"It's not right...this black liquid seems to be able to absorb my spiritual power." Feng Yixiu whispered secretly.

Feng Yixiu swiftly dodged the attack of the eclipse roar, and that unstoppable blow struck heavily on the boulders on the shore.

I saw that huge rock was instantly frozen, and the plants within a hundred meters of radius gradually began to wither...

"Is this the unique feature of Yin Attribute Battle Spirit? Much more powerful than I thought..." Feng Yixiu sighed involuntarily looking at the scene on the shore.

If you are hit by the black liquid that contains Supreme Yin Strength, you will peel off even if you are immortal!

"hmph...you brat's reaction is quite fast!" Coldly smiled, and immediately disdainfully said: "How? My formidable power of eclipse water is not bad! "

"The formidable power is so-so, but the accuracy is a little bit worse..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said differently.

"hmph...this is just the beginning!" The eclipsing python coldly snorted, and even dived its huge body into the pitch-black lake.

After Han Xiao smashed the last black liquid python, he rushed to Feng Yixiu's side immediately, frowned: "My spiritual power has been absorbed by half, this guy's strength is really strong. ......"

"I'm not afraid of the opponent being strong, I'm afraid that the opponent is not strong enough, otherwise it won't make sense for us to come here, right?" Feng Yixiu stared at the lake below earnestly, saying solemnly.

"hehe...Captain said that it turned out to be my second Battle Spirit from now on, naturally the stronger the better!" Han Xiao began to flex his hands and exclaimed in excitement.

"hehe...you guys think a lot, let's figure out how to get out alive!"

"Great dark sky!"

I only saw peace The surface of the lake began to boil again, as if there was a huge amount of ink smudging in the water, dyeing all the huge lakes into pure black!

Just when Feng Yixiu and the others thought this was the limit, the land outside the lake began to be stained with ink, but after being infested by ink, all plants were naked eye The visible speed is withering...

And the air is also dyed with a layer of ink. Feng Yixiu, Han Xiao and the others only feel that everything in front of them is getting darker and darker, as if entering The endless night that can't be seen!

This is the fourth devil beast skill of the eclipse python, the dark sky!

Great Dark Dark Sky is an extremely powerful domain skill, which can not only plunge everything within the range into endless darkness, thereby depriving the enemy of vision, but also allow the creatures in the domain to be slowly eroded...

Feng Yixiu can only open the thunderbolt eye under this situation, but the range is extremely limited.

But compared to Han Xiao, it’s already good. Now Han Xiao is like a blind person. He can’t find North at all...

"It’s over, I’m blind. A..." Han Xiao's vision disappeared, feeling the endless darkness swallowing him, a little flustered.

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit said: "Don't panic... just temporarily deprived of vision. The most urgent thing is to find the specific location of the eclipse python, otherwise we may be consumed alive..."



But before Feng Yixiu came up with a countermeasure, a vicious giant beast roar sounded.

The Eclipse Python jumped out of the water unexpectedly and swallowed Han Xiao into his mouth in one mouthful. The whole action was like running clouds and flowing water, and the speed was incredible!

Feng Yixiu also reacted like lightning, Xuan even rushed up, and grabbed the tail section of the eclipse python that was about to submerge.

"Damn it! Spit Big Brother Han to me!" Feng Yixiu firmly grasped the tail section of the eclipse python to prevent him from submerging into the water.

But he still underestimated the terrifying power of the Titan Royal Family, and saw that the eclipse python began to shake its tail powerfully.

This incomparable gigantic and slippery body made Feng Yixiu no focus at all, and he was thrown off without holding on for a few seconds!

The power of the eclipse python is so staggering. This flick directly flew Feng Yixiu out of several hundred meters, knocking down dozens of dead trees before stopping.

"Damn it! You forced me..." Feng Yixiu quickly got up from the ground, even if summon got out of the azure jade dragon.

Originally thinking of conquering the eclipse python with his own power, maybe the other party would recognize Han Xiao and himself more, but he still thought too simple.

It is the first time Feng Yixiu feels struggling with power confrontation. The key is that the opponent does not give him a chance to fight in close quarters at all. It is clear that he has to defeat them separately!

As expected to be the daughter of Yemengade , this combat capability is really a mess...

I saw Feng Yixiu driving the Tianqingyu Linlong without the slightest hesitation. He plunged into the water and tracked the specific location of the eclipse python based on the movement of the water.

The underwater undercurrent is very turbulent, and seems to be fighting. Feng Yixiu did not spend too much energy to find the exact position of the eclipse python.

Then he saw a jaw-dropping scene, and saw that the abdomen of the Eclipse Python was constantly bulging, and her sharp fangs were missing a few.

"Damn...what the hell did this king ate, why is it so hard!" The eclipse python was constantly distorted due to severe pain, and his voice was trembling.

When Han Xiao turned on the Black Tortoise Seal, the defensive power was very exaggerated, and with the Black Tortoise Saint Armor possessed, the defensive power reached the Peak!

For the defensive power of pure discussion, Feng Yixiu dare not say that it can be compared with Han Xiao. It can be seen how terrifying his defensive power is...

Finally, God The Eclipse Python really couldn't bear the severe pain before vomiting Han Xiao out, and couldn't help but cursed a few words.

"Big Brother Han, I'm here to help you..." Feng Yixiu knew that Han Xiao could not see, so he could only remind him.

"Captain, don’t come here yet. I was on the bar with her today, and even dared to bite me. I haven’t experienced this kind of anger when Han Xiao grew up!" Han Xiao’s situation is not optimistic. The Black Tortoise Sacred Armor also has a lot of pierced tooth marks, many wounds on the arm and neck, and immediately opened the mouth and said: "If you don't fiercely teach you a greedy snake today, I won't surnamed Han! "

"Damn human beings broke the king's three teeth, absolutely can't spare you!" The eclipse python also rushed towards Han Xiao in a rage.

"hmph! Who is afraid of who! Xiaoba, leave it to you!"

While speaking, Han Xiaodang even went out of Tiangang to fight by water.

And Xiaoba was also confused when Summon came out, because there was only endless darkness in front of her, and the roar of unknown giant beast could still be heard faintly.

But before Xiao Ba came back to his senses, a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl bit its neck directly, even though he felt that a huge monster would kill himself to death Entangled.

The third Devil Beasts skill of the eclipse of the eclipse, the Deep Sea Embrace is launched!

I saw the strange black lines on the surface of the Eclipse Python body exuding bursts of light, and the overwhelming strength and size of the Titan Royal Family exploded!

"ka ka ka ......"

Tiangang chasing the water does not know what is going on now, but feels that his whole body is almost in front of this terrifying force. It was crushed!

The invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable tortoise shells were a little unbearable under this heavyweight strangulation, and made a shocking sound of shattering...

"gu lu ......"

Han Xiao can naturally feel what Xiao Ba is encountering at the moment, and at the same time, he is also glad that the eclipse python is only swallowing himself.

If you use this trick to deal with yourself, I am afraid you will be strangled into a pile of rotten meat...

Feng Yixiu looked at Xiao Ba who howled in pain, and shook his head with a tight brow. : "Big Brother Han said these cruel remarks, but Xiao Ba took the beating, Xiao Ba is really miserable..."

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