"It turns out that there are so many different kinds of devil beasts. I heard it for the first time. It really benefited a lot..." Feng Yixiu was dumbfounded and nodded.

"So you can get an Illusory Beast kind of devil beast, it’s already very good. If you can get the ancient kind of devil beast, then you have to burn high incense. As for this ancient seed, don’t Think about it..." Old Chu said with a serious expression on his face.

"Lao Chu, do you know where it is possible to find traces of the ancient seed devil beast?" Feng Yixiu looked at Lao Chu very seriously and asked.

Chu Lao looked at Feng Yixiu helplessly, and sighed: "I can see it, you brat is just arrogant to me! Cooperating with me and telling you so long is all in vain, right? If you want to find the ancient seed devil beast, you can go directly to the gluttonous or chaotic, then maybe there is some hope..."

"Huh? I don't want to die an untimely death yet, forget it... "Feng Yixiu shook his head like a rattle.

"Hey...I shouldn't keep you ancient seed devil beast." Old Chu bitterly laughed, and suddenly his whole person froze, as if he was thinking of something important.

"Old Chu, what's the matter with you?" Feng Yixiu immediately realized the abnormality of Old Chu, and shaking his hand in front of him didn't work.

"I suddenly remembered the record in an ancient book. I heard that when the Holy Spirit Black Tortoise and Demon Venerable fought in the wild, the place seemed to be at the junction of a certain coast. It can be described as mountains burst and ground split. Almost all of the several tens of thousands of li have been razed to the ground, but when cleaning the battlefield, an intact stubborn stone was found on the shore, the outer layer of stubborn stone. There is nothing strange, but the inside is as pure as a jade stone. People have heard a faint heartbeat from the rock."

Chu Lao tried hard to recall the book I didn’t know when I saw it. Ancient book, slowly said.

"Where is this rock now?" Feng Yixiu immediately became interested and asked quickly.

"There is no record in this ancient book, but according to my speculation, the ancient seed devil beast conceived in this stubborn stone is likely to be far away. I think the specific location is very likely to be in Xuan. The top of the Black Tortoise Tower at the Academy!" Old Chu browsed tightly frowns, earnestly said.

"Xuantian Academy’s Black Tortoise Tower..." Feng Yixiu remembered this place silently, whispered, "The organizer of this China High Level League is Xuantian Academy. This is really heaven helps me."

"The dean of Xuantian Academy is not very good at talking. He is a stubborn Ancient One. It is difficult for outsiders to enter the Black Tortoise Tower as heavenly ascension, let alone enter the Black Tortoise Tower. It's the top level, and there is no door..." Old Chu shook the head with a smile, and sighed.

"If I remember correctly, the dean of Xuantian Academy is called Gu Liangyu, right? I also heard that he and Dean Ren can't deal with each other..." Feng Yixiu frowned.

"Yes, Gu Liangyu really didn't deal with Ren Tianze very much, so you should dispel this idea." Chu Lao Patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder, "Even if you really found the stubborn piece. Stone, maybe it is still a stubborn stone now, not even the lowest devil beast, how can you recover it?"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu silently nodded.

But is Feng Yixiu the kind of person who gives up easily?

Obviously Feng Yixiu is not, he is the kind of character that will never die.

It's fine if you don't know the existence of this strange stone, but since you already know it, then you must find out.

I don’t know if it’s Feng Yixiu’s illusion. He feels very strongly that the existence of this stubborn stone must be unusual...

Feng Yixiu stays quiet and puts two The black gold demon cards were taken out, said with a slight smile: "Chu, do you know these two demon cards?"

Chu looked at the fantasy series in Feng Yixiu's hand Two black gold demon cards, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but began to twitch.

This kid just called himself poor, and in a blink of an eye he took out two priceless fantasy series demon cards, it is simply not a person...

If these two demon cards If the card appears in the Huaxia market, I am afraid that there will be no more than one billion alliance currency that simply cannot be sold, and it does not include the probability of people crazy raising prices.

"Exterminate the tribulation thunder-tribulation thunder and nebula rainbow dragon-Xingyun, these two are both fantasy series of devil cards, and they were also the devil beasts of Unparalleled Illusory Beast." Old Chu tried his best to calm his mood, and then sighed: "The power of these two demon cards is undoubted, but it is a pity that there is no demon card of Pole Star Destruction Dragon. Otherwise, if these three demon cards are matched with each other, it will It is the existence of destroying heaven extinguishing earth..."

"Your words are similar to those of a friend of mine, but she didn't say that the extinguishing extinguishing dragon can also be matched with these two demon cards." Feng Yixiu said with some doubts.

"Your friend must also be knowledgeable. The cooperation between the Nebula Rainbow Dragon and the Pole Star Destruction Dragon is indeed terrifying, but it is still unable to reach the most terrifying form. They represent the ultimate physical attack, but if In addition, if the dragon is destroyed, it will form an existence that is infinitely close to the black hole, and it will Devouring All Living Things..." Old Chu said with a serious face.

"My God, is it so exaggerated..." Feng Yixiu also shivered subconsciously.

"If one day you really miraculously collect these three demon cards, you must pay attention to keeping a safe distance, otherwise you must not arm the three together. This is a bloody historical lesson. "Chu Lao said solemnly.

"What historical lesson, is it not so exaggerated..." Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, expressing some suspicion.

"Not so exaggerated? According to the ancient book, the first person to collect these three fantasy demon cards was also a genius who was rare in a century, but it was because he armed these three cards at the same time. The demon card was completely swallowed in the end! When people discovered it, all the kilometers in the radius were disappeared. If the spiritual power was not exhausted, the consequences would be even more serious..." Old Chu said very seriously.

"Oh my God, this is too terrifying!" Feng Yixiu stared with a pair of big eyes, his face was full of horror.

"I just remind you that although the probability of the appearance of the Polestar Destruction Dragon is almost gone, you brat can’t make sense. I have to tell you clearly to rest assured. I don’t want history. The tragedy is repeating itself.” Chu Lao earnest and well-meant advised.

"Many thanks, Mr. Chu reminded me that I will pay attention to it in the future." Feng Yixiu is also serious and nodded.

Feng Yixiu then asked Mr. Chu about the selection of Human Demon spirit cards such as Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao. The entanglement and confusion in his mind for a long time were basically solved.

Chu Lao is worthy of being a theory Master. Every time I communicate with him, I will get a great harvest. I have to say that Jiang is still spicy...

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