"So in order to repay the favor of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, you promised to help guard the Black Tortoise Secret Realm?" Feng Yixiu speculated.

Tide King solemnly nodded, said solemnly: "Yes, in order to better protect the Black Tortoise Secret Realm, with the help of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, we moved to a seclusion in Tianhai Lake. With today’s Tidal City."

Feng Yixiu silently nodded. It can be said that the Tidal family has indeed made great sacrifices in order to protect the Black Tortoise Secret Realm.

Not only did he abandon his original homeland and migrate from the wide sea to Tianhai Lake in China, but also tried his best to hide his identity.

"At the beginning, only half of the clansman of our tide clan migrated to this Tianhai Lake, and half of the clansman still stayed in the original residence." Tide King continued.

"Oh? Why is this?" Feng Yixiu asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

"The Great Demon that the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King fought against at the beginning also possesses great magical power. At that time, the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King did not know why, its strength declined drastically, and its life was about to come to an end. In desperation, he could only use his Holy Weapon to suppress the Great Demon, and the other clansman of the tide clan guarded this Great Demon and stayed in the original residence."

The King of Tides was very patient. Explained.

"The half of the clansman who stayed in the former residence, how is it now?" Feng Yixiu hurriedly asked.

The main reason why the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King's strength has fallen sharply is that it consumes too much money in the ancient war.

He not only experienced a protracted battle, and finally sealed the Four Great Vicious Beasts, but also spent a lot of original effort to help the King White Dragon seal the White Dragon!

These factors have also caused the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King to become weaker and weaker, so he had to sacrifice Holy Weapon to suppress the evil spirits ...

The helpless shook the head of the Tide King, Sighing: "I haven't heard from them for a long time. I don't know what they are doing now. I just hope everything is alright..."

"Your Highness, you just said Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King I left my Holy Weapon to suppress the Great Demon, can I be more specific?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

That is the Holy Weapon held by the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, and it also possesses the power of Supreme.

If you are lucky enough to obtain the Holy Weapon held by the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, I am afraid it will be of great benefit!

"I only know that my father told me that the Holy Weapon of the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King seems to be a weapon like a stick. I don’t know the specific divine ability. ......" The King of Tides pondered for a moment, frowned.

"Holy Weapon of sticks..."

Feng Yixiu muttered to himself, as if he was lost in thought.

The spiritual weapon held by the Holy Spirit King can no longer be called a spiritual weapon, but a Holy Weapon that surpasses all spiritual weapons. It cannot be judged by common sense at all.

Feng Yixiu now has Azure Dragon Holy Gun and Primal Chaos Demon sword, both of which are irreplaceable and powerful existence. If they evolve again in the future, the potential is also immeasurable.

While Han Xiao and Dongfang Late Summer and the others also have their own spiritual weapon, I am afraid they do not need the so-called Holy Weapon!

But they don't need it, it doesn't mean that Holy Weapon is useless for them. Perhaps for the humanoid Battle Spirit, a suitable Holy Weapon will make the battle strength have a qualitative leap!

For example, the Blackthorn Queen and Fighting Sky Ape are both powerful humanoid Battle Spirits, and there is no weapon to take advantage of them.

If you can obtain the Holy Weapon held by the Saint Spirit King of Black Tortoise, it will be a huge improvement anyway...

"I feel that with your aptitude, you can obtain Black Tortoise inheritance should be no problem, and the mission of our Tide family is finally completed. If possible, I hope you can help Tide Song and let us return to our former residence. This is also the common wish of our Tide family for generations. It is also my last wish..."

The state of Tide King gradually became weaker and weaker, and his voice was also very slight.

Feng Yixiu is very serious and nodded, and solemnly promised: "His Royal Highness, your tidal clan has made a huge sacrifice, and now it is our turn to repay you. It is our share to help you. Internal affairs, as long as I still have a breath, I will definitely fulfill your last wish!"

"In this way...I will be relieved..." Tide King nodded with a smile, his face overflowing With an open smile without concern.

Feng Yixiu watched the tide king’s condition getting worse and worse, he quickly called Chaoge and the others.

Some anxious Tide Songs hurriedly walked to the side of King Tide, holding Tide King’s old palm with both hands.

"Geer...From now on, the fate of the entire Tide family will be handed over to you. It may be a bit heavy, but I believe you will not let my father down, right?"


At this moment, the eyes of the King of Tides are a little loose, and the out of breath is more than the inhaling, obviously it will not last long.

"Royal Father, child will definitely work hard and will not let you down!" Chaoge looked at the King of Tide in front of him, tears still streaming down.

"Child, don’t cry...I don’t have any regrets in my life, you should be happy for me." King Tidal exhausted his entire body, and his trembling palms stroked Chaoge’s face. , Soft voice.

"In the future, I will listen to Young Master Feng more. You can have such a friend. This is the luck of our entire Tidal City. I am really happy for you." Tidal King smiled slightly and said softly.

"Child knows, I will definitely remember your request..." Chaoge couldn't stop nodded.

"Today's weather is really good..."

The King of Tides raised his head and looked at the sparkling sky, slowly closing his eyes, and that stroking the tide. The arms of Song's face finally fell weakly.

"Royal Father!"

The sadness to the extreme Chaoge crying up to the sky, countless sea devil beasts seem to resonate with them, making waves of sorrowful wailing sounds... …

For a while, everyone bowed their heads in silence, silently bowed their heads and stopped talking.

This low-pressure atmosphere lasted for about two hours until an untimely noise broke the calm.

I saw two tidal guards walking towards Chaoge, pressing down on the struggling Han Jiang.

"Let go of me...you ungrateful things, this Young Master is the Eldest Young Master of the Black Tortoise Han Family, are you treating your benefactor this way?" Han Xiao continued to struggle, While cursing.

"Reporting to the king, this person just wanted to escape, but we have captured him back now. I don't know what to do?"

A tidal guard captain knelt on the ground , The respectful moved towards Chaoge Queen reported.

At this moment, Tide has just experienced the pain of losing his father, and the grief in his heart has not been completely resolved. Once again, he looked towards Han Jiang and his eyes were full of baleful aura.

If Han Jiang hadn’t brought the Succubus to the King of Tides, so many things might not have happened...


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