Feng Yixiu silently nodded, Xuan even led the three into the entrance of the Black Tortoise Secret Realm.

Black Tortoise Secret Realm is not easy for anyone to enter. If there is no Holy Spirit bloodline, you must have sufficient strength and lead to be able to reluctantly enter.

But this is not difficult for Feng Yixiu and the others. All four of them have the own Holy Spirit bloodline, and the purity of the bloodline is not low...

Only four people with Entered the Black Tortoise Secret Realm with no difficulty, while the Chaoge Queen and Xuanshui High Priest and the others were silently guarding outside.

Whether Han Xiao can successfully inherit Black Tortoise inheritance is also very important to the tide family, otherwise such a long time of persistence and hard work will be meaningless.

They can gradually feel that the connection between Black Tortoise Secret Realm and Tide Totem is getting weaker, which also means that Black Tortoise Holy Spirit may have been unable to support for too long...

"I hope that Young Master Feng will go well..." The Queen of Chaosong said nervously as she watched all four of them sink into the Black Tortoise Secret Realm.

"If they can't get it, I'm afraid no one is eligible to get this Black Tortoise inheritance. Her Royal Highness can rest assured!" Xuanshui High Priest smiled slightly, said solemnly.

"It is also..." The Queen of Chao Song was nodded, said with a slight smile.


Darkness, endless darkness!

And in this endless darkness, I have to endure an unbearable extreme cold.

This is the first feeling of Feng Yixiu and the others entering Black Tortoise Secret Realm. The huge water pressure and Extreme-Cold Force make people tremble.

"Ok... so cold..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang shivered as he felt the biting chill around him.

Han Xiao can't see the traces of the Eastern Summer at all, and can only swim in the direction of the sound coming in.

I saw Han Xiao holding Dongfang End of Summer in his arms and whispered softly: "End of summer, is it better?"

At the end of Dongfang Xia, he was holding Han Xiao quietly. , Lightly nodded, and said softly: "Slightly better, what the hell is this place? Why can't you see anything."

Feng Yixiu immediately opened the thunderbolt, but he discovered by accident. The range that Raiden Heart Eye can explore has shrunk drastically.

The black water around this seems to have a powerful suppressing effect on Feng Yixiu's power, but he still accurately found the location of Shen Ruyu with his exploration range of less than ten meters.

"Yu'er...Try to see if you can illuminate it with firelight." Feng Yixiu held Shen Ruyu's palm tightly, said solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll try it." Shen Ruyu looked nodded solemnly, before he started to control the mighty hellfire.

"pu chi..."

Shen Ruyu had just lit a tiny flame at his fingertips, but the black seawater around him was extinguished in a few seconds.

Shen Ruyu was also quite surprised when he saw this. He tried several times, but found that simply had no effect...

The Vermilion Bird sacred flame does not fear the sea at all. It can burn violently even in ice water.

But now it is completely suppressed by the surrounding strange sea water, and it is completely useless!

"No... the surrounding sea water is too evil. It seems to suppress my strength. I cannot light the Vermilion Bird sacred flame for a long time." Shen Ruyu shook the head helplessly, softly.

"It seems that the black seawater is not ordinary seawater, it can suppress the Vermilion Bird sacred flame!" Feng Yixiu's expression became heavy.

"This Black Tortoise Secret Realm is too evil..." At the end of Eastern Summer, he browses tightly knit, whispered and whispered.

"Isn't this the test given to us by the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit?" Han Xiao touched his chin, speculated.

"I think what Big Brother Han said is quite reasonable, but didn't expect that the test came just after entering the Black Tortoise Secret Realm..." Shen Ruyu echoed softly.

"What's the test of this unfathomable mystery..." Panting with rage said with his cheeks bulging at the end of the summer.

"Eh! Be careful in words and deeds... Black Tortoise, the Holy Spirit must have a profound meaning in doing this!" Feng Yixiu immediately scolded.

This is the Black Tortoise Secret Realm. Perhaps the entire Black Tortoise Secret Realm is within the surveillance range of the Black Tortoise Secret Realm.

I am afraid that every move of Feng Yixiu and the others is under the skin of the Black Tortoise Holy Spiritual Eyes. If the Holy Spirit of Black Tortoise hears it, I’m afraid I will be angry...

Dongfang Xia At the end I knew that I seemed to have said something wrong. Some of them stuck out their tongues and said with a grin: "I'm just kidding! There are a lot of Black Tortoise Lord Saint Spirit, so I don't care about being a child... "

"Little fellows...this deity is not a magnanimous person!"

Suddenly, a voice that seemed to come from the ancients came from all directions, as if it could penetrate people's hearts!

Feng Yixiu immediately protected Shen Ruyu behind him even though he was tense, and while looking all around, he asked: "Senior is the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit?"

" It's... and it's not..."

The desolate and ancient voice came again, but apart from being able to hear the voice, he couldn't figure out the other party's location at all.

Feng Yixiu's brows can't help but frown, said solemnly: "Can the senior show his true body?"

He can't figure out the details of the other party at all, but the voice does not seem to be a male Of creatures.

However, Feng Yixiu's ambiguous answer made Feng Yixiu a little confused and puzzled.

"It is also very simple to see the deity. As long as you can escape this endless Sea Territory, you will not only be able to see the deity, but also get the inheritance of the deity!"

The ancient voice came again, even if Feng Yixiu racked his brains, he couldn't capture the exact position of the opponent.

"It's that simple?" Han Xiao asked in surprise.

"Simple? Maybe..." The old voice chuckled lightly.

"Is this the trial of Black Tortoise Secret Realm?" Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"If you call it a trial, there is nothing wrong with it. At least I have to make sure to get the Black Tortoise inheritor, not a waste..."

Just hear The ancient voice gradually became serious, and Han Xiao seemed to feel that he was being watched by some kind of strong existence.

"Excuse me, senior, how can we pass the test?" Han Xiao said nervously.

"The deity has just said that as long as you can escape from the endless Sea Territory, you will be considered to have passed the trial..." The ancient voice came slowly, and then the conversation changed again, indifferently said "But you only have one day. From now on, the temperature of this endless sea will be getting lower and lower. If you don’t escape one day later, then you will always be frozen in this endless Sea Territory. ......"

tone barely fell, the ancient voice gradually disappeared, and Han Xiao's feeling of being watched also disappeared.


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