"Oh? When did this Black-Turtle City get involved with the Blood Spirit Master?" Feng Yixiu smiled coldly and asked rhetorically.

In an instant, the black yarn woman and Han Jiang were both stunned, and their hearts suddenly began to accelerate.

Little Demoness thought that it was so hidden that there was no weak spot, but he didn't expect it to be seen by Feng Yixiu at a glance!

However, the black yarn woman quickly returned to normal and whispered softly: "Young Master Feng joked, but this joke is not funny at all."

"You think I'm here Are you kidding me?" Feng Yixiu's expression gradually became more severe, and a violent thunder was gradually wrapped around his right palm.

Seeing Feng Yixiu, the black gauze woman seemed to be ready to act real, so she naturally did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately condensed the magic pattern on her right arm.

Feng Yixiu flashed in front of the black gauze woman with lightning speed, and his fist was so fast that it was hard to catch naked eye!

"So fast..."

The black gauze woman was also secretly surprised, and immediately clenched her fists and slammed her fist up.


Between the two fists collide, as if a deep-sea torpedo exploded, an explosive vacuum wave was set off.

Then the violent vacuum wave agitated the ten thousand zhang wave, and the overwhelming force blasted the surrounding tidal guards away.

Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and the others just stepped back a few steps and were not affected too much. However, when they saw that they were evenly matched, their expressions seemed a bit out of control.

They are very clear about the power of Feng Yixiu. Although the real dragon mode is fully turned on and there is only a little Dragon Mark entwined on the arm, the power is still very amazing.

The black gauze woman's arms hidden under the sleeves are also wrapped with black magic patterns. The powerful strength can rival Feng Yixiu!

The force of terror bounced Feng Yixiu and the black yarn woman at the same time, both of them exploded back more than ten meters to stabilize their figure...

Feng Yixiu look Glancing at his somewhat paralyzed right hand, I saw that the entire right arm was wrapped with a strange poisonous pattern, and it was still expanding at a slow rate.

The light black poison qi is wrapped around Feng Yixiu's entire right arm. Feng Yixiu is already the body of Hundred Venoms Immunity, and it can be poisoned unconsciously, which shows that this is by no means ordinary poison!


Feng Yixiu began to use the strength of Azure Dragon, using extremely powerful self-healing power to disperse the poison qi on his arm.

Along with the roar of Azure Dragon holy thunder, the unknown poisonous entanglement of Feng Yixiu right hand was completely dispelled in an instant!

"Do you still say that you are not a blood Spirit Master?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, staring at each other tightly, and growled.

After just a short fight, Feng Yixiu perceives the demonic energy of the opponent's inner body begin to stir!

The opponent seems to be trying his best to suppress his own power. It can be seen that his strength is far more than that...

Seeing this situation, the tide guard knows that he is not these two people at all. Opponent, Dang even asked Xuanshui High Priest as quickly as possible.

The rest of the tide guards, even though they knew they were invincible, still firmly guarded the gates of the Tidal City. As the guards of the Tidal City, they already regarded death as home...

"Young Master Feng It must be a misunderstanding. I said that I was just a slave in Black-Turtle City, just to protect the Eldest Young Master..." The black veil woman frowned and said indifferently.

"hehe...you can hide from others, but you can lie to me!" Feng Yixiu sneered, indifferently said.

The current Feng Yixiu is very sensitive to the demonic energy of the blood Spirit Master, and he clearly perceives the powerful demonic energy of the opponent right after the fight!

This demonic energy is even as strong as my own. Although it is impossible to determine which power it is, it must be the Blood Spirit Master...

"Young Master Feng does not seem to be qualified. Say this... If a little bit of demonic energy proves to be a blood Spirit Master, I think Young Master Feng should be more like a blood Spirit Master than me?" The black gauze woman smiled slightly and said differently.

Feng Yixiu glanced at Han Jiang and said indifferently: "This woman is not simple. Don't be used as a tool and don't even know who this person is?"

Seeing Feng Yixiu somewhat dreaded, Han Jiang was even more proud: "Why do you ask so much, are you afraid right?"

hearing this, Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, Xuan Shi slowly condensed Azure Dragon Holy Spear and Azure Dragon Holy Armor.

He intends to be true, and he must not let this woman enter the Tide City, otherwise things will become very troublesome!

The black gauze woman also browses tightly knit, her expression gradually became serious, and she waved her hand gently, and a magic Spirit Treasure book appeared beside him.

"I think you are here for Black Tortoise Secret Realm! If this is the case, I can't let you in..." Feng Yixiu bursts out cold light with both eyes , Coldly said.

Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and the others have condensed their own spiritual weapons and spirit armors, standing on both sides of Feng Yixiu, staring at the person in front of them with indifference.

The black gauze woman is not stage fright, said solemnly: "Of course I am here for the Black Tortoise Secret Realm. I didn’t intend to fight with you, but you are overbearing, so don’t blame me, you are together Come on!"

I saw that the two sides moved towards the other side like arrows from the string, and rushed towards the other side, while Han Jiang was hiding in the distance and shivering, not daring to join the battle at all.


Suddenly, the gate of King Tide City suddenly opened, and a long wave of deep sea water over a hundred meters roared towards him.

The pupils of Feng Yixiu and the black yarn woman suddenly shrank, and they almost escaped this terrifying blow at the same time!

I saw Deep Sea Longbo swept away from Feng Yixiu and the black gauze woman. The terrifying water pressure almost engulfed the two of them, and both sides sank.

Feng Yixiu saw at a glance that this was the spiritual weapon technique of Xuanshui High Priest, and then his eyes slowly moved towards the slowly opened tide gate.

"This is the boundary of King Tide City, how can you be impudent here!"

Xuanshui High Priest is holding and the others high Xuanshui staff in one hand, walking steadily Slowly walked out of the gate, behind him followed the Princess of the tide and a young man of the tide clan.

The man's clothes are luxurious, and his appearance is three-point similar to the Princess of the tide, but unlike the gentle temperament of the Princess of the tide, the man reveals an incredible arrogance...


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