"But why didn't mother tell me personally?" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle and asked rhetorically.

"Child...Actually, your mother didn’t want you to be too strong at first, and didn’t want you to fall into the vortex of vengeance and pain. The reason why he helped you unlock the power of Void God was just hope You no longer suffer and are no longer bullied, but with the passage of time, your performance has also made a huge change in your mother's thinking, so you have been cooperating with you to control the release of Void God's power." King said with a serious face.

"Mother...you are really hardworking, and I will never let you down..." Feng Yixiu lowered his head silently and muttered to himself.

"Child, when I communicated with your mother these days, I found that she can understand and support your ideas, and she is extremely proud of having your son!" The first generation Saint Spirit King patted Feng Yixiu's shoulders, his eyes firm.

"Father, since this system simply is a divine force given to me by the void will, what abilities are included?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"among which is included The ability of the all-seeing eye, you can easily see through all things attribute is this ability, but because your mother helps you control it, you need the cooperation of your mother. , So there will be some delay. If you completely awaken the void bloodline in the future, then this ability can be completely mastered and become your own power."

"And another ability name For creation, this ability allows you to integrate creation, and this is why you can integrate low-level demon cards to create high-level demon cards, but this is not the true state of Void God power, the strongest Void God Force can create something from nothing!"

"As for another power called destruction, this power is extremely terrifying, and now you have no ability to use it, and this ability is opposite to creation. Yes, the strongest Void God power can even return everything to the void!"

The first-generation Saint Spirit King, with his hands on his back, began to patiently explain the role of Void God power.

"Oh my God... creation and destruction, and this all-seeing eye, isn't this equivalent to omniscience and omnipotence..." Feng Yixiu said with a look of horror.

"In theory, this is the case, but this terrifying Void God power is not easily controlled by who, in your current state, if you completely unblock the Void God power, I am afraid that it will instantly turn into The emptiness dissipated..." The First Generation Saint Spirit King said with a serious face.

"Since it is the power to create all things, why can I only fuse magic cards, can I create other things besides magic cards?" Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

"Naturally, it can be done, but for us Battle Spirit Master, the wealth in the earthly world is of little significance to us, and the magic card is the most important to us, not Is it?" The first-generation Saint Spirit King smiled slightly, indifferently said.

"It’s true, but I recently got a Disaster Grade other 梼杌 crystal core, the degree of preciousness is naturally needless to say, but it’s Disaster Grade, it has not yet reached the immortal level devil beast Crystal core..."

After that, Feng Yixiu put on an expression that you understand, and then smiled and stared at the first-generation Saint Spirit King in front of him.

"The crystal nucleus, this is indeed a rare unique treasure...Then I will communicate with your mother. It just so happens that I still have another opportunity to communicate with your mother today." King also knew the meaning of the crystal nucleus, and agreed without hesitation.

Only the first generation Saint Spirit King slowly closed his eyes, but after a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes again.

Feng Yixiu saw father wake up, immediately leaned forward, and eagerly asked: "Father, how is it?"

The first generation Saint Spirit King smiled slightly, indifferently said:" If your father is on the move, there is no problem naturally. You can open the system interface and try again......"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu was also overjoyed, even if he followed the instructions of father to open the fusion interface.

This interface can only be seen by Feng Yixiu. In fact, this is only the product of the spiritual communication between the White Dragon King and Feng Yixiu. Simply there is no entity produced, even the first-generation Holy Spirit King. Less than.

Sure enough, the card slot of the original demon card has undergone a little change. It is no longer a simple card slot, but has been upgraded to a three-dimensional circular storage bin.

In this way, Feng Yixiu can not only fuse devil cards, but also create devil beast crystal nuclei, and even other items...

It's just other things. Compared to the devil card and the devil beast crystal core, it doesn't seem to have much meaning.

"Thank you mother!"

Feng Yixiu knew that mother could hear her, so he bowed and thanked him immediately.

"Child...This is your ability. I'm just afraid that you will go astray when you are young and frivolous, but now that you have grown up, it's time for me to let go."

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu's mind suddenly heard a soft and loving voice, instead of the cold electronic sound before.

In recent years, the White Dragon King has also worked hard to hide his identity. In order to convince Feng Yixiu that this is the function of the system, he can always use cold mechanical sounds to communicate with Feng Yixiu.

Now there is no need to hide his identity, so the White Dragon King does not need to use cold electronic sounds, but uses his original voice to communicate with Feng Yixiu.

"Mother, you have suffered so much for me. I know that everything you have done is for the good of the child. Now that the child has grown up, it is time to do something for you. One day, the child I will definitely let you and father meet again!" Feng Yixiu's eyes were firm and said solemnly.

Because the White Dragon King is in a weak Remnant Soul state, every time she communicates with Feng Yixiu, she pays a huge price. A sentence or two is the limit she can do now, so she didn't give a response.

But Feng Yixiu was able to feel the joy and comfort in his mother's heart!

"Child...Your thoughts, Chihiro will definitely be able to feel that, since you are here today, I will grant you the Fourth Style in the Eight Styles of Nicha!" The first Saint Spirit King caressed. He said softly while holding Feng Yixiu's head.

Feng Yixiu heavily nodded, and immediately said with a slight smile: "Okay! I will go to China Foreign Domain in a few days, and now I have time to hone my Spear Art."

"Foreign Domain is no better than in China. You must be careful everywhere, take care to protect yourself, and never get involved in unnecessary disputes." The first-generation Saint Spirit King brows slightly wrinkle, said solemnly.

"Child knows, since there are eight forms in Niluan Eight Forms, why don't you teach them all at once?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.


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