Feng Yixiu This is the first time that two fantasy series of diamond demon cards are armed at the same time, and the imposing manner of the azure jade dragon has suddenly taken a qualitative leap.

I saw the tribulation thunder, which was as black as ink, wrapped the azure jade dragon, and the violent thunder and lightning turned into electric light within a radius of 100 meters.

"Dragon's Shadow!"

Feng Yixiu laughed lightly, and immediately the azure jade dragon was divided into seven, which already crushed each other in number.

"Shaking the universe and shaking the stars!"

This is not over yet. Feng Yixiu immediately summoned the avatars of the remaining six azure jade dragons into "shaking "Yu Zhenxing" form!

But this is still not the full form of "Shaking Universe Shocking Star", because he has not yet used the demon card of Pole Star Destroying Dragon.

I saw seven huge shocking stars moved towards Qi Die in different directions. Every moment around the shocking stars is a powerful annihilation tribulation thunder.

Destroying the Jielong Dragon not only has huge formidable power, but also has a strong attraction, as long as it gets close, it is easy to attract it firmly.

Qi Die didn't care at the beginning, she moved towards a recent Shaking Universe Shocking Star, and wanted to cut it in half!

But after she got really close, she felt a strong current paralysis, and a strong attraction made her unable to get out...

The impact of Shaoyu Zhenxing in the water was reduced. Many, but control has risen by more than one level.

Naturally, the wolf thorn will not let go of this good opportunity, and violently attacked with two long-range sharp slashes.

The angle of attack is also very rare and tricky, obviously a critical strike is required!

Qi Die looked at the shining star and the sharp slash that got closer and closer. This was in the heart secretly sighed. Not good!

She suddenly exploded a diamond-level demon card, and her strength skyrocketed again in a short period of time...

Feng Yixiu and Wolf Spur were seeing each other decisively When he sacrificed the demon card, he couldn't help but wonder, Qi Die seemed to have been driven into desperation.

Otherwise, you will never be forced to sacrifice your own demon card, which is equivalent to sacrificing your own future to save your life!

"The Fury of the Blood Butterflies!"

Qi Die roared, and the number of blood butterflies directly increased by several times, directly wrapping her whole body.

Thousands of blood butterflies have formed a defense system without weak spots. Almost no one or any object can approach Qi Die within ten meters!

Even the water everywhere is now being evacuated by the high-speed movement of thousands of blood butterflies, forming a short water-free space.


At the same time, Shaanyu Zhenxing struck Qi Die suddenly, and the powerful impact directly set off a wave of violent shock.

Anything that touches the Wrath of the Blood Butterfly will be entangled. The moment the two touched, Shaking Yu Zhenxing was enveloped by countless blood butterflies.

I saw the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable shocking stars unexpectedly began to slowly disintegrate, this kind of feeling is like thousands of tiny ants cannibalizing the giant elephant!

Feng Yixiu can't help but browse tightly knit after seeing this situation. It is worthy of being close to the strength of the Battle Spirit emperor.

Even if it is already riddled with scars, it is still so terrifying under the near-death outbreak...

The first shock star lasted less than five seconds. It was completely disintegrated, and then the second and third Shaking Stars attacked the past!

In the face of such a mighty force, Qi Die couldn't get out of her body. The corners of her mouth slowly overflowed with red blood, and her face became paler.

She didn't expect a Level 7 Battle Spirit to be able to push herself to this point.

If she was given another chance, she would definitely not choose to ambush Feng Yixiu and the wolf stabbing them...

Feng Yixiu glanced at the wolf sting, coldly said: "So good You still don’t grasp the opportunity, when will you wait?"

The wolf thorn silently nodded, and then the strongest diamond-level demon card was thrown out, coldly said: "The Phantom Wolf King—— Phantom Arms!"

"Thousand Phantom Claws!"


After the scarlet blood wolf violently angry roar, he grabbed and swiped with all his strength shatter void.

I saw a pitch-black paw print began to transform, and finally turned into a sky full of paw prints!

This is the strongest offensive of the wolf spur, and now I am no longer reserved in the face of such a good opportunity...

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"


Man Tian ink-black's paw prints attacked Qi Die, but compared to the enhanced Blood Butterfly's Wrath, it is still something not up to par.

It just made it appear a weak spot for less than two seconds, but this is enough for Feng Yixiu!

"Shocking Stars·Five Consecutive Shocks!"

A series of five shocking stars with momentum is big, power is deep blasted towards Qi Die who had lost his protection. .

Even though Qi Die is a fourth-rank source Martial Artist, he can't resist the attack of oppressive forces like Shaoyu Zhenxing...

"Boom boom boom..."


At first, Qi Die could barely resist one or two, but after the third one, she couldn't resist it at all.

The violent strength of Thunder and powerful impact make Qi Die miserable, and the blood butterfly double knives have begun to faintly crack.

“dang dang! !”

Only two clear voices were heard, Qi Die’s spiritual weapon broke abruptly, and the unstoppable Shaoyu Zhenxing directly strikes her chest!

In an instant, Qi Die flew upside down like an off-line kite, still spouting dazzling blood from her mouth.

The extremely powerful impact unexpectedly formed a short sound barrier in the water, and Qi Die was directly blasted out to a distance of thousands of meters.

Finally hit the ring-shaped mountain range on the outermost periphery of King Tide City, and the terrifying force directly destroyed a small mountain!


When the wolf thorn saw this scene, he couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath.

Xuan even looked towards Feng Yixiu with a jealous look, and she was even more amazed in her heart.

I thought that Qi Die was solved, Feng Yixiu was just the fish on the chopping board, but now it doesn’t seem to be the same thing...

But it’s still a wolf stabbing When thinking, there was a sound above the circular mountain range in the distance.

I saw a bloody storm smashed open, and a bloody mad woman rushed out, but it was not moved towards Feng Yixiu and Wolf Sting.

It's the only exit that moved towards the circular mountain range, that is, the canyon they had entered before rushed over!

Qi Die wanted to run away desperately, but he hadn't waited for Feng Yixiu and Wolf Spur to react.

A melody turned to listen, and the sound of a weeping Luo Xiao came, which was exactly what the Princess of the tide did.

This is the spiritual weapon of Princess Tide. The ability of "Bihailuo" can command all the surrounding sea devil beasts for its own use!

However, Blue Conch Xiao can only play a role in waters with powerful sea devil beasts, and there is almost no offensive on land.

"roar roar roar..."

For a while, Feng Yixiu heard that the entire Sea Territory was restless, and it seemed that there were massive sea devil beasts moving towards here.

The sound of the devil beast, which is like an abyss, makes people tremble...

Qi Die, who was still running desperately, stopped when she reached the entrance of the canyon. Now, the pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw the devil beast, like a wave, rushing towards here, completely blocking the only exit.

There are even a lot of immortal sea devil beasts with bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

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