"pu! ”

Due to the loss of the spiritual weapon, Han Jiang spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort. Under the super-gravity crush, the whole person even stood. It was a little reluctant to get up.

Han Jiang, who lost the protection of Tiankui’s golden shield, was Han Xiao’s opponent. After he threw him down with a punch, Han Xiao rode directly on Han Jiang.

First stepped on the opponent's right hand holding Warhammer with his feet, and then slowly raised his right fist.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw Han Xiao punching Han Jiang's face continuously, giving Han Jiang no time to resist.


The Xuantian team wanted to help out when they saw the bad news, but before they could do it, a crimson's death light suddenly struck. .

The extremely high temperature of the deadly flames drew a dividing line of fiery flames at the feet of Xu Ziyi and the others.

Shen Ruyu looked at Xu Ziyi condescendingly, indifferently said: "If you don’t want to die, I advise you not to move!"

For a while, the Xuantian team, which lost its backbone, also I was stunned by the powerful imposing manner of the Raging Scales, and I was too scared to move randomly.

Han Xiao’s fists are already drenched with blood, and Han Jiang’s face has become illegible like a pig’s head...

The entire Xuantian Martial Practice The stage became absolute silence. When everyone saw this bloody scene, they couldn't help but look grim.

But everyone still felt quite relieved in their hearts. After all, Team Xuantian chose to cooperate with Team Sun and Moon for victory. It is already disdainful...

On the rostrum The atmosphere there was even more solemn, and Gu Liangyu, the dean of Xuantian Academy, looked black all the time.

Before Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu took action, Han Jiang, who had been blown to the sky by Xuantian Academy before, was hit by Han Xiao from Raging Scales.

If Gu Liangyu will not lose self-control like this, the most important thing is that Han Xiao and Han Jiang are both members of the Xuan Wu Family.

At the time, Han Xiao was squeezed out of the family because of being looked down upon. That was a waste material called the abandoned son of the family. Now Han Jiang, who is known as the number one genius of the Wu Family clan, is pressed to the ground. Blast the hammer!

What do all the students of Battle Spirit Master who watch the live broadcast think of Xuantian Academy and Black Tortoise Han Family?

I'm afraid that in today's battle, regardless of the battle between the Xuantian Team and the Angry Scales, the reputation of the Xuantian Academy and Black Tortoise Han Family will fall to the bottom......

Finally , Han Jiang couldn't help it anymore. He might be beaten to death by Han Xiao if he didn't make a move now. A faint rays of light burst out from his fingertips.

A simple mirror appeared in Han Jiang's hands. It was the eight mirrors lent to them by the Sun Moon Team!

Han Xiao wanted to hit Han Jiang's face with a punch of inertia, but was bounced out by a powerful force majeure.

This kind of feeling is like touching an invisible wall, not only bouncing off my strength, but the strength is even heavier!

The bounced Han Xiao was like an off-line kite, he was bounced out a distance of tens of meters, and turned on the ground for a long time before stopping.

I saw Han Xiao slowly get up, the corners of his mouth were overflowing with meaning blood, but compared to Han Jiang's miserable appearance, he can't be considered for something.

"ka ka ka..."

Han Xiao glanced at the right hand's raging wave armguards, but he could only watch it continuously shatter.

The armor of the angry waves was completely shattered into countless pieces, before it fell on the ground, it turned into aura and disappeared...

And Han Xiao's entire right hand is already drenched with blood , And some slight misalignment.

It can be seen how terrifying Han Xiao’s punch is just now. This is how Han Jiang’s skin is rough, flesh is thick, and it’s hard to beat. If you change your person, you will have to return to the west without two punches!

“ka ka ……”

I saw Han Xiao’s right hand, which he had misplaced himself, which didn’t change face doesn’t change, broke back, and immediately lifted the head slowly. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he stared at Han Jiang in front of him.

Han Jiang uses someone else’s spiritual weapon and he doesn’t say anything. Now he uses the Octopus mirror again. It can be said to be completely shameless...

But for Han Jiang just now , My life is almost gone, where is there still time to think about my face.

Han Jiang is holding up the eight mirror in his hand, said with a big smile: "Aren't you crazy? You have the ability to continue beating me!"

" bang!"

Han Xiao slammed "Tiandou Broken Yue" with a sudden thunder.

Just as Han Jiang was holding his head in response to conditions, the powerful rebound force slammed Han Xiao back a few steps.

"ka ka ka ......"

Han Xiao's only remaining spiritual weapon, the Heaven Dou arm armor also broke.

Actually, it is not how exaggerated the power of the eight Mirror is, but that the raging waves of Tiandou have become fragile after a series of fierce battles with meet force with force.

And the eighty mirror just became the straw that overwhelmed the last camel...

When Han Jiang saw that both of Han Jiang’s spiritual weapons were shattered, this Put the hand down from the position of the head.

Han Xiao's beating just now gave him a complete psychological shadow. Even if he knew that he would not be able to attack him with a high probability, his body would react involuntarily.


This time Han Jiang finally laughed unscrupulously, and immediately another storage ring emitted faint rays of light.

Only saw a mysterious black holy orb appeared in his palm. It was the Black Tortoise holy orb, one of the four Great Saint beads!

"Black Tortoise Sky Wheel!"

Along with Han Jiang Chaotian angry roar, the Black Tortoise Sky Wheel full of heavy and desolate aura appeared behind him.

Feng Yixiu obviously noticed that the Black Tortoise sacred pearl has become blurred in Han Jiang's hands, and the degree of fascination is more than that of Shen Lin using the Vermilion Bird sacred pearl.

The degree to which the Black Tortoise holy orb becomes imaginary represents how much power the holy orb is used. The more illusory the holy orb is, the more power the user can borrow.

When the holy pearl is completely illusory, it means that the Battle Spirit Master has completely absorbed the power of the holy pearl and completely transformed it into a part of his body.

I saw that the Black Tortoise wheel behind Han Jiang looked unusually heavy, and it seemed that even the weight of Han Jiang had become heavier.

The ten-meter-high Black Tortoise Sky Wheel emerges behind Han Jiang, which makes its imposing manner unusually stable and desolate...

Not only that, On the surface of Han Jiang's body, black hardened skin like a diamond-shaped tortoise shell appeared, and his muscles became as strong as an horned dragon, even emitting a faint metallic luster under the reflection of sunlight.

The image of Han Jiang who originally used the Black Tortoise holy pearl will become very powerful and domineering, but with a red and swollen pig head, it looks a little funny...

"Just now You played so cool! Now it's me!" Han Jiang stared at Han Xiao not far away angrily, while talking with gnashing teeth, while slowly moving towards the other person approaching.

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