"hehe...this guy is lucky..."

Feng Yixiu sneered, then looked up and looked towards the only black thorn in midair flower.

Shen Ruyu's ability to instantly kill three people from a long distance is already an extreme operation, only one Captain remains.

I have to say that Captain Meng Mingjie of this frenzy team is lucky enough to let him hide.

“bang! ”

Only heard a bang, the only black thorn flower in midair burst open suddenly.

Meng Mingjie was even more angry when he saw the three people who fell on the ground, his eyes seemed to bleed with anger.

"Damn it! You brat is playing yin with Laozi!" Meng Mingjie moved towards Feng Yixiu angrily roared below.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said: "Don't you want to sneak attack me too? It's just that you failed, and I succeeded. Let's be half-hearted, let alone who..."

"How do you know where I am? We have obviously acted very carefully, and you shouldn't be able to find our whereabouts!" Meng Mingjie browsed tightly knit and asked out of the confusion in his heart.

"hahaha...this is sorry, I predicted your prediction. You only thought of Third Layer, and I already thought of 99 Layers, this is the difference between the two of us." Feng Yixiu faintly smiled.

"You..." Meng Mingjie's angry face turned blue, and immediately roared: "Do you think I will give up in this way? Don't think about it!"


Before the words fell, a continuously intertwined and rotating arrow of the burning sky turned into a streamer, and Meng Mingjie, who moved towards in midair, quickly approached.

At the crucial moment, Meng Mingjie slammed into the air, dangling and avoiding the attack of Burning Sky Arrow.

Just when he thought that everything was going to rest, Burning Sky Arrow, who was passing by, came with a 180-degree roundabout, and attacked again.

"What kind of ghost bow and arrow is this! It can even be navigated..." Meng Mingjie swore angrily, immediately condensing his spiritual weapon, two double swords that reveal blood.

This is his spiritual weapon, its full name is Slaughter Double Blade. It is a spiritual weapon of the Myriad Forms family. It can draw blood to strengthen itself when attacking.

I saw that he slashed his palms with two knives very quickly, and the Slaughter Blade started to suck Meng Mingjie's blood frantically.

The blood light emitted by the Slaughter Blades has become more and more dazzling. The violent power of blood makes Meng Mingjie more and more frantic and angry...

" Blood Blade Cut!"

Two cross-shaped slashes cut the Arrow of Burning Heaven into three pieces, and gradually turned into flames and disappeared.

As the pursuit distance increases, the formidable power and speed of Burning Sky Arrow will gradually decrease. The formidable power of this distance of thousands of meters has been damaged by more than half, and it is not easy to have such formidable power. .

However, it can only deal with stationary targets. It is a bit too reluctant to deal with a powerful opponent like Meng Mingjie.

After Meng Mingjie cut the Arrow of Burning Sky, he immediately left Shen Ruyu's sniper range. Although this super long-range Arrow of Burning Sky did not threaten his life, it was a trouble after all.

The whole person turned into a crimson blood light, moving towards low altitude and fleeing.

He wants to fight on the ground. Above this high altitude, he needs to constantly resist cold arrows that he does not know when he will shoot over. Obviously, it is a very unfavorable situation.

Feng Yixiu was not idle naturally either, he immediately condensed the Primal Chaos Demon sword, stomped his foot suddenly, and the huge force made him eject like a cannonball.

"Wind-style·Break the army!"

You can only see a series of purple afterimages rushing back and forth in the Blackthorn Forest, so fast that naked eyes can hardly catch them. .

This Meng Mingjie was surrounded by countless sword shadows before he completely landed. The countless sharp slashes seemed to be blown by the blue wind, and there was no way to defend him.

"clang clang clang..."

The frequency of attacks is too exaggerated. The Primal Chaos Demon sword and the slaughter battle armour are colliding fiercely. Everyone can only see Meng Mingjie being completely covered. wrapped by fire star.

But for a moment, the battle armour on Meng Mingjie looked devastated, and warm blood flowed from the wound, making him look like a blood man.

If ordinary people were hit hard by this kind of damage, they would have given up long ago, but Meng Mingjie did not respond at all, and even coldly snorted did not send out.

Feng Yixiu's silhouette stopped abruptly, and gently shook the red blood on the blade, coldly said: "Don't admit defeat? Is it possible that you want to fight to death?"

"hahaha..." Meng Mingjie lowered his head, his whole body seemed to be trembling slightly, but it was not fear, but excitement!

I saw the blood pouring out of his body frantically, and the two slaughter blades in his hand were gathered in a fast moved towards, and his whole person was wrapped in a thick layer of blood mist.

Feng Yixiu clearly felt that Meng Mingjie's breath became much more terrifying than before, so he immediately retreated a dozen steps back.

"You are such a madman, are you consuming your lifespan?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly frowns, coldly said.

This guy is actually letting the spiritual weapon suck his own blood to strengthen his power. Such a crazy battle method Feng Yixiu is also only seen in his life.

Power of Qi and Blood represents a person’s life force. Although qi and blood can be regenerated, the total amount of qi and blood in a person’s life is limited.

He is consuming his life force in battle, and if he is careless, he will run out of vitality...

"As long as he can defeat you! Trifling some Power of What is Qi and Blood! "Meng Mingjie scatters blood light from his eyes, looking at Feng Yixiu frantically.

Feng Yixiu has also become a little serious. He has also watched several Meng Mingjie matches. Even if he is facing the Jihuang team, he is not as desperate as he is today. It seems that this guy is really angry... …

Meng Jieming glanced at the three team members who fell on the ground, said solemnly: "Plan D is activated!"

Several players who were already dying were also looked at at each other in a moment. Blank dismay, but they dare not disobey Captain's order.

A black gold demon card flew out of the three translucent magic Spirit Treasure books, and the three demon cards are exactly the same, all of which are "Scarlet Witch-Scarlet"!

These three black gold demon cards turned into three black streamers and instantly sank into the three battle spirits trapped in the black thorn cage!

"hmph! It's just Final Struggle..." Feng Yixiu's fingers moved slightly, and two Purple Gold demon cards in the Second Magic Spirit Treasure Book quickly drifted out, "The Ten Thousand Venom Spider King— -Ten Thousand Poison Arms!"

The formation diagram of the magic flower behind the Queen of Blackthorns has also undergone significant changes. Huo Gouyu gradually emits dazzling rays of light.

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