"Shen Lin, don’t you want to stay in the family anymore ? If you don’t want to, don’t force it, I’ll want other methods." Shen Ruyu brows slightly wrinkle, She was as careful as a hair, immediately suggested.

"I didn’t mean that. I grew up in the family. Now let me go out and I’m not used to it. You don’t have to think about it." Shen Lin shook the head with a serious face and immediately opened the mouth and said: "What I want to say is I hope you can chase the life you want bravely, and you can rest assured to give me your back."

"Hmm... "Shen Ruyu stared at Shen Lin's eyes for a long time, seeing only sincerity, and immediately said wittyly: "Sister Qingci is married, when will you let me see my brother-in-law?"

"You little girl, you know to have fun with elder sister!" Shen Lin laughed and rubbed Shen Ruyu's forehead, and said with a smile.

"Lin's elder sister is really stingy, shouldn't she even hide her younger sister?" Shen Ruyu playfully stuck out his tongue and said with a smile.

hearing this, Shen Lin glanced at the blushing Ji Ningxue on the side, and said calmly: "I think... I don’t need it anymore..."

Shen Ruyu As if petrified, he was stunned in place, and it took a long time to react.

At this moment, many icy vines continued to grow around Shen Lin, and immediately wrapped it up with the breath of natural power.

I saw that the horrible to see wound on Shen Lin's body was recovering quickly, and her pale face gradually became bloody.

"It's really a hard-mouthed guy..." Shen Lin smiled slightly, and then patted Shen Ruyu's shoulders, and whispered: "It seems that your Big Brother Feng can't wait. Don't forget to go home later. Come and find me."

Shen Ruyu pretty face slightly red, even after turning around, slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu and the others waiting not far away and walked over.

"Yu'er, why does your face look so red?" Shen Ruyu saw Shen Ruyu's face flushed and frowned: "Is it because Shen Lin said something excessive to you again?"

"Nothing...Don't think about it." Shen Ruyu shook the head.

"Then why do you seem so surprised that I thought something was wrong with you." Feng Yixiu touched his nose and wondered.

"I said it's okay! Don't ask..." Shen Ruyu frowned slightly and said angrily.

"Okay, okay...then I just leave it alone." Feng Yixiu was also fascinated and stopped asking.

As soon as everyone in Team Fury returned to the players' stand, they welcomed many teams to stand up and congratulate.

It can be said that with the exception of the Xuantian Team and the Sun Moon Team, almost all the members of the team showed exceptional enthusiasm.

Feng Yixiu is also polite one after another in return, after all, most of these are people from the seven headquarters, and there is also the Jihuang team and the White Tiger team.

It can be said that the relationship between these teams and the Angry Scales team is pretty good, so naturally you can't lose the courtesy.

Now the Four Finals has come to an end, and the progress of the game has accelerated a lot after the Sun and Moon team has been sent to the finals.

The match between Burning Feather Team and Angry Scales Team can be said to have drawn a perfect end to the Final Four.

"First of all, I would like to thank Team Angry Scales and Team Burning Feather for bringing us a wonderful match, and I also announce here, congratulations to Team Angry Scales for their outstanding success rate. Promoting to the semi-finals!"

I saw Murong Bei Jia slowly stand up from his seat, and his strong and powerful voice instantly silenced the boiling Martial Practice Stage.

"The semi-finals are about to kick off. The top four teams competing in the Four Finals will fight fiercely. Only one team will stand out and participate in the final finals against overseas The Sun Moon Team!"

Murong Bei Jia’s voice seemed unusually serious, and continued: "This is also the game played by the First Stage in the China High Level League in conjunction with the Sun Moon Royal Academy. I hope you local teams I can live up to expectations and win the final championship!"

For a time, all the Chinese audiences in the entire Martial Practice Stage of the Martial Practice Stage stood up excitedly, constantly shouting for the teams they supported. .

Among them, the strongest voices are Team Fury and Xuantian Team. After all, one is the strongest dark horse of this tournament, and the other is the champion team of the previous time tournament.

Furthermore, in a recent interview with Team Xuantian, it was revealed that when they faced Team Sun and Moon, they did indeed have reservations, which once again sparked a heated discussion.

This has once again ignited a glimmer of hope for the fans who had given up on the Xuantian team, so that its popularity has reached the level of anger...

The Angry Scales team appears to be very low-key, almost never accepting interviews with reporters from the Battle Spirit world, nor will they deliberately hype their team.

“Now I’m here to announce the top four teams in the semi-finals. Ranked 1st is the Angry Scales, Ranked 2nd is the Xuantian Team, and Ranked 3rd is the Burning Team, Ranked The 4th team is the Jihuang team!"

Murong Bei Jia tone barely fell, I saw four bright spotlights directly shining on the four teams.

The members of the four teams also slowly stood up from their seats, feeling proudly the shouts of mountain cry out and sea howl.

"Let us congratulate these four elite teams, they represent the highest promotion level in our China Battle Spirit world, and they are also a role model for all China High Level Academy students!"

" Here I would like to congratulate the Angry Scales Team and the Jihuang Team, as everyone knows. Due to some unreliable factors, the Angry Scales Team’s results have been unsatisfactory over the years, and may even fall out of the ranks of the Four Saint Courts in this session. It is conceivable how much pressure they are facing."

"However, Team Fury not only resisted this huge pressure, it was also in a moment of crisis, even if it lost points, it would also take action for righteousness. In the end, Under double pressure, he finally won the first place in the Four Finals with a dream record of complete victory! This team... is worth cheering for us!"

In an instant, the whole mysterious The Martial Practice Stage of the sky was ignited by Murong Bei Jia's speech, and almost everyone stood up excitedly, shouting the name of the angry scale team.

After this battle, I am afraid that the name of Team Fury will once again become a household name, and even have the opportunity to become the top of the four Saint Court!

Feng Yixiu felt the cheers of the surrounding mountain cry out and sea howl, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the burden on his shoulders seemed to be lighter.

At least he did not live up to Dean Ren Tianze of the Raging Scale Academy. The Raging Scales team was impossible and was removed from the Four Saint Court this year...

I saw Murong Bei Jia’s palm pressed into the air. After the pressure, the deafening sound wave subsided instantly, saying: "At the same time, congratulations to the Jihuang team, this is the first New Century team in recent years to reach the top four places, and it is very likely to become the fifth largest Saint Court in the future. I hope that all the New Generation Battle Spirit colleges and universities will follow the Jihuang team as an example!"

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