"Bold! I dare to despise this dean, Believing or not I disqualify you!" Gu Liangyu's eyes were cold, said solemnly.

"Didn't expect the dean of Xuantian Academy to be a clever, short-sighted person!" Feng Yixiu slowly turned around, even after he saw that the game below had started.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the opponent of Team Sun and Moon turned out to be Team Cang Lei!

This Canglei team is the team led by Kong Pei, and it is also the old and strong team in the top ten new century academy.

Feng Yixiu clenched his fists, but now that the game has started, Formation has completely isolated the entire playing field and cannot stop it.

Murong Bei Jia seems to have noticed something wrong, and quickly walked to Feng Yixiu's side and asked: "City Lord, why are you so nervous?"

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, replied: "The strength of Team Sun and Moon is very terrifying. In order to obtain more information on Team Sun and Moon, Gu Liangyu was assigned to the top 100 ranking group. I am afraid that he will take advantage of this opportunity. Kill!"

Although Feng Yixiu has only one side for Yuan Shenya, he can see that Yuan Shenya is very good at forbearance.

Xuantian Academy at first is aimed at the Sun Moon Academy, which can be seen from all directions.

If they are divided according to the strength of the Sun Moon Team, they should enjoy the same treatment as the Big Four Saint Court, but Gu Liangyu did not do so.

Not only did he fail to do so, but he also placed him in the top 100 ranking group, which is a kind of humiliation to Team Sun and Moon!

Gu Liangyu thought that he had lost face for the Sun and Moon Team, and also earned face for China, and he was able to collect a wave of Sun Moon Team member information.

As everyone knows this is the most stupid way!

hearing this, Marshal Murong seems to be aware of this problem. Looking at the situation on the battlefield below, frowned: "I'm afraid everything is too late..."


Competition No. 4 is the arena of Team Sun Moon and Team Cang Lei.

Because of the particularity of the Sun and Moon Team, most of the audience's eyes are focused on the fourth division, and most of the drones in the sky are also concentrated in this division.

There is a referee in each division, and he loudly said: "Now we invite players from Team Sun and Moon and Team Cang Yuan to enter!"

Team Cang Lei Everyone on the opposite side of the Sun Moon team naturally did not dare to underestimate them, and all the four main players entered the arena.

This team is based on Kong Pei's ultimate complete body Battle Spirit Cangyuan Thunder Eagle as its core battle strength, and the remaining three are Thunder Attribute's auxiliary system Battle Spirit, Lei Ling Su!

As a purely auxiliary Battle Spirit, Lei Ling Su can be completely attached to the main Battle Spirit, greatly improving the attributes of the Battle Spirit!

Obviously, Canglei team is a pure extreme Sect team...

But what everyone did not expect was that the Sun Moon team only sent one person. , That is their Captain Origin God's End!

After the referee saw that there was only one person on the field, frowned: "Team Sun and Moon, once again approve the number of participants, is it for one person?"

Yuan Shenya sneered, loudly said: "To deal with a team of this level, I alone is enough..."


For a while, the entire auditorium was boiling, Yuan Shenya The cold and confident voice constantly echoed in the Martial Practice Stage.

"This Sun and Moon team is too crazy! This simply doesn't put our Huaxia team in the eyes!"

"I heard that Canglei team is a veteran. The strong team can be said to be a few fixed-place New Century Academy. This Sun and Moon team dare to fight alone, really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth......"

"Come on, Cang Lei team ! Give this madman a lesson, let them know what is called there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven!"


A piece of the audience It was boiling, almost everyone was cheering for Cang Lei Team.

Captain Kong Pei of Canglei team was also furious when he saw Yuan Shenya alone on the field: "Yuan Captain, do you look down on our Canglei team like this? I advise you to do more. Go on some people!"

Yuan Shenya didn't care, indifferently said: "I don't want to bother with the dead..."

"bully intolerably! Then don't Blame us for deceiving less!" Kong Pei was coldly snorted, and even after summon had released his own Battle Spirit.

Only a loud eagle's voice was heard, and a Cangyuan Thunder Eagle exuding purple lightning appeared directly above him.

It is worthy of being an extreme Battle Spirit. Both the strength of the Thunder and the size of the Battle Spirit are very deterrent.

The other three auxiliary system Battle Spirit Masters also summoned out their own Battle Spirit, and three Lei Ling Su appeared in the air.

The three Lei Ling Su seem to have no entity, as if they were three groups of golden lightning, they were submerged into Cang Yuan Lei Ying's body almost the instant they appeared.

For a time, Cangyuan Thunder Eagle's power became even more powerful, with a dazzling purple-golden thunder exuding all over his body, as dazzling as a sun in the sky!

The remaining three Battle Spirit champions of the auxiliary system did not appear in the Safety Sector, and their combat ability as the auxiliary system Battle Spirit is very weak.

Not only may they not be able to help, but they may also drag Captain Kong Pei's hind legs. This is also the most common style of play for Extreme Stream teams.

I saw the purple-golden thunder on Kong Pei's arm, and a blue thunder sword with dazzling lightning appeared in his hand.

Not only is it a spiritual weapon, he also possesses the spirit armor that the Battle Spirit can possess, and his battle armour is called Cang Lei battle armour.

Cang Lei battle armour can greatly increase Kong Pei's movement speed, and can also be attached to the terrifying Power of Thunder, which can paralyze the enemy in close combat.

Kong Pei's calf was slightly harder, and the whole person ejected like a small steel cannon, just falling behind Cangyuan Thunder Eagle.

At this time, Kong Pei is like the real Thor coming to the world, looking condescendingly at Yuan Shenya, coldly said: "You have no chance of winning, I advise you to give up!"

Yuan Shenya sneaked, and did not respond to each other, but the beginning of each minding their own business summoned their own Battle Spirit.

A black Battle Spirit array appeared next to him, but the scope was not very large. It can be seen that the size of this Battle Spirit is not very large.

Before the Battle Spirit was released by summon, the summon array had formed a black storm eye, and black feathers were faintly flying around.

The entire No. 4 Division is caught in a storm, and the whistling sound formed is like the wailing of a hundred ghosts in hell, which makes people shudder...

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