Feng Yixiu has already in the heart and decided not to let Xiao Kongkong absorb any demon cards. The task of breakthrough realm can only fall on Xiaobailou and the little demon.

Although I am a little sorry for Xiaobailou and Xiaoyao, who made them the big brother elder sister.

'I should have a preference for Xiao Kongkong a little bit! 'Feng Yixiu thinks so.

Obviously, after absorbing the demon card, the effect of the demon card can be fully exerted, but Feng Yixiu still wants to consider for the future.

If he had allowed the Third Holy Spirit Treasure to absorb six black gold demon cards at the Level 7 Battle Spirit stage, it was indeed better to use the seven diamond-level demon cards directly.

Not only is it more flexible in actual combat, Feng Yixiu can even prepare two sets of magic cards for Xiao Kongkong, so that you can't guard against it!

No way, this Battle Spirit is self-willed...

If the average person now knows Feng Yixiu's thoughts, I am afraid he will vomit and bleed on the spot...

It is not easy for an average person to have an excellent Battle Spirit. Having a double Battle Spirit can become a genius, and Feng Yixiu can be said to be an existence that makes geniuses jealous.

However, Feng Yixiu also has his own worries. What he worries most now is how to find the best evolution materials and matching demon cards for Xiao Kongkong. This will be a very money-burning thing.

"Father, what are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu was awakened from his thoughts by a tender voice, and then he saw Xiao Kongkong was already standing in front of him NS.

The Azure Jade Linlong and the Queen of Blackthorns on the side seemed to be a little tired, and both stood on the side together, waiting for Feng Yixiu's orders.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about your future evolutionary path, so that you can become stronger as soon as possible." Feng Yixiu smiled and touched Xiaokongkong's soft hair, and said softly.

"What will Xiaokongkong evolve into in the future?" Xiaokongkong looked at Feng Yixiu with curious eyes.

"Well...I didn't think about it for the time being." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a wry smile, and said with a slight smile: "But father promises that you won't be disappointed."


"Hmm...I believe in father." Xiaokongkong nodded, whispered softly.

"You are all tired from playing, too? Let's go back to the magic Spirit Treasure to rest first. It's time for me to leave the Black Tortoise Tower." Feng Yixiu glanced at the two Battle Spirits on the side. said solemnly.

Xiao Bailou and Little Demon are nodded, and immediately turned into streamers and plunged into their respective magic Spirit Treasure books, and Xiao Kongkong's silhouette gradually became more and more illusory.

Feng Yixiu wanted to capture a few monsters in the Black Tortoise Tower, but when he thought that carrying the monster card out would leave a purchase record, he dispelled this idea.

The demon in the Black Tortoise tower and the demon in the Azure Dragon tower have their own marks. As long as they are taken out of the tower, they will be known. This cannot be hidden.

But there is no life contained in this immortal stone, because he is not a devil, but a real devil beast, and it was not conceived when he was put in, naturally. Will not be noticed.

This can be considered a good thing, so as not to let Dean Gu and the others find out that it is not very good, I am afraid that if they really find out, I am afraid they will find themselves desperately...

However, Feng Yixiu felt that it was nothing. The devil beast in the immortal stone is simply useless for the average Battle Spirit Master.

Furthermore, Innate Yuanling is still a devil beast with a far ancient seed. If he escapes by chance one day, he might become a Demon King one day.

Innate ape spirit is conceived from the immortal stone. At birth, it does not distinguish between good and evil, and acts entirely by instinct. It is natural, so it is like a pure white paper.

If it keeps hating humans for trapping him, it is likely to stand on the opposite side of humans in the future, which is not a good thing for the entire Battle Spirit world...

At least Innate Yuan Ling becomes his own Battle Spirit, Feng Yixiu can also guarantee that it will not go astray, and he can also specify the most perfect evolution plan for Xiao Kongkong, so that it can one day become the Holy Spirit.

"Ghosts, we can go out." Feng Yixiu moved towards the ghost queen on the side confessed, even if he opened the door and walked out.

"I think the stubborn stone on the ground is quite beautiful, should we pick it up?" The ghost glanced at the jade stone fragments, frowned.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu realized that he had indeed ignored the magic jade stone that gave birth to the Innate ape.

Although the Innate ape spirit has been conceived and absorbed most of the gods in the jade stone, Feng Yixiu can still feel the jade stone and the rich Spiritual Qi, exuding a faint The divine glow.

"Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would really forget..." Feng Yixiu moved towards ghost laughed, and soon all the jade stone fragments on the ground were collected into the ring.

In this way, the top floor of the Black Tortoise tower really becomes empty, as if the immortal stone really disappeared out of thin air...

"successfully accomplished..." Feng Yixiu's patted hand with a smile on his face, "Now we can go with confidence."

After that, Feng Yixiu and the ghost walked out from the top of the Black Tortoise Tower together, and cautiously put the bronze The door is sealed.

This looks exactly the same as before Feng Yixiu came, presumably Director Gu can't find it in a short time.

It doesn't matter if he finds it. Anyway, he doesn't know what devil beast is conceived in this immortal stone, and he doesn't doubt Feng Yixiu at all.

Even if you really suspect Feng Yixiu, you just don’t accept it. Anyway, he is stingy...

Ghosts still lead the way, Feng Yixiu only needs Just follow her behind, they can bypass all the lairs of devil beasts.

You can even avoid encountering the students of Xuantian Academy, but now it's the China high level league, and there are not many Battle Spirit Masters coming to the Black Tortoise Tower at this time.

Without spending too much time, Feng Yixiu retreated from the Black Tortoise Tower all over, and hardly attracted any attention.

Feng Yixiu returned to his residence immediately after leaving the Black Tortoise Tower.

At this time in the living room of the Chinese-style courtyard, Shen Ruyu was already pacing back and forth in a hurry, and his face looked very anxious.

"Why hasn't Big Brother Feng come back? It's already half a month, so nothing will happen!" Shen Ruyu muttered to himself as he paced.

"Ruyu younger sister, don't worry about unreasonably, Feng Captain has always been Heavens helps the worthy, it will definitely be fine!" At the end of Eastern Summer, he smiled and comforted Shen Ruyu as he said softly.

"ka ka ……"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of opening the door, Feng Yixiu was walking in from the main entrance, but he saw Shen Ruyu moved towards himself. come over.

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