
A blow containing Feng Yixiu's endless anger slammed on the smashed Breath Soil shield!

Azure Dragon holy gun has an extremely powerful defensive effect. The violent Azure Dragon holy thunder burst out suddenly, like a dragon-like thunder of lively dragon and animated tiger spreading out.

"ka ka ka ......"

A visible crack appeared on the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Breath Soil shield, and Feng Yixiu broke the defense with one move!

The tide army was also shocked when they saw the scene before them. After all, they had just experienced the power of Breath Soil Shield...

The shield cracked, and Feng Yixiu flew out with a violent push when he was terrified.

But just as he knocked out Feng Yixiu, Han Xiao rushed up, and with his fists out, the powerful force expanded the cracks on the Breath Soil magic shield again.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw Han Xiao's violent strikes on the Breath Soil shield, and every blow was as explosive as a depth bomb. formidable power!

Fang Xiao's huge body stepped back a few steps. After reacting, the Breath Soil magic axe in Raised High's hand slammed Han Xiao's shoulder angrily.

But this heavy axe only caused a clear dent on the Black Tortoise holy armor, which did not achieve the effect he expected.

"Void King Cannon!"

A black energy wave condensed between the magic horns on the head of the anger, and burst out suddenly!

Han Xiao felt the destroying heaven extinguishing earth's blow at close range, and immediately turned the Profound Sky Armor in his left hand into a huge black shield to resist.


I saw black's linear energy beam suddenly blast Han Xiao away, and Han Xiao was as if the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, there is absolutely no power to parry.

Han Xiao's left-hand Sky Profound Shield gradually shattered on the way out, and his entire left arm was also drenched with blood.

I have to say that the Void King Cannon of Yingzou is more powerful than the Void Demon Cannon used by Succubus. It’s a pity that his current realm is going backwards, otherwise Han Xiao might be on the spot. As fly ash...

At the end of the Eastern summer, he drove the Nether Tiger to catch Han Xiao steadily, and asked softly: "Big Brother Han Xiao, are you okay?"

Han Xiao wiped the overflowing blood from the corner of his mouth, shook the head and said: "I'm fine... didn't expect this guy is still so fierce after degeneration! " Even if it degenerates, it is equivalent to the existence of a complete body. He is not a normal devil beast, and he should not be careless..."

Shen Ruyu slowly set up the Vermilion Bird Burning Sky Bow in his hand. Accurately aiming at the crack in the Breath Soil Demon Shield in the hand.


I only saw a bright flame slashing through the sky, and hitting the Breath Soil magic shield in the hands of Yingru with lightning speed!

Feng Yixiu stood behind the Cang Thunder Fire Linlong, condescendingly looking at Yinglu, the Azure Dragon holy gun in his hand pointed at Yinglu coldly, loudly said: "Yanglu, today is your death date !"

Yangzhao watched as the Breath Soil shield in his hand gradually shattered, and furiously said: "Damn...If it weren't for the succubus who fell in battle, none of you will survive today !"


"There are not so many ifs in this world, just die!" Feng Yixiu's eyes burst out with dazzling lightning, and behind him, the Azure Dragon sky wheel burst out with bursts of dazzling lightning.


Countless Azure Dragon sacred thunders landed around Feng Yixiu, only to see him give an order, countless falling thunders moved towards 梼杌 moved over.

In an instant, as if heavenly punishment came to the world, one after another dragon-shaped thunder combined into a minefield, completely enclosing the 梼杌 in it.

And the Vermilion Bird holy wheel behind Shen Ruyu burst out with dazzling fire, even in the water, it did not affect the violent burning of the Vermilion Bird holy fire!

The Vermilion Bird torch approached quickly along the ground in the moved towards 梼杌, but it was wrapped in the 梼杌 in a moment.

Heavenly thunder and earth fire seem to be echoing each other. You can faintly hear the sound of Dragon's Roar and Phoenix's Cry roaring, and the formidable power is multiplied by the complementarity!

At the end of Eastern Summer and Han Xiao shot at the same time, the White Tiger Sky Wheel and Black Tortoise Sky Wheel broke out divine radiance at the same time.

The murderous aura of White Tiger baleful aura spreads wildly, and the white holy light mixed with it surrounds the 梼杌.

This kind of holy light has a powerful lethality for Ying Xiao, as if there are countless invisible swords cutting his body.

Han Xiao also knows that Water Element's attack on 梼杌 is meaningless, so he just manipulates the earth to launch a fierce attack.

Under the control of the Force of Black Tortoise, the entire ground began to deform violently, and a large mountain range no less than a stilt body took shape in an instant!

I saw these mountains flanking 梼杌 from all directions, so that he had no time to escape. He could only use his best to fight the surrounding mountains impact...

For a time, 梼杌He was gradually defeated under the siege of Feng Yixiu and the others.

As the Holy Power, the Four Holy Heaven Wheels have a powerful restraint on the four evil spirits!

Before, it was because the power of Yingzhu was too strong, Feng Yixiu and the others were too far behind, so it didn't have much effect at all.

However, when the power gap between the two parties is not too big, the power of the Four Holy Heaven Wheels gathered can be revealed, completely suppressing the same level!

"Damn...what damn little ghosts!"

Yang Lu stared at Feng Yixiu furiously, as if his eyes could burst into flames.

Looking at the four teenagers in front of him reminded him of the scene when he played against the Big Four Sacred Beast more than three hundred years ago. Somewhat dreaded in his heart...

" With this level of power, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Brows tightly knit, gnashing teeth said.

Yangzhao possesses a powerful life force and the horror ability of speeding regeneration. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be killed even if it is severed!

"hehe...it's not your decision!"

Feng Yixiu is a summon at a moderate pace and has the third Battle Spirit, fighting the sky ape!

Before the summon came out, Feng Yixiu threw out all the magic cards of the Third Holy Spirit Treasure.

Of course, it also includes the card of the Holy Spirit, the sacred Azure Dragon-sacred!

When Ying Xiao saw the demon card that exuded the green golden thunder, there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

Obviously he recognized the origin of this demon card, and this is one of the few ways to eliminate it...

This holy spirit card contains Azure Dragon's Holy Power can effectively suppress the horror ability of 梼杌 speeding regeneration!

Feng Yixiu first turned the Cang Thunder Fire Linlong under his feet into a seven-star sunspot, but he used his powerful control power to make the seven-star sunspot lose its gravitation for a short time, just retaining the terrifying weight!

"Fighting Tiangang, return to your place!"

Fighting Heavenly Ape suddenly broke out 72 Fighting Avatars, and immediately all the Fighting Avatars returned instantly. .

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