Feng Yixiu looked up at the crack in the sky dignifiedly, as if two blood moons were constantly approaching, and these were the eyes of the giant beast after the crack.

Just a pair of blood eyes are so huge, it is hard to imagine what a terrifying scene the giant beast after the crack would be completely free of trouble.

"The Avatar that the deity spent hundreds of years condensed, was actually killed by juniors such as Er, have you ever been convicted?"

I can't see clearly what happened after the crack. silhouette, only the sound like a drum and a bell came out.

The ten thousand zhang waves are set off just by the sound. Many people with lower realm can only cover their ears, so they can barely be pierced by the magic sound!

Feng Yixiu coldly smiled, indifferently said: "What about killing?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked by Feng Yixiu's words. After this crack It may be the real body of Ying Xiao!

That is not the human body from the Avatar, but the deity who disturbed the situation in China three hundred years ago!


I saw a huge arm stretched out from the dark crack, grabbing at Feng Yixiu at a very fast speed!

The speed of Demon Venerable was so fast that everyone in the room did not react, but when the arm was only one meter away from Feng Yixiu.

A series of white chains stretched out of the dark crevice, with the four holy runes on them, exuding the ancient and heavy divine aura.

I saw a series of white chains forcibly stop the arm of the 梼杌, and the huge force dragged his arm into the endless void again.

Feng Yixiu looked at everything in front of him, but the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

Sure enough, as he expected, the current 梼杌 still cannot break the seal, otherwise there would be no need to condense the 梼杌 Avatar to this world.

And the white chain should be the sacred seal that the mother and the four Great Saint Spirit Kings put together more than three hundred years ago!

The sacred seal forcibly pulled Yinglu's arm back. When Yinglu wanted to break free again, she found that the sacred seal on her body was stronger, completely impossible to move!

"Little devil, this deity will make you regret your confrontation with me. When the deity descends in China again, it will be your death time!"

The cracks in the sky above the Tidal King City gradually It began to close, and the two blood moons gradually began to fade away.

Feng Yixiu looked up at the crack that was about to close, indifferently said: "old bastard, you'd better stay in endless void forever, otherwise, if you escape one day, I will personally slash you bastard, Take revenge for my mother!"

The bloody eyes of Ying Lu stared at Feng Yixiu's eyes firmly, and did not speak to refute, but slowly closed his eyes.

The natural phenomenon in the sky gradually began to disappear, and the huge Space Crack completely returned to normal.

" Huh ..."

The moment the demon demon demon energy disappeared, everyone present finally let go of their hanging hearts.

The situation just now was really scary. If this 梼杌 is not sealed, I am afraid that everyone present will not be able to survive.

"It's scary...I almost thought we were done!" At the end of the summer, Dongfang Xia turned pale with fright, stroked his chest, and said softly.

"At the end of summer, you said you were too courageous..." Han Xiao patted the shoulder of Dongfang at the end of summer, laughed.

At the end of the Eastern Summer, Han Xiao gave a white look, frowned: "Who was hiding behind Captain just now? Are you embarrassed to say me?"

Han Xiao laughed a little embarrassingly, Said : "hahaha...don't care about these details!"

Shen Ruyu's face was a bit heavy and said: "didn't expect the real Demon Venerable to be so terrifying, it's really scary..."

This is the first time they have seen the real Four Great Vicious Beasts, and it also made them realize how terrifying existence they will face in the future!

Feng Yixiu is not too scared, he has already prepared enough in his heart, and this is not the first time he has seen Four Great Vicious Beasts.

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly walked to the place where Yingzhao died, and soon he took the demon card exploded by Yingzhao in his hand.

After a moment of scrutiny, I found that this is completely different from all the series of monster cards I have seen in the past.

"Forget it...when the time comes, ask Mr. Chu..." Feng Yixiu felt the heavy demon card in his hand, helplessly shook the head.

This is the first time Feng Yixiu has wiped out the four evil human bodies, and this burst of demon card has never been seen before.

Although the human body of 梼杌 is only the Avatar of 梼杌 Demon Venerable, it is a real existence, which can be said to exist as an independent devil beast.

It is a real body formed by Demon Venerable, which spent hundreds of years, using a drop of his own real blood. It can be said that it is no different from the main body of the 梼杌.

It's just that the human body hasn't evolved to the terrifying realm of the Demon Venerable, but it is still a very special existence.

I am afraid that this demon card can no longer be measured by rarity. It is estimated that the entire China, and even the entire world, only have this one!

Xuanshui High Priest came with a smile and moved towards Feng Yixiu, said solemnly: "Young Master Feng, thanks to you this time, otherwise our Tide King City might be destroyed."

Feng Yixiu looked back towards Xuanshui High Priest, said with a slight smile: "These all are what we should do, and I also want to thank High Priest, otherwise we might die in a water prison..."

"Young Master Feng, don’t be humble. If it weren’t for you to turn things around, I guess we wouldn’t be able to do anything even if we were desperate!" Chaoge Princess swam over in a starry jellyfish with a soft voice road.

"It's just luck..." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indifferently said.

"Luck is an excuse for the weak, the powerhouse's humility, in any case, you saved the entire Tidal City..." Tidal Princess while speaking looked towards the tidal army behind, loudly said towards: "Everyone said right ?"


tone barely fell, I saw countless tidal guards moved towards Feng Yixiu rushing over, even if they didn’t know how to say Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others were lifted up and thrown high into the sky.

The four of them were surrounded by tens of thousands of people and threw them into the sky with enthusiasm to celebrate the hard-won victory.

Feng Yixiu and the others feel the enthusiasm of tidal clansman, and can only accept it with a smile, happy laughter and cheerful voices come out from time to time...

But it’s here. When it was boiling, the Tide King not far away slowly fell down.

I saw that the state of the King of Tides was aging at a speed visible to naked eye, and his hair gradually changed from light blue to snow white, even his beard and eyebrows.

Xuanshui High Priest has eye problems and quick hands. In the blink of an eye, he swam to the side of King Tide, and said with concern: "My lord, what's the matter with you?"

Tide Princess sees it She also ran to the King of Tide madly and shouted: "Royal Father, don't you scare the children!"

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