"What the old Chu said, let alone a lieutenant general, even if one day I become an admiral, or even a marshal, I will still be your Junior..." Feng Yixiu Some sorry said.

"Okay, okay...I know you brat is a busy person, there must be something you want to ask me, right?" Old Chu's cloudy eyes revealed a hint of shrewdness, and he immediately asked with a smile. .

"hahaha...you can't hide anything from you!" Feng Yixiu touched his nose in embarrassment, and said with a slight smile: "Have you studied the Black Tortoise Holy Spirit?" ?"

"The Black Tortoise Holy Spirit is one of the four Great Saint Spirits. I naturally have a deep research. It is also the only Legendary Holy Spirit composed of two Battle Spirits......"

Whenever Mr. Chu talked about Battle Spirit-related knowledge, he would immediately open the chatterbox and talk endlessly!

"As expected of Huaxia Research Spirit World Number One Person, no matter what it is, you can’t be bothered ..."

Feng Yixiu patiently listened to Mr. Chu’s words, among them He has never heard of many of his unique insights, and of course he has benefited a lot.

"Who said I am Huaxia Research Spirit World Number One Person, old man can laugh it off, but you brat say that, how do I feel that you are taunting me?" Chu old browses slightly wrinkle , Said solemnly.

"I don't mean it, I really feel admiration..." Feng Yixiu laughed.

"You brat, don't come to this set, I am convinced of your spiritual research skills anyway!" Although Old Chu said so, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and then he asked Said: "You just said what you want to ask?"

"I got a holy Spirit Treasure book these days, I don't want you to help me find a suitable Battle Spirit... …" Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"You...you brat got another holy Spirit Treasure book? Wouldn't you want to get the fourth Battle Spirit!" Chu said while staring.

The reason why Mr. Chu is so excited is because with Feng Yixiu's current situation, it is absolutely impossible to get another Battle Spirit.

Three Battle Spirits are already the limit of Feng Yixiu, and even in the history of the entire Battle Spirit world, it can be said that there are miracles, and the four Battle Spirits can't even think about it!

"No, no...what I say is half a student of you, so naturally I will not do this kind of courting death. I am asking for my Big Brother Han." Feng Yixiu hurriedly explained.

"Hoo... scared me to death, I thought you couldn't think about it!" Mr. Chu was slightly sighed in relief, and immediately said with a serious face: "If you didn't guess wrong, you want to That kid Han Xiao moved towards Black Tortoise and the direction of the Holy Spirit evolved?"

"Yes, this is Big Brother Han’s dream. I promised him before, so naturally I can’t break my promise..." Feng Yixiu nodded, said solemnly.

"Dual Battle Spirit is indeed a necessary condition for the direction of the Holy Spirit moved towards Black Tortoise. This kid is also very lucky. He was able to obtain the Holy Spirit Treasure Tome, but this is comparable to the existence of the Serpent. It's easy to find..." Mr. Chu is also a bit difficult, frowned.

"Don't you know where these exist?" Feng Yixiu asked unwillingly.

"It's not that there is no...just..." Old Chu hesitated to say something, seemingly worried.

"Old Chu, you don't need to hide it. If it is too dangerous, I don't need you to say, I won't approach it easily." Feng Yixiu saw Mr. Chu's worries, and immediately Very sincerely promised.

"Okay...Last time you got the Innate Ape Spirit at the top of the Black Tortoise Tower, which is now the Fighting Sky Ape, and you are not curious that the top level of the Azure Dragon Tower is imprisoned What kind of devil beast?" Chu Lao said solemnly.

"I have considered this, and even asked the dean, but he also avoided talking about it. It seems that he has some concerns about the existence." Feng Yixiu touched his chin and responded.

"This matter was only known to a very small number of senior officials in China. You were originally not qualified to know, but now you are also the rank of lieutenant general. It can be said to be the mainstay of China. It doesn't hurt..." Old Chu said helplessly, shook the head.

"So, the top of the Azure Dragon Tower is also sealed with the Demon?" Feng Yixiu said excitedly.

"Yes...The reason why these four Great Saint towers were built is actually to suppress those strong demon beasts that can't be handled, and the rest of the demons sealed in them are just by the way. ......" Chu Lao browses tightly knit, said solemnly.

"The four Great Saint Towers were built more than three hundred years ago. At that time, the four Great Saint Spirit Kings had not yet passed away. It was a devil beast that they could not kill. How powerful should that be?" Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly contracted, surprised.

"It’s not that you can’t kill, but you can’t handle it, for example, your little empty space. Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King can feel the special and powerful of the unborn Innate ape spirit, but I don't know if he will be harmful to China in the future, so I can only seal it in the Black Tortoise Tower for the time being." Old Chu shook the head and said loudly.

I saw Chu Lao paused for a while, then opened the mouth and said again: "It turns out that the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King’s approach is very correct, otherwise you won’t have the chance to gain such a powerful The third Battle Spirit......"

"Then I really want to thank the Black Tortoise Saint Spirit King, his old man, otherwise I won’t see Xiaokong empty..." Feng Yixiu silently nodded, thinking Talk to himself.

"But unlike the Innate Yuanling, the situation of the devil beast held on the Azure Dragon Tower is different. It awakened once more than a decade ago and almost escaped. Azure Dragon Tower, if it weren’t for the suppression of Dean Ren and the Elders, I’m afraid she would have let her run away. According to Devil Ren’s description, this devil beast is extremely dangerous..."

Old Chu's expression is extremely Serious, said solemnly.

"Since you have mentioned the great Demon on the top of the Azure Dragon Tower, if you guessed it correctly, this should only be the devil beast of Ice Attribute, right?" Feng Yixiu quite said curiously.

Old Chu shook the head and said: "This devil beast is a snake-type Battle Spirit, good, but it's not an Ice Attribute."

"Not an Ice Attribute? But it's a ghost snake. Senior is the Ice Attribute? Doesn’t this mean that this Battle Spirit is useless for Big Brother Han?” Feng Yixiu said in a bit difficult to understand.

Since Mr. Chu mentioned this Battle Spirit, it is of course reasonable. If there is no value at all, according to Mr. Chu's pragmatic personality, he will certainly not mention it...

"It's not like that...Although this devil beast is not the devil beast of Ice Attribute, it does not mean that it is not suitable for Han Xiao, because it is an extremely rare Yin Attribute Battle Spirit!" Chu Lao shook the head with a serious face.


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