

"You...even if you kill me, I dare not take you out! Lord Palace Lord will kill me..."

Trembling, you can see that he is indeed very scared.

"Then you are not afraid that I will kill you now?" Feng Yixiu's Primal Chaos Demon sword was slightly harder, coldly said.

At this moment, the guard who was shot flying by Feng Yixiu slowly got up from the ground, and immediately touched the alarm on his shoulder.

This alarm has a positioning effect. As long as it is triggered, there will be battallion people moved towards here...

At the crucial moment, A white flash hit the guard's eyebrow, and his hand dropped before touching the alarm.

The other guard saw that his companion was dead, so he was ready to touch the alarm on his shoulder with great speed.

Feng Yixiu was faster, the purple blade light flashed by, and a head flew out suddenly.

The warm blood rushed into the Primal Chaos Demon sword frantically, making a roar of excitement...

"Little Junior are too interesting, don’t prepare Wait for the elder sister?"

A familiar voice sounded behind Feng Yixiu, and the corner of Feng Yixiu's mouth slightly raised.

Slowly turning back, what she saw was Sylvia moving towards her quickly, and she appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Sister Wei Ya, I thought you weren't coming..." Feng Yixiu's eyes became a little moist, and he whispered.

"You are my long-term meal ticket, I can't let you dump me!" Sylvia responded with a smile.

"It turned out that it was just because of the meal ticket... You made me sad too." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile.

"Didn't you say you want to be my breeder? You won't regret it?" Silvia pouted.

"Of course I won't regret...I'm really glad you can come." Feng Yixiu smiled at the corner of his eyes.

"There should be a lot of people looking for me in the whole world now! Before my teleporting permission is blocked, let's go quickly, lest nights have long dreams..."

Wei Ya hurriedly stopped Feng Yixiu, and the two stood together in the Transmission Formation, slowly conveying the spiritual power into the High Priest Order.

A white rays of light flashed by, and Feng Yixiu and Sylvia quickly disappeared in place.


Transmission Formation outside the 89th.

A white rays of light condensed, and the silhouettes of Feng Yixiu and Sylvia gradually changed from illusory shadows to entities.

The location of this Transmission Formation can be said to be very secretive. The hidden location in the back garden of a villa is also one of the many strongholds for the crowd outside.

As soon as the two appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of a lot of blood Spirit Masters, and many people instantly condensed their demonic weapons to prepare for battle.

But everyone was relieved when they saw the incoming people clearly, it was not a stranger...

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