Feng Yixiu certainly knows the language of the Sun-Moon Empire. The spirit strength of Martial Artist is not comparable to normal people, and learning a language is very simple.

When he was in high school, he had mastered the official languages ​​of all major countries in the world and was able to communicate fluently.

But he is unwilling to accommodate outsiders in the motherland. This is a matter of national dignity!

Yuan Shenya's hands stiffened in the air trembled visibly, but quickly stabilized.

"Your Excellency Asura King, my name is Yuan Shenya, Sun Moon Royal Team Captain." Yuan Shenya spoke a very fluent Chinese language, but his voice seemed a bit cold.

Feng Yixiu just stretched out his hand and said with a slight smile: "Yuan Captain, hello! But please call me Feng Yixiu. My current identity is Captain of Raging Scales."

The two did not secretly compete, and they separated soon after simply shaking hands in a friendly manner.

They are all very proud of their hearts, and they don't want to do such a fight.

"I thought it would be a boring journey. Didn't expect to be able to meet Lord Feng. It seems that it won’t be too boring." Yuan Shenya scattered a few strands in the scattered emission. Sharp cold glow.

These seemingly ordinary words reveal boundless arrogance, but he is indeed qualified to be so arrogant.

When everyone saw this, they just clenched their fists, but no one dared to refute. The imposing manner exuded by Yuan Shenya was too terrifying.

"I hope you can have a happy vacation in China." Feng Yixiu looked at the other person's offensive gaze, and immediately glanced at the Eight Inch Mirror hanging from the other person's waist, said with a slight smile. "This mirror is more beautiful than I thought. Originally, I was worried that this mirror would be too ugly and Yu'er would not like it. It seems that I was worrying too much..."

Yuan Shenya did not expect Feng. Yixiu was so direct that he was stunned for a while.

There is no doubt that Yuan Shenya is crazy, but Feng Yixiu is even more crazy than the other party!

When everyone heard this sentence, all of them were dumbfounded, and their eyes looked towards Feng Yixiu again full of respect and admiration.

There are many madmen in this world, but the highest realm is to be so mad that the other party can be speechless!

"Asshole! How dare you be rude to Third Prince!"

The black warriors who were responsible for the escort behind Yuanshenya were ready to do it immediately, but they were completely cold by Yuanshenya. The look in his eyes was frightened.

"Sorry, I also like the eight mirrors very much, I am afraid I can't give it to your lord." Yuan Shenya coldly said.

"It's okay, you can keep it for me for a few more months..."

Feng Yixiu left here without looking back, Shen Ruyu and the others Keep up with him immediately.

Yuan Shenya looked at Feng Yixiu's leaving back, his eyes were so gloomy that it could drip water.

"Let's go..." Yuan Shenya took a deep breath, and once again became the person with cold eyes, and didn't intend to stay here.

When the Sun Moon Team was passing by the Xuantian Team, only Captain Han Jiang of the Xuantian Team slowly extended the hand and wanted to say hello, but the opponent didn't mean to stop at all!

Yu Yuanshenya didn't even see Han Jiang directly, and walked past him, leaving only the embarrassed Han Jiang still holding his hands high.

Han Jiang is the Captain of the Xuantian team, the Eldest Young Master of the Xuan Wu Family clan, and the big brother of Han Xiao.

"pu chi..."

Many people around did not hold back a laugh when they saw this scene.

Yuan Shenya personally went to greet Feng Yixiu, but Han Jiang took the initiative to say hello, but the other party ignored him!



Where did Han Jiang suffer this kind of grievance, his high hand gradually turned into a clenched fist, and he violently moved towards Yuan Shenya's roar passing by NS.

Suddenly, Yuan Shenya stopped abruptly, turned around slowly, and a cold gust of wind burst out suddenly.

I saw his cyan-gray color pupils exuded a faint rays of light, which contained a murderous aura that made people have one's hair stand on end!

"Is there something?"

