Everyone returned to their bedrooms to rest after dinner.

Feng Yixiu was not drowsy at the moment, and saw that he took out the magic beads from the storage ring.

"Father said that I need to absorb four magic orbs, but he did not say whether it can be absorbed now. I will absorb this magic orb now. There shouldn't be any problems..." Feng Yixiu looked at the frowned devil beads in his hand.

"Forget it...I'll go and ask father first, by the way, ask about system."

while speaking, Feng Yixiu slowly closed the pair Eyes, Xuanyi calmed his mind and gradually entered a deep meditation state.

I saw Feng Yixiu open the sacred door again, only to find that the first-generation Saint Spirit King was already waiting for him.

"Father, do you know that I am coming? Why are you waiting for me every time I come..." Feng Yixiu walked to the side of the first Saint Spirit King with a smile on his face. laughed asked.

"As long as you enter the Spiritual Consciousness space, I can perceive your existence. Maybe this is the father and son connecting the heart..." The first Saint Spirit King responded with a smile.

Feng Yixiu scratched his neck somewhat sorryly, laughed and said: "I said father, you are too numb!"

"hahaha...you smelly brat !" The first generation Saint Spirit King poked Feng Yixiu's forehead lightly, said with a smile.

"Father, I think you seem to be in a good mood, is it possible that is there any good thing?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and asked.

"This is still the blessing of you brat. After you have absorbed the Black Tortoise Seal, your mother finally does not have to guard the White Dragon seal all day. I also have the opportunity to communicate with him, although I still can’t We can only meet each other for a few minutes a day, but to me, it is extremely precious..."

The face of the first Saint Spirit King was suddenly filled with a happy smile, and the whole person seemed to be young It's like a teenager.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also showed a gratified smile, which is more important to Feng Yixiu than the power he remembers from obtaining the Black Tortoise Seal.

If Feng Yixiu is not wrong, the parents have not had any communication for hundreds of years. This is an extreme pain for both parties.

Even if it's just a few minutes of spiritual communication a day, it is already a rare spiritual sustenance for them!

"Father, if I gather the Four Holy Seals, will you have a chance to meet?" Feng Yixiu said with excitement.

"I think there should be no problem...maybe you can also see your mother Chihiro at that time." The first Saint Spirit King thought for a moment, and said straightly.

"That's really good!"

Feng Yixiu clenched his fists in excitement, and secretly made a vow, must gather the Four Sages as soon as possible!

"Okay... let's not talk about it, you brat should be here today to ask for something, right?" The first generation Saint Spirit King showed an intriguing smile, indifferently said.

"hehe...then I can't hide anything from father you! Child really has some questions hidden in my heart for a long time, but I don't know if father can help me out." Feng Yixiu is somewhat sorry He touched his nose, laughed.

"If you guessed correctly, you probably want to ask about the origin of the system in your body, right?" The first Saint Spirit King smiled slightly and said solemnly.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly contracted, and father really knew the secret of his own system!

But why did father never mention this to himself before?

"Father, you know this, but why didn't you mention it?" Feng Yixiu asked impatiently.

The first-generation Saint Spirit King shook the head helplessly, and said: "child...It's not that I don't want to mention it, but I just learned about it."

"Did you just know about this?" Feng Yixiu also had an unbelievable look. After a moment of deep thought, he asked: "Is it related to mother?"

"To be precise, there are indeed some Relationship, but the most important thing is the function of the void bloodline in your body. The void bloodline in your body allows you to acquire this peculiar ability." The first Saint Spirit King said with a serious face with his hands behind his back.

"Father, can you make it a little bit clearer, it's all confusing to me, what does this have to do with the bloodline in my body?" Feng Yixiu was full of big question marks, asking road.

"According to your mother's description, the role of your system can obtain accurate data of all devil beasts and battle spirits, and you can also obtain the complete evolutionary tree of all battle spirits and devil beasts. This ability is convenient It is the ability of the all-seeing eye, and there is another ability that can fuse low-level demon cards to produce higher-level demon cards, isn’t it?"

The first-generation Saint Spirit King stared at Feng Yixiu's eyes were serious.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu was stunned. This is indeed no different from the role of the system he owns!

The ability of the system is to integrate and obtain data, and these two capabilities have played a vital role in the growth of Feng Yixiu.

Without the help of the system, Feng Yixiu, who has no foundation, may not be able to achieve this proud achievement...

"father! Don't sell it anymore, hurry up Tell me what's going on!" Feng Yixiu grabbed the arm of the first Saint Spirit King a little excitedly, and said excitedly.

"This matter is a long story..." The first Saint Spirit King's eyebrows suddenly became a little heavy.

"Then you can make a long story short, shouldn't this be left to me by you and mother?" Feng Yixiu couldn't wait to speculated.

"I don't have the ability to possess great magical power, and your mother only helps you control this power. To be precise, this is not the work of my and your mother." King shook the head, indifferently said.

"Then, besides you and your mother, who else has the ability to reach the sky?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, quite nervous.

The creator of this extraordinary ability must not be a mortal. If even the first Saint Spirit King and White Dragon King could not do it, Feng Yixiu would hardly imagine any existence with such a supernatural ability. Conventional power...

"This ability of the all-seeing eye, and the creation of something from nothing, do you think anyone else has this ability besides the gods?" Spirit King brows slightly wrinkle, asked rhetorically.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu is stupid, and his head is completely blank.

Good guy! Is the system in your body the hand of a god? !

"Father, do you mean that the system in my body was created by gods? But why did this extraordinary existence choose me?" Feng Yixiu took a deep breath and adjusted his out-of-control emotions, said solemnly.

"Perhaps because of the unique and unmatched void bloodline in your body... After all, I haven't touched that level yet, and your mother may know more than me. I can only take her original words Retell it to you." The first generation Saint Spirit King said with a solemn expression.

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