"Let’s forget it, I can’t transfer personal pressure to them. The players in the China High Level League are among the elite. The Academy’s powerhouse is too unfair to them. I think it’s better to wait for the next one..." Ren Tianze pondered for a long time, as if he had made a certain decision, his eyes became very firm.

"Do you now have a candidate to participate in the China High Level League?" Shen said a little worriedly.

Ren Tianze shook the head helplessly, indifferently said: "Now only my daughter Mu Ziyue is eligible to participate, but she is still a certain distance from Peak powerhouse, Bai Yuan is a good seed. , It’s a pity that he has already gone to Asura King, and he doesn’t know when he will be back. Besides, this improvised team’s tacit understanding is also a problem."

The candidates for the league are Long Chen and Bai Yuan, but this plan cannot keep up with the changes.

"Then you are going to give up this China high level league? Wouldn't you be expelled from the ranks of the four Saint Court?" Heavy browses tightly knit.

Nowadays, Furin Academy is not strong enough, but with the name of the Four Saint Courts, it can still recruit many outstanding students every year.

However, if the Raging Scale Academy is expelled from the ranks of the Four Saint Courts, it is estimated that it will start to decline, and it will continue in a vicious circle. It is difficult to become one of the Four Saint Courts again...

"There is no other way. Feng Yixiu and their strength are naturally known to me. I am confident that they can achieve certain results in the China High Level League, and even reach the top four, but they want to win the championship. ......" Ren Tianze stopped talking, sighed continued, "The China High Level League is held every two years. If after two years of tempering, I believe they will be able to easily win the China High Level League Championship after two years."

"But even if they won the championship at that time, the Rage Scale Academy would not be able to return to the ranks of Saint Court!" He said with a serious face.

If you want to become one of the four Saint Court again, you must have Saint Court falling out of the top four three times in a row. This is not something Feng Yixiu can do with one of their champions.

"Compared to my personal glory and the Academy’s glory, I still don’t want the children to leave regrets. In this China high level league, everyone has only one chance to participate. Since the children can definitely win the championship, why should Give up?" Ren Tianze shook the head, said solemnly.

The championship of the China High Level League is of great significance, which is different from the intermediate leagues held by the seven bases. This champion glory not only has the highest real value in China, but also has a very high real value in the world.

This is an extremely important thing for a young Battle Spirit Master. It represents the glory and respect of Supreme.

When the champion of the China High Level League enters foreign territory, he enjoys noble-level treatment, and the emperor should treat him with courtesy.

"I think you should still discuss with the children, maybe..." Shen Zhong wanted to continue talking, but he was interrupted by Ren Tianze before he finished.

"Patriarch Shen, don’t say it, I’ve decided, you don’t want to persuade me anymore. This is also for the children’s future considerations..."

Stop talking , Ren Yuan Something absent-minded turned around and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Ren Tianze's gradually shrinking back, helplessly sighed: "Hey...If it wasn't for the guy Long Xiao, the Raging Scale Academy wouldn't have fallen into such a field, it's really damn!"


I saw him browsing tightly frowns and pacing constantly in place. It seems that he is also very entangled.

After wandering for about five minutes, Shen Zhong couldn't help calling Shen Ruyu. He didn't have any emotional inclinations. He just repeated the matter as it was.

Shen Ruyu did not immediately express his attitude, but said that he would discuss with Feng Yixiu whether to participate in the China High Level League.

"Let's do everything to do to the destiny..."

After making this call, the big rock in my heart has fallen, and summon left the eternal purgatory Fire Phoenix and quickly left. .


Azure Dragon City.

In a manor full of history, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu are sitting on a white swing.

The two seem to be talking about a serious matter, and Feng Yixiu's expression is also a bit solemn.

"Big Brother Feng, that's the way it is, do you think we will participate in this year's China High Level League?" Shen Ruyu brows tightly frowns, asked softly.

Feng Yixiu was silent for a long time, and finally slowly uttered a word: "War!"

"But I heard that this China High Level League is a monster. We are now He is the King of Level 6 Battle Spirit. Will this be a cannon fodder?" Shen Ruyu said somewhat worriedly.

"As long as we have the breakthrough Battle Spirit before participating in the competition, I am confident that I will win the championship of the China High Level League!" Feng Yixiu said with a burning gaze and a serious face.

"At present, it is only half a year from the China High Level League. Even if we have a cultivation Holy Land like Yuanmen Lingfu, I am afraid we can't become a Level 7 Battle Spirit in any case..." Shen Ruyu frowned.

"The current Azure Dragon ancient wood is naturally not good, but I can let it continue to evolve. If twice the cultivation speed is not good, then triple!" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

The reason why Yuanmen Lingfu is special is precisely because of the existence of the ancient Azure Dragon tree, which can provide massive high-quality spiritual power for cultivation.

The current Azure Dragon ancient tree is twice as fast as the cultivation speed of the Furim Inner Courtyard, which means that the cultivation in the Yuanmen Spirit Palace is half a year in the last year!

But I want to continuously break through five small realms in one year, and it is still a bit difficult to reach the Level 7 Battle Spirit.

But if the Azure Dragon ancient tree can be upgraded again, it should be barely able to catch up. After all, it is equivalent to a year and a half of cultivation.

"If it is tripled, it is indeed possible to break through to the Battle Spirit level. Although we still have some disadvantages, it is not impossible to fight." Shen Ruyu nodded, said solemnly.

"I want to see how big the gap is between us and the world Peak team." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, his eyes full of fighting intents.

"I heard father say that the team sent by the Royal Academy of the Sun and Moon is outrageously strong. The Captain, like you, also has an ultra-limit Battle Spirit. As for the other players, they are also the ultimate Battle Spirit. Our pressure is not small..." Shen Ruyu leaned his head on Feng Yixiu's shoulder and said softly.

"There is pressure to have motivation..." Feng Yixiu faintly smiled, "If you don't guess wrong, the Third Prince of the Sun-Moon Empire must have obtained the Holy Spirit inheritance, and they must be exhausted. The Peak talents cultivated by the power of the country can only be at this level."

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