If you look closely, you can see that Han Jiang’s palm seems to have become black, and the lines on it are like moiré patterns.

Although the speed is not fast, it looks like a big mountain is pressing down, with a depressing sense of suffocation...


But just as he raised his palm, Feng Yixiu grabbed Han Jiang's wrist.

Feng Yixiu didn't care about it at first, but when he touched the opponent, he felt like Mount Tai was pressing on the top.

Han Jiang’s skin feels almost as hard as granite, and Feng Yixiu feels his body sinking due to the immense strength.

Feng Yixiu instantly noticed the unusualness of the opponent's body. He also seemed to have power similar to the real dragon model.

It can be seen that Han Jiang's Holy Spirit bloodline has been awakened initially, and is able to possess such amazing defensive power and strength.

Compared with Feng Yixiu's real dragon model, it still looks a little bit inadequate.

I saw Feng Yixiu instantly turn on the real dragon mode. White Jade Dragon scales gradually appeared on the skin hidden under the arm, and the extremely terrifying explosive power instantly suppressed Han Jiang.

"ka ka ka..."

Han Jiang's wrists, which are as hard as granite, were gradually cracked under tremendous pressure.

In an instant, Han Jiang looked at Feng Yixiu in front of him with an incredible expression. It was the first time that he suffered a loss in terms of strength and defense.

"You let me go! The pre-match fight will be banned..." Han Jiang only felt that his wrist was about to be broken, and his expression became extremely distorted, as he trembled.

"Sorry, there is monitoring here. You just did it first. Feng Captain is just to protect the team members." Han Xiao smiled slightly, said with a smile.

"younger brother, we are a biological brother, I'm just kidding you, you won't be serious with the big brother? I was indeed too reckless just now. Please forgive me..." Han Jiang finally resisted, and gradually became soft.

Han Xiao browsed tightly knit, did not speak, but glanced at Feng Yixiu on the side, as if waiting for Feng Yixiu's approach.

Feng Yixiu's complexion is as usual, indifferently said: "Big Brother Han, he slapped you just now, now you are going back."

"When will I..."


Han Jiang was stunned on the spot, even if he was ready to refute.

However, after meeting Feng Yixiu's terrifying gaze, the whole person was immediately persuaded.

Mu Chunxue also didn't persuade, raised her palm with a smile, and approached Han Jiang step by step.

"Younger brother, don't be impulsive! There is surveillance here. If you do it, you will be suspended..." Han Jiang looked at the approaching Mu Chunxue and said in a little panic.

In fact, Han Jiang is not afraid that Han Xiao’s this slap will hurt him. After all, he is skin is rough and flesh is thick. Even if he stands still and lets Han Xiao beat him, it is estimated that the other party cannot really hurt him. .

What he is really afraid of is in front of so many people. If he is slapped in public by his younger brother, he will probably die socially...

" Oh...you remind me of this." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and immediately blocked his mouth with his right hand, lowered his head and coughed slightly: "Cough cough..."

In an instant, no matter if you are chatting The teams that were still going to leave the field moved towards this side and looked over.

When the members of the team saw this posture, they almost understood what was going on, even if they moved towards this side.

Almost all the teams have moved towards here, the seven headquarters teams are naturally no exception, including the Burning Feather and White Fang from the four Holy War teams!

I saw these team members form a circle very tacitly, very cleverly and naturally blocking all monitoring...

"gu lu..."

Han Jiang moved towards I looked around and found the indifferent faces of Shen Lin, Dongfang Han and the others, and involuntarily moved his throat.

He can't wait to slap himself twice now, why should he remind each other!

If only a few people had noticed here just a trifling before, now almost all the teams have gathered around.

Han Jiang couldn't understand anyway, when did Feng Yixiu have such a terrifying appeal?

Aren't Dongfang Han of Team White Fang and Shen Lin of Team Burning Feather a rival to Team Fury?

Who can tell myself what happened! ?

"Can you stop slapping your face..." Han Jiang has completely given up resisting, crying in mourning, where there is still the domineering appearance of the previous arrogant orders.


But before Han Xiao finished speaking, Han Xiao suddenly slapped the opponent on the face.

Han Xiao shook his palm in pain, frowned: "The skin is still thick as always, my hands hurt..."

"pu chi..."

The team members on the sidelines couldn't help but laugh, making no secret of their smile.

Han Jiang felt his hot face and the harsh laughter in his ears. His cheeks became extremely red. He didn't know if he was beaten or was alive like this.


The other three main players of the Xuantian team saw that their Captain was beaten, and immediately wanted to rush forward.

"en? All be honest!"

However, Captains such as Burning Feather and White Fang are not good stubborns. They hold them firmly and make them impossible to move even a little bit.

"So are you satisfied?" Han Jiang glared at Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao, gritted his teeth.

Feng Yixiu then slowly put down his hand, indifferently said: "Basically satisfied... now you can roll."

hearing this, Han Jiang seems to be such as the amnesty Normally, Xuan even turned around and squeezed a crack in the crowd, and rushed out like crazy.

As the eldest son of the Black Tortoise Han Family, Han Jiang's innate talent is one in a million, and it can be said to be a rare genius.

There is no doubt that Han Jiang will be the heir of Han Family in the future, and Han Family has long been announced...

Xuantian Team and the others are crowding out the crowd. In the middle, Han Jiang turned around abruptly and said furiously: "Han Xiao, don't forget, the orthodox heir of the Han Family is me, even if you are working hard, there is no chance at all!"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and the others slowly walked out of the crowd, and the rest of the Captain gave way and stood behind him.

"hehe...Do you think that Big Brother Han is rare for you to be the heir? It's funny..." Feng Yixiu said with a sneer with his hands around his chest.

"You don't care about the position of the heir, but you still don't care about this Black Tortoise Secret Realm?" Han Jiang's mouth was slightly raised, proudly said.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu, Han Xiao, and the others were looked at each other in blank dismay, and their brows were involuntarily locked.

Is it possible that Han Family also discovered the exact address of Black Tortoise Secret Realm?

"hahaha...look at you like this, are you stupid?" Han Jiang saw Feng Yixiu and the others brows tightly frowns and laughed arrogantly.

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