" Yang Lu ! Today, this king will make you regret your invading Tidal City!" Trident in the hands of the Tidal King angered Demon Venerable, loudly said.

"hahaha...I really laughed, no matter how many ants, it is impossible to be an opponent of the giant elephant!" Ying Xiao looked up to the sky and laughed, and the terrifying sound wave set off a violent tsunami.

"hehe...The story of ant-eating elephants is not uncommon since ancient times. Haven't you heard of it?" King Tide smiled and asked back.

"hmph...If it weren't for that Wood Element Battle Spirit, you would have died many times before, and you dare to be here boasted shamelessly!" Coldly snorted, faintly moved True Fire.

"There are so many if there are in this world, are you afraid that you will not succeed?" Tide King faintly smiled, and said in a straightforward voice.

"How can the deity be afraid of you waiting for ants, since you can't solve the trouble in a short time, then solve the troublemaker!"

Feng Yixiu glanced at Feng Yixiu, and then he was relieved Slowly sinking the body, the muscles of the powerful limbs rose like a horned dragon!


I saw a harsh explosion sound, and the huge body bounced out suddenly, reaching the height of several hundred meters at high speed. !

Feng Yixiu's goal is also very obvious. It is Feng Yixiu and the others in the distance. As long as the trouble of Feng Yixiu is solved, not only can the succubus be regained, but also the intractable black Queen Thorns also disappeared!

"Not good! 梼杌 moved towards Young Master Feng, they attacked!"

When the tide king saw this, he immediately took the tide force behind him moved towards 梼杌 to chase after him, I want to stop the stride of 梼杌.


Yang Lu suddenly began to accelerate after landing, and his heavy body caused the entire Tidal City to tremble continuously...

Feng Yixiu can't help but frown as she looks at the approaching 梼杌.

I saw him slowly turning his head and glanced at the succubus behind him with a heavy face.

"Don't hesitate anymore, let's do it!" The succubus slowly closed his eyes and whispered.

Feng Yixiu had no burden in his heart. After all, the succubus committed countless sins in his life, and his hands were also stained with the blood of countless innocent people.

But when he saw the succubus's generous eyes, he hesitated.

Killing a wicked person and saving thousands of people, this seems to be a question of no need to think at all.

But when he had to personally make this choice, he realized that this matter was simply a paradox...

Can life be measured by the number?

Is the succubus really a heinous demon?

Feng Yixiu thought for a moment, but couldn’t answer...

Just as Feng Yixiu was about to move towards the succubus, Dongfang Late Summer and Shen Ruyu were both at the same time. his hand.

"Big Brother Feng...is there any other methods?" Shen Ruyu asked softly.

Feng Yixiu shook the head helplessly, indicating that there is no better way.

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xia Mo looked at each other, almost at the same time letting go of Feng Yixiu's arm, and then slowly turned around.

Feng Yixiu felt the closer and closer, and even if he walked quickly to the side of the succubus, he raised the Azure Dragon Holy Spear in his hand high!

The succubus looked at the somewhat dazzling Azure Dragon Holy Spear, and then slowly closed his eyes, seeming to have accepted his death calmly.


I saw the Azure Dragon holy spear in Feng Yixiu's hand, but it slid across the face of the succubus, without even stabbing the succubus.

And the owner's powerful natural power Azure Dragon holy thunder began to wrap around the succubus, with the black thorn vines all around, healed his limbs that had been crushed by the smashing in an instant.

The succubus felt a gentle natural force flowing through his body, and the pain from his limbs disappeared instantly. He opened his eyes and looked at Feng Yixiu not far away with a surprised expression.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu has already turned around, indifferently said: "I once went astray. If it were not for the help of experts, maybe I would live the way you are now, since you I have already awakened, I hope you can live well..."

The succubus looked at Feng Yixiu's back, unconsciously seeming to be much taller than before, and trembled: "Then...what do you do? "

"This is not something you worry about...Although we are not Ying Xiao's opponent, it is not easy for him to kill us!" Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indifferently said .

Actually, Feng Yixiu didn't know anything about it, but in order for the succubus to be at ease, he had to tell a white lie.

But what the succubus is best at is to penetrate people's hearts, and I can't guess what Feng Yixiu is thinking.

"Young Master Feng...thank you!" the succubus whispered softly.

tone barely fell, I saw that the succubus pulled out the Azure Dragon holy gun next to him and slammed it into his heart!

When Feng Yixiu heard the movement behind him, he turned his head abruptly, but saw a scene that surprised him extremely.

I saw that the succubus pulled out his Azure Dragon Holy Spear, and used the Azure Dragon Holy Spear to pierce his heart!

Azure Dragon holy gun can be pulled up by ordinary people, even more how is a blood Spirit Master exuding evil demonic energy.

This also shows that the succubus's heart is now fearless, even reaching the supreme spiritual realm of desirelessness ...


Before Feng Yixiu could react, Shen Ruyu and Dongfang Xia caught the succubus who was about to fall as quickly as possible.

I saw that the magic pattern on the succubus's skin was gradually dissipating, and the contract between her and the succubus was also gradually disappearing.

The Holy Spirit Treasure Tome that exudes the Heavenly Demon Qi beside the succubus has gradually subsided, which also means that the contractual relationship between the succubus and 梼杌 is being dissolved.


When the succubus used the Azure Dragon holy gun to dictate himself, he almost collapsed, shouting with incredible pain on his face!

Even if the succubus uses her own magic whip to judge herself, Ying Xiao is sure to be able to save it, but she uses the Azure Dragon holy gun with sacred power, and it is the key to piercing. Location!

Rao Shiying has great abilities and has nothing to do. He can only watch the contractual relationship between himself and the succubus gradually dissolve.

After this contractual relationship is dismissed, 梼杌 is not the original Battle Spirit of the succubus, so he will not die.

But it will return to the state before the contract, and when Ying Xiao signed with the succubus, he had not reached the ultimate blood spirit realm. It was just a full body blood. Spirit only!

This means that the Demon Venerable will degenerate to the state before the contract, and all the long-term efforts will be turned into a bubble, degenerating into a quasi-immortal equivalent to a full blood spirit. Class devil beast.


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