Yuan Shenya's tone is very cold, just like a whisper from Nine Nether.

Han Jiang only felt that he was in the abyss of Nine Heavens Astral Wind, with countless invisible wind blades hovering around him.

He vaguely saw that there seemed to be a huge vicious phantom behind Yuan Shenya, and responded subconsciously: "No...nothing."

The storm stopped suddenly, Yuan Shen Ya turned back slowly, as if all the horror just now was not what he had done.


When Yuan Shenya disappears in the lobby on the second floor, all the talents are sighed in relief.

The aura of Yuanshenya is too terrifying. When Feng Yixiu was here before, everyone didn't feel much.

But not long after Feng Yixiu left, no one was able to suppress his amazing king aura.

Even though it was just a simple meeting, everyone realized how terrifying Feng Yixiu really was, and he was able to make Yuan Shenya and the others dare not act rashly.

A group of women in fiery-red combat uniforms moved towards Han Jiang and came over here, said with a sneer: "If you don't have this ability, don't learn from others. It's a shame to our Saint Court!"

hearing this, Han Jiang's face is even more ugly, and he furiously said: "Shen Lin, what qualifications do you have to say about me? Young Master Ben dare to at least stand up, unlike someone who only dared to hide in the corner and walk away. I dare to point out here!"

Shen Lin is also a member of the Vermilion Bird family. She is the cousin of Shen Ruyu, and her father is the heavy big brother.

Although Shen Lin’s father, Shen Rang, is not strong, this daughter is an extraordinary natural talent, and has been fully cultivated by the Burning Feather Academy and Vermilion Bird family, which can be called Burning Feather Academy Number One Person.

Shen Rang often because Shen Ruyu has not received the traditional education of Ranyu Academy and Vermilion Bird family and Elder Xiang will be impeached heavily, but they are all overwhelmed by patriarch...

"You!" Shen Lin was also flushed with anger, and immediately returned to normal, indifferently said: "This Eldest Young Lady doesn't care about you. What kind of ability is there to see the truth on the court? I will let you Xuantian Academy lose. A complete defeat!"

"hmph! If I remember correctly, the previous time Huaxia high level league, you Yanyu Academy lost to our Xuantian Academy!" Han Jiang coldly snorted, sarcastically said, " That was still held at your Ranyu Academy. This time it is held at our Xuantian Academy. Do you think you might win?"

"hehe...this is not necessarily true. Yu Academy is the ultimate Battle Spirit with all members, and may not be inferior to you in strength." Shen Lin put her hands around her chest, coldly said.

"It's as if anyone is not the ultimate Battle Spirit of all members. This Young Master has won the championship of this year's China High Level League!" Han Jiang sneered and refused to give in.

Both of them are giving tit for tat. Almost no one is willing to be softened first, and they are about to do it.

Xuantian Academy and Ranyu Academy are currently the two strongest teams among the four Saint Courts. Under normal circumstances, the champions of the China High Level League are held by the two of them in turn......


While Baiya Academy has only won one championship in recent years, its strength is still slightly worse than Xuantian Academy and Ranyu Academy.

The worst is the Raging Scale Academy, not to mention the championship, even the top four are rarely won, otherwise it will not be reduced to such a field.

This has nothing to do with the previous Dean of the Raging Scale Academy and Long Xiao, who was embarrassed and treacherous, but it was pitiful that Ren Tianze took over this mess...

"You two are endless! You are the biggest Isn’t the opponent of Team Sun and Moon? Or do you have full confidence in defeating Team Sun and Moon to win the championship?"

The South China team Captain Qiu Mubai didn’t want to join the team, but still suffers ."

Unable to stop the quarrel between the two of them, he stopped.

Suddenly, Han Jiang and Shen Lin stopped talking, and they bowed their heads in silence.

Although I haven't formally competed with the Sun Moon Team, it can be seen from the performance of Yuan Shenya just now.

This Sun Moon team will be the biggest obstacle on the road to the championship!

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