Feng Yixiu looked up at the sky above the constantly moved towards the roaring three-headed monster, and touched his earlobe indifferently, said indifferently, "You shouldn’t be Flood. Dragon? It’s the first time I have seen such an ugly Flood Dragon. It’s really a long experience..."

The white clothed priest browses tightly knit, and said furiously: "When death is imminent, it is also boosted shamelessly, three Demon head dragon, tear this kid to pieces for me!"


The three demon dragon head burst out with a violent roar, which immediately spouted from the mouth. A fierce attack of three different elements.

"Meet force with force? I like this way of fighting very much..."

while speaking, the Azure Dragon holy gun in Feng Yixiu's hand slowly fades away, and One of the things that dissipated was the Azure Dragon holy armor on his body.

Replaced by the Primal Chaos Demon sword and gluttonous demon armor, Feng Yixiu instantly turned on the Shura mode!

Feng Yixiu watched the three powerful elemental attacks approaching violently in front of him, he slowly spread his arms, and the mouth of the gluttonous demon armor faintly glowed with a faint magic light. ……


I saw the horrible lightning mixed with the power of fire and frost to completely devour Feng Yixiu.

Between the entanglement of energies, an extremely terrifying elemental explosion circle was created, making Feng Yixiu's silhouette completely submerged in the dazzling energy light cluster.

When the blood Spirit Master elite on the side saw this scene in front of them, they were also shocked from ear to ear.

They rarely see the priest personally take action, but they did not expect that there would be such a terrifying destructive power......

"It is indeed the priest, but this is a trick. The kid has scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!"

"Isn’t this obvious? Don’t say that this kid doesn’t have the Ultimate Battle Spirit anymore, even if it does, I’m afraid it’s not the priest’s. Opponents..."

"Just now this kid was still boasted shamelessly, didn't expect that he couldn't survive a move. It's ridiculous..."

A lot of blood Spirit Master The elites thought that Feng Yixiu had turned into flying ash, after all, the explosion in front of him was too shocking.

Even Level 8 Blood Spirit Venerable may not be able to resist this terrifying destructive power, even more how Feng Yixiu only has Level 7 Battle Spirit respect realm......

But only Only the white clothed priest did not take it lightly, but looked up at the surrounding ice vines and found that the ice cage did not disintegrate at all, and there was even a faint tendency to become more dense...

white clothed The priest's brows couldn't help but frowned, and his face became a little bit blue. He said to himself: "What's going on..."

"Are you talking about me?"

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu's familiar voice came out again, it didn't look like an injury at all.

In an instant, the harsh laughter disappeared completely, replaced by the sound of suck in a cold breath.

"Swallow Heaven and Earth!"

Under Feng Yixiu angry roar, the energy explosion circle that was still raging began to shrink rapidly.

A huge vortex swallowed all the elemental energy around it, and there was nothing left...

I saw a huge bloody mouth wide when Feng Yixiu was alive. open like a sacrificial bowl, it is this bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl that absorbs all the terrifying attack energy of the three-headed monster!

After the phantom blood mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl disappeared, Feng Yixiu's gluttonous mouth, which was originally gloomy, burst out with dazzling rays of light, like a fiercely burning furnace...

"Gourmet Mouth! You actually absorbed Gourmet Demon Orbs, how is this possible!" The white clothed priest recognized Gourmet Mouth at a glance, and looked at Feng Yixiu in front of him with an incredible expression.

"Thank you for giving me so many high-quality demonic energy, but I still haven't eaten enough..." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, indifferently said.

"Impossible! How could someone be able to absorb two magic beads at the same time? This is absolutely impossible..." The white clothed priest kept shaking his head.

"hehe...what's surprising about this, I'm still ready to absorb the Demon Orbs, but I don't think you have a chance to see..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said casually.

"Feng Yixiu! It's no wonder that the crowds value you so much. You are indeed different. Even if I am perish with you today, I won't let you continue to grow!" The white clothed priest looked on He stared at Feng Yixiu with fear, and said sharply.

"Oh? Then I see what abilities you have, just let it out..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said softly.

"The three-headed magic dragon, gluttonous mouth can only swallow elemental energy, you can only use physical attacks, and must not use elemental attacks again!" The white clothed priest commanded with a familiar face.

hearing this, the various elemental power brewing in the mouth of the three-headed magic scorpion slowly disappeared, but moved towards Feng Yixiu rushed over.

"Even if you don’t use elemental attacks, my three-headed monster is still the ultimate Battle Spirit, so you can’t stop it!" The white clothed priest quickly changed his combat strategy. said with a sneer.

"Is this going to compete with me for physical strength? I am not afraid!"

Feng Yixiu's mouth slightly raised, looking coldly at the moved towards the three who rushed over. The Head Demon Jiao had no intention of avoiding his sharp edge at all.

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly put his hand on the Primal Chaos Demon sword that was not unsheathed at his waist, and the Chaos Eye on it suddenly opened!

But unlike before, the magic light released by the Eye of Chaos at this time is more powerful, and this will also have a certain relationship with the gluttonous magic armor.

Not only is the mouth of gluttonous absorbing a large amount of high-quality demonic energy, but the other is that gluttonous magic armor and the eye of chaos have formed a subtle resonance, and the formidable power is better when they complement each other. In the past...

In an instant, the three-headed Devil Flood was caught off guard and plunged into chaos, and the blood-red vertical pupil fell into chaos.

Feng Yixiu slowly sank, and the high-density demonic energy condensed from the mouth of the gluttonous gluttonously merged into the Primal Chaos Demon sword, and the originally dim Primal Chaos Demon sword became abnormal. Dazzling!

The Primal Chaos Demon sword seems to be coated with a weird purple magic light, emitting bursts of ink purple high-density demonic energy......

In an instant, Feng Yixiu seems to be Entered into a state of being extremely mysterious and abstruse, the powerful demonic energy is like the coming of Demon God!

"Pulling the sword-cutting the air!"

No one can see if Feng Yixiu has drawn the sword. His speed is already so fast that naked eye is hard to see.

I saw a slender moon sword qi horizontally and horizontally, surrounded by these three different colors of high-density elements, and moving towards the three-headed demon that has not yet awakened at a very fast speed. Cut off the Jiao!

With this sword, Feng Yixiu gathers all the high-voltage demonic energy stored in the gluttonous magic armor, and the formidable power is several times larger than before...

at the crucial moment At this moment, the three-headed magic scorpion suddenly awakened under the call of the master to hit the spirit, but what was facing was the sharp full moon sword qi!

The three-headed demon dragon has no time to avoid it completely. It can only be subconsciously moved towards the side and moved his head...


Full Moon sword qi instantly chopped off the left head of the three-headed Demon Flood, without any obstacle at all!

The remaining two heads of the three-headed magic floodwater looked towards the left, but only the pillar of blood rushing like a fountain...

Severe pain and fear III The Head Devil Jiao couldn't help trembling all over, and it could even have a foreboding that if it didn't move its body in time, it might be cut in pieces!

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