"Yes! Little friend Feng meant what I meant, our Raging Academy Temple is too small to accommodate you big Buddhas , so why don't you go back wherever you came from? ......"

The Dean immediately stood up to support Feng Yixiu's practice, and immediately waved his hand with an impatient look, indicating that those who did not have the status medal could leave.

Since this has already been said, the teachers and students who abandon their medals can only leave the venue of the celebration dinner in a dingy manner, ready to pack their bags and leave the Raging Scale Academy...

I am afraid that after this incident, Furlin Academy will become the well-deserved head of the four Saint Courts, and all voices of doubt will cease.

They have left the best Saint Court in China because of their unsteady will for a while. This regret may make them unforgettable for a lifetime...

"hmph... A group of short-sighted wall grass, how did you recruit these wastes..." Dean Ren watched the group of people go away with cold eyes, and then slowly sat on the position after gradually calming down his anger.

When Dean Ren turned his face and looked towards Feng Yixiu, he couldn't hide his appreciation and joy. He quickly laughed and said, "Little friend Feng, you are tired! Please sit down!"

Feng Yixiu's hospitality is difficult, and he can only sit down next to Dean Ren. This is a noble position that only the top of the Academy can do.

This also shows that Dean Ren has already treated Feng Yixiu as his own person, and doesn't care about other people's views...

"Little friend Feng, this time is you again Help me out, otherwise I would really be miserable by that Lin Xuan..." Dean Ren patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder with a smile, and then said softly: "You are making a face for me again. Our Raging Academy has a long face!"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "I have long regarded Raging Academy as my home. There is no reason to let others insult my home. I am the dean. You don’t have to be so polite..."

"The Spear Art you just used is really wonderful! It just gave me a look at it. Is this the Xuanji teacher taught you?" Some Dean Ren Curiously asked.

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Xuanji teacher shook the head with a wry smile, and said, "The dean would be too high to look at me. If I had such a Spear Art, I am afraid I would not It is nicknamed the Chiba sword saint, but directly called the gun god..."

"Oh? Since it is not taught by the Xuanji teacher, where did Xiaoyou Feng learn it? If you have something With expert guidance, I wonder if you are interested in coming to Rage Academy to develop?" Dean Ren looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile, and whispered.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu laughed helplessly, it turned out that Dean Ren was here waiting for himself!

But even if you dare to ask, you dare not accept it!

Feng Yixiu touched his nose a little embarrassingly, and said cheeky: "There is no guidance, I just figured it out."

"Oh my God! You realized it yourself, aren't you kidding me?" Dean Ren's pupils suddenly shrank, with an incredible expression on his face.

The difficulty of creating Spear Art by yourself, compared to learning Spear Art, cannot mention on equal terms, the difficulty can be said to increase by a geometric multiple!

"No...no joking, besides, I have been living in the manor. Is there anyone else in it? Others don't know, Xuanji teacher, don't they know?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

Xuanji teacher nodded, said solemnly: "Feng Yixiu is Martial Dao genius, not only Spear Art perception against the sky, but also the swordsmanship I use is also making me want to worship the wind. I am not afraid to be the dean’s joke. For so many years , I didn’t even have the nerve to teach Xiao Feng a trick of swordsmanship..."

"What? Xiaoyou Feng’s swordsmanship was also understood by himself?" When Dean Ren looked towards Feng Yixiu again, he seemed to be looking at one. evildoer.

Little friend Feng has a weird face and touched his neck, indifferently said: "Forget it..."

Anyway, there are too many lice, so I'm not afraid of biting, compared to the first-generation Holy Spirit King He and Molong Emperor taught himself, I am afraid that this statement can make people a little more convincing.

If I tell the truth, I’m afraid I’ll be laughed at by Dean Ren and Xuanji teacher...

"Good guy! You guys are really a peerless evildoer! But I don’t know why, I always feel that Xiaoyou Feng’s Spear Art is a bit familiar and seems familiar.” The Dean browses slightly wrinkle, muttering to himself.

"Oh? Have you seen it before as the dean?" Feng Yixiu asked rhetorically.

"I haven't seen it before, but I always feel very familiar..." Dean Ren touched his sorrowful stubble, and immediately slapped his thigh, excitedly said: "I remember Now! I found that the imposing manner of your Azure Dragon holy gun is very similar to the first holy Spirit King recorded in history, especially the back image seems to be carved out of a mold!"

"Hmm... …Listening to what the Dean said, I also feel quite alike..." The Xuanji teacher also echoes nodded.

Feng Yixiu touched his nose awkwardly, whispered, "You feel so accurate..."

" Feng Yixiu , what were you talking about just now? "The dean said curiously.

"It’s nothing, I’m saying you really dare to think, the first generation Saint Spirit King is one of the pioneers of China, how can I mention on equal terms with the great man..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said.

"hahaha...I am nothing serious. That is a great man of more than three hundred years. I am already disrespectful to say here. No wonder the Lord Spirit King of the first generation..." Ren Yuan A very respectful long moved towards Void cup one fist in the other hand, pious way.

"It doesn't matter, I forgive you for his old man..." Feng Yixiu laughed.

"You brat really climbed up the pole!" Dean Ren tapped Feng Yixiu's forehead with a serious face, and then condensedly said: "This kind of joke can't be messed up. The old man will be angry when he hears it!"

Feng Yixiu touched the big bag on his forehead, only smiling.

My dad is not as stingy as you guys think!

"Okay, okay... You have done a great job for the Furin Academy. What should I reward you for?" Dean Ren touched his chin, said solemnly.

"hehe...If the dean really wants to be rewarded, I have a little idea." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, opened the mouth and said.

"Oh? It's rare for Xiaoyou Feng to take the initiative to speak, so how can I refuse it!" Seeing Feng Yixiu's uncharacteristic, Dean Ren agreed without thinking, and immediately asked again: " I don’t know what rewards you want, as long as I have it at the Academy, I will never refuse!"

"Then let’s it's a deal! You are not allowed to go back..." Feng Yixiu showed sly Smile, excitedly said.

Dean Ren looked at Feng Yixiu, who was as savvy as a Small Fox, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but now that he has agreed, there is no way out. He simply patted his chest and said:" I, Ren Tianze, has always been one word worth nine sacred tripods. I said that as long as you are in the Rage Scale Academy, you can choose whatever you want!"

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