"Don't pursue fearless, kill with one blow!" Feng Yixiu was dizzy and said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu naturally understands the preciousness of spiritual power. Without the assistance of the Queen of Blackthorns, every bit of spiritual power must be cherished...

"Yes, Lord !"

Xiao Kongkong is nodded, no matter how fierce and domineering he behaves to outsiders.

But when facing Feng Yixiu, he appeared to be extraordinarily well-behaved and obedient, forming a very obvious contrast.

I saw Douzhan Tianyuan suddenly spread his arms, and the whole person stretched out like a spring.

With a roar resounding through Heaven and Earth, dozens of fighting Avatars suddenly spread out!

Fighting Heavenly Ape can naturally feel Feng Yixiu's spiritual power and the limits of his body, and the total amount of fighting Avatar has spread out.

In the past, Feng Yixiu could only do this with the assistance of the Queen of Blackthorns, but after the breakthrough fourth rank gene lock, he can barely complete it without the assistance of Battle Spirit!

"Fighting Profound Truth·Earth evil mode!"

Fighting the sky ape’s eyes released purple-golden flames burning fiercely, and the whole body released a dazzling halo. There seems to be lava flowing on the skin, forming one after another dense purple magic pattern.

The thirty-six Avatars quickly moved towards the fighting sky ape body before they fly far away, and the sight like Myriad Laws Return To One is jaw-dropping.

After each Avatar phantom belongs to the main body, the divine glow released by the main body of Fighting Heavenly Ape becomes stronger and stronger, and the breath it releases also makes people feel more frightened.

Behind the Fighting Heavenly Ape, there is a faintly visible image of Saint King. The storm dragon wrapped around his right arm is completely transformed into an entity, and a deafening dragon roar erupts.

I saw Douzhan Tianyuan slowly lift the head, and the purple source qi gushing out of his mouth, which looked like Demon Venerable coming to the world, making people fearful...

It was just this action that lifts the head, and the storm that was still roaring suddenly stopped and became absolute silence.

As if echoing the battle conditions in the arena, the needle drop in the entire Xuantian Martial Practice Stage became audible. Almost everyone held their breath, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

At this time, the fighting sky ape seems to be the Sovereign of this extreme wind abyss, and every word and deed can make the Wind Element of this extreme wind abyss stand still!

When Liu Feng could see the Fighting Heavenly Ape in the Earth Shame mode, he just stared at each other, and he almost fell from behind the Lightning Hummingbird in fright.

He even had the idea of ​​admitting defeat at that moment, but after calming down, he shook the head abruptly, and immediately looked up at the game time.

As long as the two sides do not fight for more than five minutes, it will end in a tie.

However, 3 minutes have passed now. As long as we insist on another two minutes, then we will be forced to declare a tie...

Feng Yixiu doesn’t know Liu Feng’s thoughts, but it’s a pity He would never give the other party such an opportunity.

With just one look, the fighting sky ape suddenly split into three, moving towards three different places.

Three fighting sky apes ejected like cannonballs, as if cracks appeared in the space under his feet!

Because the speed is so fast, no one can see which one is the main body and which one is the Avatar.

Liu Feng was looking at the three Fighting Heavenly Apes moved towards as he approached extremely quickly, and he was a little panicked in his heart.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that there is a complete Battle Spirit capable of speeding up with the lightning hummingbird mention on equal terms.

This Fighting Heavenly Ape doesn’t seem to be simply fast. The path of action is like an instant movement, which makes people feel dazzling.

Many people think that this is just an illusion caused by too fast speed, but they don't know that Fighting Celestial Ape is really teleporting!

Power of Space is the most powerful of the Exorcists. Although it is only a diamond-level demon card, the formidable power is not enough for ultra-long-distance instant movement, but it is enough to support small-distance instantaneous movement!

So the flickering and disappearing phenomenon that people see is not an illusion, but the frequent teleportation of the genuine...

If it is only about speed, there is no auxiliary fighting against the sky ape Of course it cannot be mentioned on equal terms with the lightning hummingbird, but after adding space teleportation, it is almost the same!

Liu Feng gradually became flustered as he watched the fighting sky ape gradually getting closer, but he didn't know how to escape in the face of the three spreading fighting sky apes.

The reason why Tianzhan Tianyuan is divided into three is not random, but a judgment made after accurate calculation.

It will not make Feng Yixiu's spiritual power consumption unbearable, but can also pursue Liu Feng to the greatest extent!

The three fighting celestial apes moved towards flying towards different directions, basically covering the entire extreme wind abyss, and it is impossible to use the walking position to escape...

" No matter what, take a gamble!"

Liu Feng saw that he had already fled to the border of the competition area.

I saw Liu Feng suddenly jumped off the Lightning Hummingbird. He was already seriously injured and he barely got on the cliff of Extreme Wind Abyss.

This caused the speed of the Lightning Hummingbird to skyrocket, and immediately moved towards the Fighting Heavenly Ape who had been chasing them behind him attacked.

It is still a golden flash passing by. Liu Feng is betting that this is a fighting Avatar. Fortunately, he is right.

It’s just that even if it’s a right bet, it doesn’t make any sense at all. The entity fighting the sky ape suddenly disappeared, directly forming a Form Displacement Shadow with this Avatar.

When Liu Feng saw a fighting sky ape disappear suddenly in the distance, he felt secretly sighed bad, but it was too late!

The lightning hummingbird is only less than ten meters away from the fighting sky ape, and the arrow must be sent on the string!

"Six Pointed Star Array!"

Liu Feng is already ready to launch the strongest offensive.

Six Pointed Star Array is the fourth Battle Spirit skill of the Lightning Hummingbird, and it is also the most offensive and most powerful Battle Spirit skill!

I saw the lightning hummingbird aiming at the neck of the fighting sky ape, turning into a golden flash and piercing it violently.

"chi chi..."

The lightning hummingbird's sharp knife-like beak collided head-on with the Copper Skin & Iron Bones fighting the sky ape.

For a time, intense friction aroused fire in the sky, the lightning hummingbird flashed away, and the fighting sky ape was unscathed!

But this is only the first attempted attack of the Lightning Hummingbird, and then the Lightning Hummingbird turned around and moved towards the same direction again...

"ka ka ka ......"

The naked eye that was fast during the whole process was difficult to see clearly, only to see a golden Six Pointed Star Array that was about to take shape appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Judging from the strength of the impact, each attack of the Lightning Hummingbird will be twice as strong as the previous one!

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